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Corrupt a Wish (IT's over Nine Thousand)


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granted but at the time you were there and you die




i wish that wishes didnt exist so there for i didn't make a wish which there for can not be messed up in any way!

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Granted. Now all of the children have to grow up without ever wishing, since wishes aren't existant, and anybody who tells them about "the old days" when there were wishes is in danger of a lawsuit :o






Now, how do you feel about making all of these children's lives wish-free? :( Now that one poor kid can never wish he was richer, and having no way to express himself, commits suicide at age 14. :uhh:








(((OK sorry about some of this that you may not understand, it's very late here)))

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wtf was that wish again? ok granted. you find yourself in a pit of snakes, scorpians, and cocaroaches. They crawl over you and turn into your army. you take over the world. and.... everyone is really grossed out.


this is what happens when you don't ask for a wish and I'm ready to grant one.




I wish that my cat wouldn't make me smile when she does imfuriateingly cute things like bite people I dislike....

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your friend hurrys up but falls on an ice cube then runs into u a old lady and a bomb that blows up your house and all ur friends in the world.




I wish i could be at 1m posts on tif :P


gwd drops:


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wtf was that wish again? ok granted. you find yourself in a pit of snakes, scorpians, and cocaroaches. They crawl over you and turn into your army. you take over the world. and.... everyone is really grossed out.


this is what happens when you don't ask for a wish and I'm ready to grant one.







I wish for a cookie.

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granted but..dang its burnt


i wish that muhahahahahahahahahaha!!!! nothing!!! :twisted:

If i got 1gp for everytime sum1 said the word "noob",I would have a full p hat set.

nahhh ill continue mis-spelling


^!click for blog!^

sigs by: woopidoo2|yaff2|4be2jue|me|guthix121

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granted but u get robbed


wish i was a level 126 in runescape

If i got 1gp for everytime sum1 said the word "noob",I would have a full p hat set.

nahhh ill continue mis-spelling


^!click for blog!^

sigs by: woopidoo2|yaff2|4be2jue|me|guthix121

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Granted, neither are you, because some ice creatures makes you along with your cousin frozen solid. :twisted:




Yes, you got that right, I'm posting, but don't worry, you won't see much of me for half of this month.




While on my vocation to London some days ago, I wish I could have more time to go to the London Bus, goddamn it, I only got there ONE day, and just to the next station.

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Granted, nothing happens, because I don't know at all how to fly, pilot school is not easy.




While on my vocation to London some days ago, I wish I could have more time to go to the London Bus, goddamn it, I only got there ONE day, and just to the next station.




Just because I'm taking a break doesn't mean you can just skip corrupting the wish, I can still read everything even though I only visit once a day. <.<




So please grant it AND corrupt it.

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Granted, but they have released a new bus, and the old london one doen't go anywhere.






I wish i could speak mandarin chinese


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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