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A lot of people are asking Jagex to reset the game after Beta is over, which is stupid. :rolleyes:


Anyway, Jagex hasn't told us whether or not it will be reset, and they promised that it would be answered by now. It hasn't.


Anyway, who's quitting the game if they reset?


I see no reason whatsoever for a Reset. Unless there is ever a technical disability, which requires a complete reset, I don't think we should lose any of our progress.


I'll most likely end up quitting. The only way I would stay and continue to play is if Beta testers actually got something useful, and no I don't mean Jcreds. Jagex bribing us with Jcredits is outrageous. The store is already quite twisted, considering the price of the items. The fact that you can't use in game gold in the store is lame. I'd keep playing if Beta Testers were given something like a special Legend that has godly stats or something like that.

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A lot of people are asking Jagex to reset the game after Beta is over, which is stupid. :rolleyes:


Anyway, Jagex hasn't told us whether or not it will be reset, and they promised that it would be answered by now. It hasn't.


Anyway, who's quitting the game if they reset?


I see no reason whatsoever for a Reset. Unless there is ever a technical disability, which requires a complete reset, I don't think we should lose any of our progress.


I'll most likely end up quitting. The only way I would stay and continue to play is if Beta testers actually got something useful, and no I don't mean Jcreds. Jagex bribing us with Jcredits is outrageous. The store is already quite twisted, considering the price of the items. The fact that you can't use in game gold in the store is lame. I'd keep playing if Beta Testers were given something like a special Legend that has godly stats or something like that.


I want to start again after the beta, I need the hole of the Golden Horde to start again after beta because I currently play on another server, but want to join the GH after the beta has finished.


I don't agree with people who only play the beta's expecting something, you should have realised that from the start you'd walk away with nothing giving us anything is nice of them I'd be happy with the JCredits, you've just got to play a game before it's release date you've got the best gift ever.. Insight into the game.

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Ok so after playing for a few weeks I see some major issues.


Firstly - glitches: Nothing major...but I haven't seen them get fixed yet.

Secondly - Jcredits - ridiculously overpriced, you should definitely be able to use ingame gold to purchase stuff in the store. The way it is now I have no JCredits and without any construction speed boosters I basically just log in once a day, make a new building then leave. This game incourages afk - you can't really play it at all unless you have a huge amount of JCredits or whatever. Once a day is all I need to log in now and my stuff is around level 10...once I get higher it will be once every 3 days which is just stupid.


Oh and the fact people can attack you when you're gone? Also stupid...I haven't been attacked yet but I would like to be able to defend myself. The whole "game active when you're gone" idea is interesting, but just impractical, and to be honest makes for a [cabbage]ty game.


If they reset it after the beta, I won't continue playing. Otherwise, I'll just keep checking it as often as I check my hotmail...every few days.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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The entire point of games like WoL, Travian, TribalWars and Evony is to be afk more then 3/4th of the time :lol:

Also, if you want to set your defence, go to your parade ground and click the "defence" button, don't forget to choose "ride out" instead of "fortify" ;)

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A lot of people are asking Jagex to reset the game after Beta is over, which is stupid. :rolleyes:


Anyway, Jagex hasn't told us whether or not it will be reset, and they promised that it would be answered by now. It hasn't.


Anyway, who's quitting the game if they reset?


I see no reason whatsoever for a Reset. Unless there is ever a technical disability, which requires a complete reset, I don't think we should lose any of our progress.


I'll most likely end up quitting. The only way I would stay and continue to play is if Beta testers actually got something useful, and no I don't mean Jcreds. Jagex bribing us with Jcredits is outrageous. The store is already quite twisted, considering the price of the items. The fact that you can't use in game gold in the store is lame. I'd keep playing if Beta Testers were given something like a special Legend that has godly stats or something like that.


I want to start again after the beta, I need the hole of the Golden Horde to start again after beta because I currently play on another server, but want to join the GH after the beta has finished.


I don't agree with people who only play the beta's expecting something, you should have realised that from the start you'd walk away with nothing giving us anything is nice of them I'd be happy with the JCredits, you've just got to play a game before it's release date you've got the best gift ever.. Insight into the game.


Actually, I completely and fully expected when I first started WoL to play the game without any resets. That is because Jagex flat out told us that there would be no resets when the beta is over, and told us that numerous times. I still don't believe there will be any resets.

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I thought they announced that there would be resets during the Beta Period.


We're talking about whenever Beta status is declared over, whether or not Jagex will do a reset on people who were in Beta just for the sake of resetting -- not to fix any bugs.


Anyway, when I started playing, I understood it that the game was live and was just in Beta stage in order to work out a few kinks, so if they do a reset that isn't a last resort for a bug fix, then I'd seriously be pissed off because I've already built up a community on the game and stuff.


I agree. JCredits are ridiculous. With vouchers, it costs 50(!) vouchers to purchase one labour bill. With JCredits, you can buy one for 18 cred. Those are mandatory if you want to even be able to play, to be honest.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I wouldn't call Labour bills mandatory to play the game. They are great and offer a big advantage, but they are obviously not meant to be used for months. I guess people are complaining about them because they got used to building 5 things at the same time.


I do agree with the no-reset arguments though. They shouldn't erase everyones progress if they don't need to. I'm fine with resets if they are necessary to counter bugs, but a reset for the sake of a reset doesn't make a lot of sense to me.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Hi all,


I wanted to provide an update on the Red Dragon server as there seems to be some confusion and a lack of communication on this. My apologies.


As we have said before, the Red Dragon server is being used by us and the developers for extensive testing, which is why it was removed from play. Some players managed to find a way in however, by changing the URL.


Ultimately we were not overly concerned by these players, as they were not doing any harm, but I must point out that this server will not be available to play on for much longer. If you wish to continue playing on it, that is your decision, but it is not officially recognised by us as a Beta server and will shortly be unavailable.


My suggestion would be to make a new account on a new server before you spend more time on Red Dragon.


I hope that clarifies things.


If you wish to post about this subject please use the following sticky: Quick find code: 71-72-344-55481


Thanks. Source

Welp, guess im going to try another server. Shame, Red Dragon was nice and quiet. :P

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Hi all,


I wanted to provide an update on the Red Dragon server as there seems to be some confusion and a lack of communication on this. My apologies.


As we have said before, the Red Dragon server is being used by us and the developers for extensive testing, which is why it was removed from play. Some players managed to find a way in however, by changing the URL.


Ultimately we were not overly concerned by these players, as they were not doing any harm, but I must point out that this server will not be available to play on for much longer. If you wish to continue playing on it, that is your decision, but it is not officially recognised by us as a Beta server and will shortly be unavailable.


My suggestion would be to make a new account on a new server before you spend more time on Red Dragon.


I hope that clarifies things.


If you wish to post about this subject please use the following sticky: Quick find code: 71-72-344-55481


Thanks. Source

Welp, guess im going to try another server. Shame, Red Dragon was nice and quiet. :P


It shall be missed, and please no one rage on official forums. It's rather distasteful considering how often they emphasized that we wouldn't be able to get on reddragon forever. The biggest reason they took it down I would suppose was because reddragon pretty much became a test server for them to test updates before going out to the beta servers finding out if the servers can manage the update.

Like I said it was fun while it lasted, but I don't think I'll continue on in beta.

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Well, I officially quit War of Legends. I honestly don't care, though. It got pretty boring for me.


And it is a shame. Red Dragon was a nice server to play on, even though you had the :D bastards running around acting like A-holes.


Likewise, I'm not playing on a Beta server only to lose my progress at the end of the beta testing, so no thanks, Jagex. I'll stick with Runescape until my interest in that game totally runs out.


EDIT: By the way, Red Dragon is gone.


EDIT 2: I was in the Stellarstop CC and we were wondering how many Reddragon veterans quit the game, lol.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I'm gonna spend my last moments on the server invading all the : D people I can....and hopefully get another 2 azure stones to get to Justice Minister! I was soooo close! And then once Red dragon closes, I'm done, not restarting on another server at least till beta is over.


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Fail #-o


They've acknowledged that it's a typo on the forums. Kept wondering why taking out level 4 wildlands didn't work.


In other news, just got level 20 palace. You get 300k gold, 5k rep,(gold/rep from challenge) and FOUR new outskirts plots. So nice.



WOL Name: Sancren, Royal Garden

Sanmyth, King's Destiny

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In other news, just got level 20 palace. You get 300k gold, 5k rep,(gold/rep from challenge) and FOUR new outskirts plots. So nice.


COOL! My new goal.


Woke up this morning to find my city in ruins, my legend made a slave, all my resources gone, and my population/loyalty in the red. :cry: Ohh.. and to top it all off my attacker named me "GOOD DOG" or something lame like that.. :blink:



I was lucky enough to have 112 JCredits which I used to buy a "divine"( moved my city near the top dogs in our alliance for protection. <3: I also bought something called " Liberation " to take myself out of bondage. :lol:


Want to give a big thanks to the Alliance ( Fedorca and Stellactic ) for helping to assist me and saving my city from disaster. I did have a little riot in my city and most of my workers left because of hunger it was called a " Natural Disaster " in my report. Boy!! Not a very good morning for my city.


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To end the reset discussion:

Your continued support and feedback during the War of Legends Beta has been invaluable and much appreciated.


The feedback has allowed the developer to optimise the gaming experience and we are continuing to improve the game on a daily basis. Due to these improvements, we are happy to announce that we are not planning any more resets during the Beta, and we will also not be resetting the servers at the end of the Beta period.


We will continue to run the game as a Beta for a little while longer and will update the community as we get closer to the end of Beta period. We do have a few tricks up our sleeves that we want to implement before we officially call an end to the Beta period.


Thank you for your ongoing support, it’s been incredible!


Yay Jagex :thumbsup:



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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  • 9 months later...

Reading this brings back memories... :)


If anyone wants to know:

GH on the IP server is now #1

GA on the GT serves used to be #1 for a long time, but is now #2 after a merge (I think)

GH on the KD server is still #1

GH on the RG server is... well yeah, let's not talk about that :)

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