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Well the login screen is working perfectly fine, I just can't log in.


I swear, if they do another rollback...


Ugh and I have enough resources for that Logistics task (the one with the massive reward). WHY! WHYYY!


EDIT: Mod Mat K says they try to avoid a reset.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Hm, I'm kinda (alot actually) annoyed that this game is GOOD enough to make me want to play it, not RS, too bad everything i did got reset, once the servers get back online, could I join the golden horde? Must I be located in the frozen peaks to join it?

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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Well the login screen is working perfectly fine, I just can't log in.


I swear, if they do another rollback...


Ugh and I have enough resources for that Logistics task (the one with the massive reward). WHY! WHYYY!


EDIT: Mod Mat K says they try to avoid a reset.

He said that they would only turn to a reset as a last resort. It's pretty clear that something has gone wrong though, as something estimated to take 1 hour is taking almost 4 hours. I hope they don't reset the servers again, but if they can't fix the problem they are facing they will have to rollback everything.


It's a bit ironic though, I thought Mod Mad K said this downtime was because they were making a back-up, so accounts wouldn't be completely reset when they would reset the servers again, and guess what happens when they're making the back-up. :ohnoes:


Anyway, it seems like the 3rd party is doing most of the fixing, and Mod Mad K is just on the forums keeping the crows down. It doesn't seem like he knows much about the situation at all.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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In case they do reset the servers we need to know which area the golden horde will be in and which servers( Red Dragon, Royal Garden). I know this was a problem last time for original members.

The area will most likely be Frozen Peaks. as to which server, probably Red Dragon, since it'll be empty and everyone will automatically be placed in there i think.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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It might be because the people you are trying to add are on a different server then you are, idk if that matters or not.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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It might be because the people you are trying to add are on a different server then you are, idk if that matters or not.


Yes, that seems to be the problem. :angry: My main account is not on reddragon server.


EDIT: Royal Garden server is working.

Red Dragon server is down.


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Why are these always happening when I wake up?! (Yes, I know 2 isn't a good enough sample size, shuddup.)


Edit: I'm going to make a new Golden Horde on Royal Garden. Leader: Nanasek, someone i made just to get my WoL fix XD

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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This...is taking pretty long. I sure hope my resources are still collecting and I'm I put my tax to 40% instead of 100 :rolleyes:

Still, it won't mean anything if there is a reset again.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Hmm, I did some more research on the game and it confirmed my conjecture. There are special legends based on the story and you can go through difficult tasks to acquire them. But once you do every single one of them have high starting stats, they all have special items which only they can wield that will give them special abilities. They are very powerful but according to the players, not very game breaking. This is starting to feel like pokemon.


Also I think, and I am probably right on this one, there will be some sort of...campaign I guess? As in the Shang/Zhou start to fight each other, there will be special tasks for each side and completing it progress the story.


Guild Wars 2-In game screenshot, the MMORPG you are waiting for. Click for thread.

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ya this is getting plain ridiculace, talk about an advantage for the people on the server that is acctually working -.-

Actually, a mod just said that there will be different a different rank system for each server, so it doesn't matter at all in terms of fairness. I agree though, over 7 hours is plain ridiculous. But on the other hand, that's why it's a Beta.... Don't go acting like this is that unusual or unexpected for a MMO that just went online and needs to handle close to 4000 players for the first time.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Im starting to hope they do a rollback after the beta period. Anyone "Beta testing" the game now is loosing their 7 days without attacking period.

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Im starting to hope they do a rollback after the beta period. Anyone "Beta testing" the game now is loosing their 7 days without attacking period.


Peace is for wimps, anyways, you shall be able to re-enter the peace mode, with some draw-backs of course if I recall correctly.


After all, this is the WAR of legends, frankly I'm surprised that you couldn't start warrinf right after the beggining. I wanted to assault some newb's castle, so I tried changing my mode, too bad there is no "Hostile" mode, for that would be made of WIN.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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@[name] We have no plans to do an 'end of beta' progress reset.
Looks like they won't do that.

Anyway, anyone will have had the 7 hours of downtime. Some are affected more then others because of the different timezones, but this affect can only be measured after the game goes back online. For all we know, it can take like 6 more hours, so everyone will have had downtime when they would have played.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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