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Corrupt a Wish (IT's over Nine Thousand)


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Granted. However, Silver Wits your fairy... was in a flurry... and she forgot to add the "ily" when she typed it in her furryfairy thingy and.. accidently added "o"........




I wish that fluffy the emo girl wouldn't kill me for making her from emily into emo... :ohnoes:

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Granted but in a randomly in a way not connected to this at all, you get hit by a van with a mattress tied to the front every time you sit down.




I wish for the person under me to say I didn't have a wish

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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You didn't make a wish!!




By the way wits, that "emo"/"emily" was sitting here last night in name brand clothing in charge of little kids. Than "emo" girl wasn't wearing a thread of black. Well, it may have had threads but what do I know? I'm fluffy! But that Emily girls still is an honors 9th grader and yeah. wits is just a 19 year old loser wannabe!!




I wish Falcon would have made a wish.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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granted. you get your own tv station. the ratings are really low though. only person that watches is your mom. and she just leaves the tv on. she sleeps instead.






You didn't make a wish!!




By the way wits, that "emo"/"emily" was sitting here last night in name brand clothing in charge of little kids. Than "emo" girl wasn't wearing a thread of black. Well, it may have had threads but what do I know? I'm fluffy! But that Emily girls still is an honors 9th grader and yeah. wits is just a 19 year old loser wannabe!!




I wish Falcon would have made a wish.




I wish that Fluffy would use small words so that I could understand what the hell she's saying... or just type in english. :|

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granted, now you understand stupididioties and all of the idiots that make up words but, now write like that too.




I wish for spatial flaws as the unreality will happen with a bomb.

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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Whatever you wish for you get.


Too bad there's a bomb attached to it.


[now if you wish for something without a bomb attached.... it will be something without a bomb attached, but with a bomb attached... understand?]




I wish that falcon just didnt call fluffy's language moroniese...


it sounds like mayonise.. and that makes me hungry.

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Granted: see above post!




I wish for silver_wits to no longer be hungrey as the kitty bears an apple pie of peace.

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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Granted. Silver Wits, the bottomless pit is full.


Although.. she doesn't like apple pie... she takes a thin slice to show her appreciation. she also gives the pie to lots of people who would appreciate it mroe. like fluffy and cravey and killerbook1, harrinator1, TBM, etc.




I wish that everyone would enjoy their pie. and not fight over it.

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Granted and I don't corrupt it so the game bends inward on itself and blows up... making everyone who is eating pie happy and then resumes after 3 days.




I wish for this smiley :evil: to become this one: :twisted:

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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ok then...but now people use huge font






I wish people would stop being so hypocritical...




and silver wits, can you please activate my account on your forums...and *_* do i sense small font?




and yay, i'm in your siggy

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