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Tempests Monster Hunting Blog: COMPLETIONIST CAPE ACHIEVED

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Fairly good day I guess you could say :P

My current goal now is to make 5m so that I can buy my BCP back, would actually have considered selling AGS to get my stuff back.... until that duo hilt lmao. SO i have from now till sunday to get 5m, shouldn't be to hard :)


Then I have no excuse not to beast cash for 99 Herblore :D


Night all <3


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Okay so did a really pro Sara trio with Jimmy and Dave, got like 55kc, but Dave altar'd at some point lol

Only got this,



So because we all had verac's we decided to go KQ.

It was pretty fail, and I got better drops off killing the guardians...



More Sara tomorrow hopefully :P

I'd like that hilt.


Oh and btw because I was bored I calced 96 herb cost. 320m. Making the overloads gets me 340k off 99 or so.

That was calced at buying the grenwall spikes at 2,500 each, fingers crossed lol


Night all :)


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Okay just had to post these calculations before I head off lol. Want to have them down somewhere.


72-84 Herb

3.4k Irits = ~14m

5k Kwuarms = ~28.75m

5k Limpwurt roots = ~8.5m

1838 Cadantines = ~7m

1838 Whiteberries = ~1.9m

5k Dwarf weeds = ~38.38m

5k Wine's of Zamorak =~6.8m


Total cost: ~105.33m


84-96 Herb

8200 Super energy (3) =~23.4m

8200 Papayas =~16.4m

300 Antifire's (3) =~1.2m

5k Avantoe's =~23.75m

5k Dwarf weeds = ~38.38m

3k Lantadymes =~20.5m

25k Grenwall spikes =~62.5m (probably going to cost a hell of a lot more lol)


Total cost: ~201.13m


All in all, 306.46m, thats with today's prices though. I think I will aim to buy the rest of the Irits first, then buy all the rest of the stuff needed for 84 at once.


So yeah, I have a lot of money making ahead of me lol.


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Nice looking bank. :o

If you want cheap herblore, I think pray pots are the best option currently. ;)


Thanks :)

But with Herblore what I'm planing to end up with at 99, is 8.25k Spec recoveries, 300 Extreme antifire's, 2k Extreme attack/strength/range and 3k Overloads. Perfect for a few months of monster hunting, where I hope to make all the money back lol


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I calced prayer pots anyway, in total it would only cost 245m. However I would need to make 138,000 pots. Would make this fast skill very slow and I would lose interest lol.


Also just adding to calculations from last night.


96-98 Herb

3k Torstol =~18.55m


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Well its good to see that the new Curses > any prayers period. I was wrecking Sara lol. Unfortunately CJ died as I tabbed, he lost 15m, hes at a a25m bank now :(


In my defence when I appeared in my house I was on 1hp, so yeah :/


Might go back to Sara later, for now just gonna go practice some dunks to wind down.


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Added in a section for Duo drops lol

Lets see if we can get some hilts racking up in there :)


Also hunting Pawyas isn't to bad. It requires more concentration then I thought, so I'm not getting bored easily lol

I'm also starting t feel as if I really need to get 96 summoning now, seeing as for any Armadyl or FFA bandos it would help so much. So if I need a gap filler and I can't be bothered hunting Pawyas I may attempt to collect charms. Currently need ~740 Crimsons for 93. Have just over half the blues I need for 95-96 also.


Now that I think about it, Bandos ffa duos, or Armadyl as well for that matter, would be so much fun lol. So that's more inspiration to me, if you think you'd be interested in any duoing or teaming, drop me a comment and we'll organise something :)


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Haha thanks :)


Okay just did some FFA bandos duo with dave. He got a freaking chest. I would have been happier if he got hilt tbh lololol.


Oh well gratz dave <3


Now lets go back lol

hmm this chest? lol


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Okay got caught up watching tv so no slayer level lol. Still only like 15k from level so thats easy enoguh for tomorrow.


I am now on holidays@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




But I'm out tomorrow :o


The plan is when I get back to do some Arma, yeah who the hell knows why lol?,and then some Sara, cause we all like hilts yeah?


Alright, night guys ;)


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