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What Did You Do On Your First Day On Runescape?


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lol funny topic




im pretty sure all of us had no idea what we were doing when we had out ast day on runescape well anyways dis was my 1st day




i come out of tutorial island and decide to explore around, i go to varrock and get killed by a dark wizard loosing everytin




i wanted to get everytin bak so i cut logs near da general shop in lumbrige and sold it to the store after wen i was able cut oaks i sold dat to the store




i got bored later so i killed rats and cooked there meat,i thought i really knew what i was doing bak den lol

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ok im not sure if this was on my first day, but i think it was. Me and this guy were trying to trade.








so i see the "so n so wishes to trade with you."








well of course, that was my first trade. I typed in "hacked punk wishes to trade with you."








the guys like ok trade. and thats when i realize theres a trade button.








Pretty embarassing lol.

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surprisingly i do remember my first day








after like 45 minutes on tutorial island, i finally came to lummy and was lvl 4! i made my rl friend so jelous








then after he left, i had no idea wtf i was doing so i just walked around. then some guy came up to me and asked if i needed help.








so i obviously said yes and he showed me how to get to varrok.








it took me about a week to learn how to use the bank tho








and after i died like 7 times trying to walk past the dark wizards, he either got my stuff or made me new stuff




i thought he was so freakin rich!








so about a month ago, im a member and was about lvl 76, when i actually saw him in the dueling arena








i was 76 and he was 72! i never thought i would have full rune and a d scimmy, let alone be stronger than him












now im lvl 84 and have whip, d legs, d med, obby cape, and full torags in bank




never thought i would even become a member, so if i had seen myself as a noob, i would pretty much die



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haha omfg lots of pretty funny stories but dude lsiten to my like first day maybe 2 lol cant remmebr. so this was back in runescape classic i some how aquired priest robes top and bottem and i was wearing them because for some odd resoan i couldnt wear the goblin armour =\ loL! yea any way some dude was liek sweet robes and trades me. i think u might have been able to trade equiped stuff back then in trade thingy because i wouldnt have managed to sell them since i was a noob. I got 1000gp or 1k was thinking i was a high roller in runescape.. i wanted soemthing all noobs wanted.... full bronz L331!!! lol anyway i see a guy with it and im like omfg dude ill buy that and trade him and give him 1k for full bronz.. then i lived happily ever after and now dont play as much... but any way hope you enjoyed that little tale of how a noob got full bronz!

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2nd story same day i try and equip a iron 2h but i cant cuz im a lvl 4 noob with liek 2 defence or soemthing and so im like what does dont ahbve the required lvl to qiled WTF RUNESCAPE WHY CANT IU WIELD AN IRON 2HANDER PLZZZZ IDE PWN THE GOBLINS WHYYYYYY?????? i never remeber how i found out how to wiled em lol

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ooh boy. old fond memories. i got myself stuck in lummy, and waited until i got my rl friend to help me. the first actual day outside of lummy was nearby the stone hedge. i walked to varrok and i died outside the stonehedge :wall: #-o


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I had a friend who was waiting for me to get tellied out of tutorial island at lumby. He was teh one who introduced me to rs. He and me wakled around RS and he showed me the various cities and told me about the wild. Its sad for me to say that he is no longer playing since he gained his last combat lvl(63) he was lvl 50 when we started, i was lvl 3. Now im a lvl 96...


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before i said:




i went straight to starting loads of quests (thats probably how i became a quester) and looked for the halloween drops on my way. then i got lost and ended up in edgevill, then i just started selling all the stuff i didn't need (like goblin drops and stuff)








NOTE: this was a sunday, so i was on most of the day








i forgot to menchan that the day after, i noticed giant rats were highers lvls in varrock... :-$

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I just wanted to go back to the island!








Come to think about it I still just want to go back to the Island...








An endless supply of wind strike!!! I could be like 99 mage! FOR FREE








actually he stops giving them to you after a while...








EDIT: need more bankspace! Can't get to full rune!















and this has what to do with the topic?

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Tried to get into Al-Kharid but didnt have the gp to get through so walked round and was killed by a scorpion (no run button). Friend was nice enought to get me the items back and full bronze. I was so happy



Dragon Drops: 2 x Dragon Legs, Dragon Spear

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On my first day I did the Cook's Assistant quest. That's all I can really remember from my first day, except I do remember that my friend who got me to join had to help me get to a bank, and then help me get the egg, flour, and milk.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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well i was about 10(6 yrs ago O.O), and i had played once before thisat a friends house ( all i did was randomly walk around for him for like 10 mins dunno y...)








i had finally figured out how to talk to the first guide ( i didnt notice the blue text in the left top corner, yet alone figure out to click on it!?!?) after i finsihed the toutorial i was in lumby doin nothing, as like most people i wanted to find this "wilderness" so i went as north as i could figure till i got owned by the dark wizards...yay!!








my friend told me money was easy to get, he said to get 30 mining....i had no clue where a mine was so i went looking, died a few times more.. then i knida quit for a few months -.-








edit: few months = like a few weeks until more kids at school played

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When i started idk hout to change stiles, so i just pressed ok, when i come to Lumbridge i start killin goblins. Idk hou to change attack stiles so i traned my att to 30 lvl. When one guy told me how to change stiles. I remember what idk hou to talk and trade :wall: all what i seen in game its goblins and castle lumbridge. Offter i forgot pass and i think i lost whys acc. Offter i started play again, whys is been my 1st acc where i gained hou to trade, talk, add friends. I trained it to 62lvl. Offter i got banned.




When i readet about members and scamms, and i started scammin 8-).




Its been realy money make. When i started i lost 2 accs. Offter i gained what are other tipes of scamm. I found web page which usernames and pass, whys page updated evere hour. when i started i got about 20-50k per day. offter i got about 100-300k per day. When i come member. I Wondered how its cool. When i see what i dont have in bank place i started buildin accs i buildet about 20 accs. in one accout i addet all magic in other swords...




I used droppin. Offter i lost about 10full runes :evil: , i started playn wich 2pc and traidin. When i gained about chiter programs scar and others. I made about 60scripts. Best my script been wc, i calculated what if i have 60wc lvl and cut willow i can got 99 wc in 1 whear 24hours playn.








Offter my main got banned wich more when 100m and other good stuffs.




I gained how hack memberships and other.... :ohnoes: :thumbsup:




However now i hate scamms hacks chiters and etc. Its booring :-k .




Now i made my 1st acc which out usin progs ! now its lvl 74 :wink: :mrgreen: and i have 0 blackmarks :pray: !




Whats my 3 years runescape history :D

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i found a way of training on tutorial island, i found you could train each stat to lvl3 before it maxed - so by the time i started out in the game, i was level 5 or 6 with all my possible stats at level three :)








i attacked chickens for ages, then i found out really high levels (like 25+) were buyin feathers for 5gp each and i had about 3000 of them. i sold them all and bought full bronze, then walked round like i owned the place :oops:

RSN: d35h1_5k4t3r


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Lol...My first day in runescape...All I did was kill goblins and get my woodcutting up behind Lumbridge Castle. I also spent a lot of time in the Lumbridge Swamp. It was like 3 days before I actually left Lumbridge, cuz I thought I would get killed or something.



| . . . . Pure F2P . . . .|


| sig8.png |

| 73 74 73 75 70 86 65 80 |

| sig9.png |

| 85 80 80 80 80 80 80 65 |


| Combat: 092 Total: 1235 |


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for the first day, and also the first month or so, all I did was go to the southeast varrock mine, mine tin/bronze, walk to the furnace in lumby, and walk all the way to varrock again to use the bars on the anvils. I did this over and over and over, then when I came across a newcomer map, I looked at it and wondered what falador looked like :lol:








Edit: and now I'm 81 cmb, 65 mining and 56 smithing :D





Check out my Aviansies guide, going back to February 2008! viewtopic.php?f=180&t=772125&p=6254788#p6254788




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on my first day i went out and went around the castle and was killed by something i think a thug maybe. so i go back there to see what happened and i see my stuff on the ground a higher level goes up takes some stuff and leaves i log out and dont play again for a couple months.

im not crazy everyone else is!!! unless im wrong


if you give a noob a muffin he will probaly ask for another and butter


scammees always believe the scammer nothing you can do

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the first day i started, i walked, and walked, and walked, and then after 30 mins of walkign i stoped




next daay: still walling and thn i learned of a wicked gadjetcalled a map, i dont know if uve heard about it, but it s call ed a map M A P maaaap. ::'

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