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The Hegemony (12th Feb = 2018, Part 2)

The Dark Lord

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Since we're used to cold winters here, have underwater settlements, lots of farms and do a lot of fishing I'm guessing I'll be one of those who'll survive the best.

Since alot of the underwater settlements collapsed, the farms in Scandinavia actually do become more productive(Cause it is getting warmer where it is cold), and the fish are dying in the sea because of toxins, and the ones that survive that are passing them on to humans...I would say that things are somewhat better than in other countries...but its still not wonderful.


The ozone layer would mostly be an issue for Japan, as that's where most of it is hitting.

You would think, but apparently not. The hole in the Ozone is actually spreading from the Antarctic, so Australia, South America, New Zealand and South Africa, are all getting increasingly effected. Similarly in the North, Canada, Britian, Scandinavia and Russia are getting a larger than usual UV....Japan is actually not getting that badly affected by it.

If the theory were correct, the ozone hole should be above the sources of CFCs

CFCs are well mixed in the troposphere and the stratosphere. The reason the ozone hole occurs above Antarctica is not because there are more CFCs there but because the low temperatures due to the polar vortex allow polar stratospheric clouds to form.[60] There have been anomalous discoveries of significant, serious, localized "holes" above other parts of the globe.[61]

(Replace CFCs with Nitric and Nitrous Oxide.)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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We eat a lot of freshwater fish too.


And I dubt many settlements were hit by the COSS (the rest couldn't have colapsed without reason as they were under developement for ten years, so any faults in the design would have been noticed), they were made pretty spread, I had some south of Greenland and some spread around the baltic sea, so maybe 5% of the settlements were hit, but most survived.



If this is due to global warming, then what the hell happened to the tree's I filled Greenland with?


Scandinavia begins planting Project Evergreen all over their part of the Antarctic and requests that Australia does the same.



Oh and when the ozone layer is reduced the UV rays from the sun dissolve the methane in the air and trapped inside the ice, also the heat causes ozone to form faster and "mend" the layer.





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We eat a lot of freshwater fish too.

Ok... That doesn't really make a huge difference since one assumes the majority of fish are not freshwater.


And I dubt many settlements were hit by the COSS (the rest couldn't have colapsed without reason as they were under developement for ten years, so any faults in the design would have been noticed), they were made pretty spread, I had some south of Greenland and some spread around the baltic sea, so maybe 5% of the settlements were hit, but most survived.

Nah, the Swiss discovered that they were mostly structurally unstable and in the evacuation most of them collapsed.


If this is due to global warming, then what the hell happened to the tree's I filled Greenland with?

Even if we covered the planet with trees, killed all the cows and stopped the factories, alot of the processes involved in Global Warming be stopped, we have already done the damage, now it is just limiting how bad it becomes.


Oh and when the ozone layer is reduced the UV rays from the sun dissolve the methane in the air and trapped inside the ice, also the heat causes ozone to form faster and "mend" the layer.


The dominating parameter influencing ozone generation efficiency is the gas temperature, which is controlled by cooling water temperature and/or gas velocity. The cooler the water, the better the ozone synthesis.

(This is for industrial production of Ozone, but the principle is the same)

Cold is better for the Ozone layer...however cold leads to polar vortexs which suck the chemicals which cause Ozone degredation into the Stratosphere, so really it makes little difference, since cold winters and hot summers mean the chemicals can go skywards, do their damage and then minimal repairs can be done before the next barrage.

Not to mention increased precipitation from the extra water, leading to more of Retechs Fertalizers being sent skywards.

The issue with Retech stopping using them is that Algae would pretty much cease growing by 2028, which would leave millions without fuel, restarting the oil craze, or a haphazard switch over to Hydrogen Fuel Technology, which would increase the levels of CO2 because not everyone, or indeed much anyone, buys hydrogen from SATO(not least because they don't sell much) thus the solar farms and clear nuclear energy solutions in that country arn't felt much anywhere else...much easier to just use coal or oil or gas or something else burnable.

So it would take nations putting themselves at a loss to stave off this global catastrophy...Probably another 25% off of Japan's GDP(since it supplies most of the world they have a virtual monopoly), with another 2% coming off the annual growth. Everyone who was using Algae fuel cars would be at a loss because they now have something pretty useless and would have to buy more cars, which might be good for SATO or Russia or other car manufacturing nations, but for everyone else it would be fairly pants.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Not even if you were the primary mod would you be permitted to destroy something I developed for ten years without anything happening to it.

They still stand there, no harm has come to them except a few barnacles on their outer walls.


Scandinavia begins a project in SIRO TEMP which is supposed to extract methane, vapour and carbondioxide, starting at 20 years, five less per nation that joins.





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Mather, 5 left is not 1% per two people... It will take between 18 and 20 years.


Sufficing to say that they collapsed, regardless of any claims you make. The Swiss reports conclusively show that the cities were structually unstable, and thus collapsed without much intervention, though submarine dockings and depressurisations as people tried to get out, probably contributed minorly, it is fairly clear, from reports, that the Swiss had nothing to do with their collapse.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Italy has overwhelmed central Africa with over 200,000 troops, very few casualities on either side, but it has lead to a militarisation of African Nations, making future invasions far more costly.


Spain has decended into Civil war, with the Loyalists on the one side and the Portaguese Sympathisers on the other. The new nation has taken the name Castile, and is working closely with Portaguel to build a fully functional economy.


The Federation has split entirely and irrevocable.

The Nation States in the Contient of America are thus:

Hawaii: Joined the the English Confederacy as the most stable part of the old Federation, as well as shared history.


Description: It's pretty much the same as it is today, but independent. It maintains friendly relations with the Californian Republic and the Little League of Nations.


Republic of Texas: Republic


Description: The Texas Republic is notorious for its propaganda and capitalism. It punishes criminals harshly and often invokes the Death Penalty. There is freedom of religion and speech and other key aspects of the US Constitution. The government is similar to the US government under a Neo-Conservative administration. This nation values education, a strong economy, a powerful military, and Christian values. The Texas government resents Columbia and the Little League of Nations, but it tries to keep status quo. It has considered joining the Little League of Nations.


Republic of Alaska: Republic


Description: This nation is reliant on trade and maintains a policy of neutrality. Alaskans are very proud of their country, but that doesn't stop them destroying large parts of it to drill for oil.


Republic of California: Republic/Elements of Social Democracy


Description: This is a very liberal nation with a decent military. The Californian Republic maintains good relations with the Little League of Nations and Latin America. Gay marriage is legal, as well as marijuana. The nation maintains a form of national healthcare.


United States of Columbia: Republic


Description: This intellectual nation upholds the values of the Founding Fathers. The culture is much like America circa 1880....except less Isolationist. Otherwise it has rampant laissez-faire capitalism, with the government's authority being strictly controlled. Tax rates are through the floor and all plans to nationalise anything are pretty much shelved after the Sherman Antitrust Act is repealed. Columbia is a founding nation of the Little League of Nations and maintains close ties with Europe. Some even go so far as to try to get cartographers to edit the European map to include Columbia. It maintains very good relations with its northern allies, and it also tries to maintain decent relations with the other former regions of the old United States.




Although there is still alot of fighting between the USC and the Texan Republic, it mainly takes the form of skirmishes.



The war to get to where it is now was very complicated and intricate...but when you actually go into it it is highly inconsquential, as the states which fall within the respective catagories largely voted the same way... Some say that this is a coincidence, but it is more likely that the war could not carry on without the strength of the people behind it. Alot of the skirmishing currently taking place is in areas with a split view, and generally stems from local violence which escalates.


However, the basic facts are that:

The president fled the capital after a military coup began. Arriving in Texas he called on the American people to rise up against the oppressive regime...and many did. However the new regime did not try to stop the nations escaping, instead formed the Little League of Nations, which would be like the Contiental Congress, where nation states could meet and discuss problems afflicted the whole nation, but would not have any power to force change in individual nations.

With the Eastern Americas placated the West looked increasingly totalitarian and it was only a short while before Calafornia declared independence, along with Alaska. The following wars of succession were short, but bloody, with the Texan Republic fighting offensively on both fronts and consistantly using chemical weapons.

The UN finally intervened, confiscating the chemical weapons and stationing peacekeepers earmarked for Indonesia in America. Russia finally getting troops on American soil.

With peace temporarily restored, Canadia(It just sounds better) extricated itself from the various unions it had been part of...since all of the new nations had grabbed territory. Columbia and Alaska were willing to give up the territory, California demanded payment, and got it, while the Texan Republic seethed and clashed with peacekeepers, as well as troops from the LLoN(Little League of Nations)

The situation in Indonesia finally started deteriorating though and the UN passed power to the LLoN, while it struggled to deal with the problems in Indonesia.

The Texan Republic has launched campaigns in all directions, but none of them have made much progress. For the most part it seems the violent nature of their current president is driving the conflicts, but with elections coming up soon the conflict might be over soon, with an unease peace settling.


Indonesia has been subject to mass floodings, as well as destruction on an unprecedented scale. The Japanese Malls and Super Stores proved ripe targets for the looters, which spawned riots, which quickly developed political conotations as Asian Federation supporters clashed with the Free Trade supporters.

With the UN forces otherwise occupied in America the situation degenerated, with the foundation of the Free Indonesian State in the West, while the East asked Japan to send troops immediately as they were ready to die for their freedom from the UN's tyranny.

South, South East and Eastern areas have gravitated into Australian spheres of influence, while parts of the West have gravitated as Indepedant, Italian leaning. With the rest being majority focused on rejoining the Federation. Skirmishes between the Independant and Federated Indonesia are commonplace. Especially within the tiny enclave of Federation supporters on the Chinese Boarder of mainland Asia.


This has been breakfast news, now I am going to have some.


World map update

[hide] sUAbD.png [/hide]

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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That is gonna cost a hell of alot of money, which you don't have(Recession and the fact that Scandinavia has never had the most dynamic economy, especially considering you are trying to grow your population at the same time) and thus would take a long time of using your surplus, when you have them. 12 years probably to get back to where you were earlier.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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I've got a yearly surplus of 27b, remove 1b for research 1b for growth propaganda and 5b for spaceship, then there's still 20b left to build with.


A logic price for each would be 5b, thus I should be able to create four each year.



And how the hell did I go into recession you mean, my people are thriving. All they have as effect by the global warming is a slightly warmer climate and more sun, yeah, and less seafood, although I still have salmon, trout, those small lobstery things that live in fresh water, cod, pike, etc.





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Archi, I put the growth back at 5% after I discovered quite early on that you were going to penalize me for losing trade in the future, when I wasn't even adding the bonuses of trade while they were there. I didn't add the algae fuels or Honda-Toyota stuff into my GDP either, so I thought, why not get some benefits now if I'll be penalized later?


Japan sends in a fleet to surround the entire Indonesian area (excluding Guinea), and begins assisting pro-Federation forces. Italy is warned to stay out of this, since as part of the Japanese doctrine, no Western power will be tolerated in South-Eastern Asia, without being attacked.


Meanwhile, 200,000 Indonesian troops push into the Western part of Indonesia that isn't connected with mainland Asia, supported by logistical support from the Japanese navy (mainly small scale airstrikes against rebel fortifications that are in the jungle, and 5000 paratroopers). 150,000 Singaporean troops rush into the northern part of that, also assisted by Japanese logistical support.


The Japanese navy has surrounded the small islands that are close to Australia (the ones in Indonesia, but that weren't part of the original arrangement). A small contingent of 5000 troops have landed to remove Japanese defences from the island, before leaving.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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Russia stops building the space ship and decides to look at deep mining and geothermal energy. The project will take the exact same time, around 6 years at current budget.

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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I've got a yearly surplus of 27b, remove 1b for research 1b for growth propaganda and 5b for spaceship, then there's still 20b left to build with.


A logic price for each would be 5b, thus I should be able to create four each year.


Everyone is going though a recession. Prices for everything are rising and Scandinavia has no natural Titanium Mines...Nor Bullet-Proof Glass Factories. Thus you would have to import, which would be difficult because people are kinda worried about where their next meal is coming from and if they are going to die the next time the tide comes in.

Not to mention the fact that a large portion of your navy was destroyed, thus getting out there would be difficult, and the seas are rougher, making things more difficult anyway.


Added to this, assuming you are build a dome like structure that is approximately a kilometer wide by the same tall...It would be 9,424,778 meters squared of Bullet Proof Glass. Or 146,084,351,168 square inches.

Bullet Proof Glass costs 3 Dollars per square inch(according to below), so you are looking at 438,253,053,504 and 35 cents per dome....Thats 438 Billion Dollars. Not 5 Billion for all of them, 438 Billion each. My conservative estimate of 12 years was way off. Even if your dome was only half the height(Mid point between the area of a circle of 1000 meters and the hemisphere I assume, though might be wrong here)

Which is 6283185 square meters, 97389562279 square inches, its STILL 292,168,686,836 Dollars...Almost 300 Billion Dollars per dome.


Thats not counting Titanium or Concrete...

So...Assuming you are concreating the entire base of the dome:

3,141,593 Square Meters or 3,757,314 Square Yards

Now Concrete costs about 70 dollars per cubic yard

So assuming we are laying a 1 Yard thick foundation(Which is nothing considering it is going to have a millions of tonnes of water pressing down on it.) thats 3757314 Cubic yards of Concrete.

Or 263,011,980 Dollars worth of concrete. Nothing compared to the glass...but this is only the top layer. I imagine it would be a trapezium shaped, and probably extend a good 500 meters, 547 yards, down.

So actually you need 937,500,000 Cubic yards(This is actually conservative since I am using a square based trapezium) or 65,625,000,000...So 65 Billion on building the concrete foundations.

Now the titanium for the job.

Estimating that you are going to be using a crosshatching structure, with about 90 centimeters between the bars, with 10 centimeters of titanium. So for your 3,757,314 cubic yards you would need 375,731 10 centimeter wide bars, with lengths of between 1500 and 500 meters...so going for the average of 1000, or 100,000 centimeters.

So, with an area of 78.5 Centimeters, and thus a volume of 7,850,000 cubic centimeters.

Titanium has a density of 4.506 grams per cubic centimeters...Thus 35,372,100 grams per bar, or 77,982 pounds per bar.

Titanium(see below) costs between 18 and 22 Dollars per pound. Thus 1 reinforcing rod would cost between:

1,403,676 Dollars and 1,715,604 dollars.

To fully reinforce the foundations it would cost between 527,404,587,156...So 527 Billion Dollars, and 644,605,606,524...644 Billion Dollars.

Not to mention taking 29,300,254,842 pounds of titanium, or 13,290,361 Tonnes, 13 Million Tonnes, of Titanium....The planet annually produces(See below) 90,000 tonnes. So it would take over 14 years to actually produce enough anyway...


But physical restrains on materials aside...You are looking at, using all the conservative numbers:

292,168,686,836 on the glass dome

65,625,000,000 on the concrete in the foundations

527,404,587,156 on the titanium in the foundations

Or 885,198,273,992...Almost 900 Billion Dollars, PER DOME.


And that is for a dome which Rogar Banister could run across in 6 minutes.

(Chariots of Fire moment!



Assuming that you used you whole surplus, and people worked for free and there were no running costs, you are looking at the next 29.5 years paying for each dome.

It is little wonder the other domes collapsed, when you spent something like 50 million, assuming there was 100 domes, on them... They must have been built out of plywood...

No, wait...(See below) plywood costs 25 dollars per meter, which would mean the whole structure(half a kilometer tall) would have cost 157,079,625...3 times more than you actually spent...So even in the best circumstances, you could only have had 30 domes, made entirely out of plywood, with no foundations or fasenings to hold the boards together... It is truely a miracle that people managed to live down there....a miracle that is not likely to repeat itself....








Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Australia will help with Geothermal power, since it is clean energy and would lessen the damage done to the environment.


I'm glad I researched genetics, which should stop cancer in it's tracks, but I'll be most affected by heatwaves for the moment, cancelling it out.

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Archi, I put the growth back at 5% after I discovered quite early on that you were going to penalize me for losing trade in the future, when I wasn't even adding the bonuses of trade while they were there. I didn't add the algae fuels or Honda-Toyota stuff into my GDP either, so I thought, why not get some benefits now if I'll be penalized later?

Fair enough


Japan sends in a fleet to surround the entire Indonesian area (excluding Guinea), and begins assisting pro-Federation forces. Italy is warned to stay out of this, since as part of the Japanese doctrine, no Western power will be tolerated in South-Eastern Asia, without being attacked.

Well you have screwed any chance of peaceful co-operation with the free traders


Meanwhile, 200,000 Indonesian troops push into the Western part of Indonesia that isn't connected with mainland Asia

Indonesia is not really in a position to launch a pointlessly expansive war, with the gains being people who don't want to be part of them and obvouisly high levels of resentment.



supported by logistical support from the Japanese navy (mainly small scale airstrikes against rebel fortifications that are in the jungle, and 5000 paratroopers).

You set fire to the jungles and generally scare the hell out of Indonesian people, both Federation sided and otherwise. You parachutists, assuming they are the super sadists since no one else would agree to this mission, go on a rape and pillage spree and sucessfully manage to kill some 30,000 Civilians before local militas manage to kill them.


150,000 Singaporean troops rush into the northern part of that, also assisted by Japanese logistical support.

Singapore sided, largely, with the Independant Movement...


The Japanese navy has surrounded the small islands that are close to Australia (the ones in Indonesia, but that weren't part of the original arrangement). A small contingent of 5000 troops have landed to remove Japanese defences from the island, before leaving.

Assuming you haven't killed anyone here, it largely goes unnoticed compared to the bloodbath you have otherwise embarked on.


The support for Indonesia being in the Federation continues to wane as Japan tries to force people who chose, democratically, to not be part of the Federation.

Continued talk of destroying Australia, Italy and Turkey seems to indicate that Japan has lost touch with the actual situation at large, having moved from an external war to an internal affair...Either that or Japan is trying to build an Empire, with itself as the supreme head...both ideas are worrying for the people of Indonesia.

Furthermore Japan's continued attempts at escalation, in what seems to be a small internal problem, which has been largely resolved, has drawn the ill feeling of the United Nations, particularly the reports of some 30,000 civilian deaths, along with reports of torture, mutilation and other general acts of abhorancy.

After discussions with the main Indonesian organisations the UN decided against sending troops in again, with the understanding that Indonesia will tell Japan to back off, and, whether Federated or not, will respect the settlement that currently stands.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Map updated with Brazilian changes that I never got around to adding to the map, or were discarded when I did (due to the number of maps floating around).



As much of the Brazilian Navy is being put into dry docks, or into calmer areas of the ocean as possible, and a good chunk of the aircraft from the carriers are being put onto land.



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It's already pretty good, but I guess putting some reinforcements on it wouldn't hurt. And fixing up the older one too. Improvements will start now.



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Ah I figured. Fortunately given the way it works, the only thing that would be damaged from flooding would be the first gate, or possibly the second, so repairs wouldn't be too pricey.

Also, levees are being built or improved in major cities, and emergency protocols are being made and taught to citizens in the event of flooding, so we don't have people running around crazy without any idea what to do. Several, isolated, government sponsored farms are trying out GMO's in order to figure out how much use they will be in preventing starvation.

Project Nanocoat will be complete next turn.



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[hide=List of Anthems]Anthem of the Republic of Texas:






Anthem of the Californian Republic:





Anthem of Hawaii:





Anthem of England:







Due to the Texan Republic controlling NASA, the USC would like to join the European Space Agency.


Likewise, all former United Federation states are trying to settle a dispute over who controls the Federation Lunar Exploratory and Research Center (FLERC) due to the United Federation splitting apart through civil war. Likewise, NASA launched a manned exploration to Mars two years ago with the idea of setting up a base on Mars; similar disputes are taking place. Some have proposed that the FLERC and the Mars Base become joint-operated by the Little League of Nations.


There are some issues over who has the right to be on the Throne of England. Many propose that King William should remain on the throne, however.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Here are more anthems:




Anthem of Scotland:





Anthem of Wales:





Anthem of the United Republic of Ireland:





Anthem of the United States of Columbia:





Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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