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Most Influential Clan of Runescape?


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[b] Who do you think was the most influential clan in Runescape?[/b]
[b] Why do you think said clan was?[/b]


I'm going to say Damage incorporated was, I know many people are going to troll me YOU WERENT DI LOLPWNZORS WANNABE. Ok yes I wasn't DI but I've gone against them many times, in all aspects of the game actually. Damage Inc. competed everywhere, their community was outstanding and they were just amazing. I mean some clans only had one thing they were good at, example DS was f2p when we went p2p we got decked on l0l. Ag was p2p single (mb mainly) we did two things crash p2p and mb, when we stepped out of those bounds we got decked on lmao. DI however, could compete in p2p multi and single, and f2p. Everyone wanted to be a part of their community, their site was almost as famous as Tip.it and RSC. You could go there and get laughs, discuss clans, and talk about pks. This is why I think DI was the most influential.



Currently in: Echo Of Silence


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Who do you think was the most influential clan in Runescape?

Damage Inc.


Why do you think said clan was?

They were dominant for so many years in P2P and F2P, and basically did what they wanted, when they wanted. At times they didn't really do much F2P or didn't take it seriously, but when they wanted to they could easily dominate the top 5 clans on any given day.


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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b] Who do you think was the most influential clan in Runescape?[/b]

ZQ unit


Why do you think said clan was?

Because I effect everything daily.


I joke. But IDK who the most influential is.


Solace Member

Silent Ember Warlord

Tko Blitz Trial Member

Condemned Army Member

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1. DI bassicaly bended the honor code they way they wanted,controlled rsc alot,.made some tactics both for p2p and f2p,pushed returning wars and planned wars and bassicaly helped killing spur pking,and many other stuff,top 5 in p2p/f2p almost all its history

2. DS , Also bended the honor code the way they wanted,really pushed the thing called as "anticrashing" and also returning,was kinda the first clan to not really care about what others said and just did what they want, wich I applaud,made famous many f2p tactics etc.

3. DF- Owns the UNC, manipulates the honor code and the clanworld in a way is not even funny,has alot of RSC power,and has forced alot of clans to adapt to their ways

4.NI- Many people are gonna be like "nah idiot" but saddampbuh was voted most influential person on rsc for a reason,Ni is also responsible for most of "NH" things wich arent that "Nh" anymore because their really common now,they managed to somehow expose all the 3 above for not being as good as they pretend they are,the old one got hunted by the best clans and always came through,etc.


5. Adel tbh, not gonna lie, one of the most solids communitys, the sigs,didnt suck up to rsc people, also did what they want, capeswitching, fake spams ,spying, etc.I think they introduced notorious things to the clanworld for good.EoS was like this too then adelais and eos became allies and when adelais closed most went to eos, so I wanted to kinda mention them too for introducing/exploiting notorious tactics most of the time for good, and always keeping it IN-GAME.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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DI obviously..


I don't see discussional value to a thread praising DI for the 100th time though.


Lol? Let people give their opinions before you decide what we can and can't talk about. Gl on being mod.


I'll go with a couple clans together, Ni and Dk. I'd say Nh clans have affected the clan world more than any other clan.


True Ownage Co-Leader


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DI obviously..


I don't see discussional value to a thread praising DI for the 100th time though.


Lol? Let people give their opinions before you decide what we can and can't talk about. Gl on being mod.


I'll go with a couple clans together, Ni and Dk. I'd say Nh clans have affected the clan world more than any other clan.

I'd decline mod status, thanks.


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Damage Inc.


DI was constantly a power in the clan world unlike clans like 'The' or BK where their numbers and power dwindled over the years. DI also was one of the first clans I ever wanted to join, but I couldn't reach the combat requirement (and I had no clue about rune sets, and the requirement regarding those.)


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DS/DI = Made Returning

Triforce = Mass Sniping

Gladz/The? (Can't honestly remember) = created tanking



Overseer of Tip.it Clan Tournament 2010


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`Stu` on #clans (irc.swiftirc.net)

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The Sabres, they created clanning.

i would like to disrespectfully disagree. it doesnt take a wiz kid to figure out that gang banging kids in the wilderness= more loot thus clans began.

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I'd say Wanderers/BDK Rivalry was the start of no honor/honor - Together i'd say they laid the foundation for honor/no honor and were the first "good" rivalry. - those two dominated the wilderness from 01-03 and before the wild - so i'd say they had the biggest and most profound early affect on clans. I'd actually give BDK the nod over wanderers for the lasting affect - quite a few members like robinhood, nitestalker and others went on to have

big roles in DI's early history - so did some wanderers as well though such as judiacator who was a general at one point. Its interesting how in rs2 members from both sides of the rivalry ended up in the same clan.


I'd say the Sabres/Messiahs come a close 2nd to that. honor/no honor rivalry thing.



I'd say DI has had the most impact on RS2 as far as making a legacy and love them or hate them - everyone [bleep]es/[bleep]edabout NI enough for them to of made an impact too :P

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really you should be more specific when you ask a question like this. You say influential, but influential how? Like which clan influenced people to war more, to war a certain way, influenced people to join their clan, influenced people to go away from rs clans, or join rs clans? Your question in my opinion is to broad and needs to be more specific. Otherwise you get what you got, people answering with the same answer everyy time, or just about every time.


also different times in rs, call for different influential clans. For instance if you joined clans back in 2003, you might think influential clans were wanderers, or THE, or BK, or gladz, or RSD, or BDK. But if you joined a little after that, there might be other influential clans such as DI, RSD, etc.


So with that said, I do not think one clan is more influential then another, unless it is specifically about something.

~Founder of the Legendary Clan ZeonicForce~


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really you should be more specific when you ask a question like this. You say influential, but influential how? Like which clan influenced people to war more, to war a certain way, influenced people to join their clan, influenced people to go away from rs clans, or join rs clans? Your question in my opinion is to broad and needs to be more specific. Otherwise you get what you got, people answering with the same answer everyy time, or just about every time.


also different times in rs, call for different influential clans. For instance if you joined clans back in 2003, you might think influential clans were wanderers, or THE, or BK, or gladz, or RSD, or BDK. But if you joined a little after that, there might be other influential clans such as DI, RSD, etc.


So with that said, I do not think one clan is more influential then another, unless it is specifically about something.


In my opinion, that didnt make any sense what you said (no offense/no disrespect)


whether you like it or not, clans all started somewhere; now i didnt know that the first clan to form was say 'The Sabres', but id sure say that they were influential since they were the first around and built some of the base ideas most clans have today. the time periods have no effect, just as a mark to show were ideas were made up if anything; i mean even the idea of using say 'Teamspeak' was something every clan later used, and it is considered something that influenced the clan world by a lot. whether you like it or not, the past is the past; what's done is done - the question spoke clearly what it wanted, and ever heard the term 'in general'? the question in general or basically just asked what clan but not how or why; you explain why/how in the second part if you read correctly.... (not picking on you, im just saying where you are kind of wrong) - you also didnt mention what clan in your opinion was the most influential...


OT: i personally agree with Das on this, the strike between honor and no-honor was probably the biggest factor in every clan that classifies one from another. Organisation, the way the clan works and its goals arent important unless a certain mentality exists and one can say it's the community that's most influential in a clan and how it reacts that is important.

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Ex-Legendz Old School

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The Sabres, they created clanning.
i would like to disrespectfully disagree. it doesnt take a wiz kid to figure out that gang banging kids in the wilderness= more loot thus clans began.


Without the original Sabres in Jagex's Cyberwars, 'The' Clan wouldn't have been formed to combat them. When the 2 clans transferred over at the start of RS and along with the first wholly RS clans ie Blacknights, Gladz, Jagz and the many clans that sadly didn't last the test of time, all of the mentioned spawning other clans either by ex-members or by rebranding on closure or simply by being an example to people who wished to start their own clan. Then maybe DI and the other clans suggested may not have even existed as we know/knew them. Just a thought that the suggestion may not be as daft as it sounds.




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