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New Slayer Changes Discussion


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Wow, and just think I got 99 Slayer before the Gargoyles even had the auto smash option. They are making this game for 5 year olds. -.-


I'm sure you think you are very good at clicking, but this game was never intended for people above the age of 18. If you think this game ever required any skill you are sorely mistaken. Making training more efficient by paying a sum of points doesn't make this game "for 5 year olds". Get back on RSOF before you make the forums look bad.


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I see, thank you for clarifying :)

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
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You still have to have the item that kills the monster in order to auto-kill it still. It's just like before, only now you don't have to select the item and use it on the monster.

No, you do not. After buying the ability I went for a Bork run and while going there I decided I might as well test it. While going to the fissure in the earth I remembered I might need to bring the hammer, but I forgot it. I figured I'd keep going on and see if the killing blow would happen without the hammer on me and it did.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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I have everything else unlocked, so I unlocked KO. Won't be getting mudkipz though. They are a crappy task.


And I am content with the 2k points. Quite fair IMO.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
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I have everything else unlocked, so I unlocked KO. Won't be getting mudkipz though. They are a crappy task.


And I am content with the 2k points. Quite fair IMO.

For those interested in the equivilent of 2k points worth of slayer strike runes its 57 turn-ins or about 5.5m gp in runes.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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I'm happy with all these updates. :D I kind of like Aquanites, so maybe I'll buy those sometime. I'm not sure if I need the extra space to block another task, most of Kuradal's tasks are good imo. ^^ The auto thing seems nice, I'll likely buy it too. :o

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Gargoyles aren't going to be something every Melee fighter is going to go after. It won't make going after 99 Slayer that much easier.


This past week sure has been a busy one, hasn't it?

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Ok I guess I may either be wrong or stumbled on a bug (might have been fixed already). I went to theslayer tower for a nechryael task and tried killing a gargoyle and it wouldn't automatically deal the killing blow without the hammer on me.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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Slayer skill now feels like messing around with slayer points and evading all the uniqueness of slayer monsters more than training the actual skill. Why is there SUDDENLY a 'persuade Kuradel to assign Aquanite' option, and some auto KO ability that (probably) removes the need of slayer equipment? After the introduction of Sumona, this skill seems to have degraded to something no different from killing other monsters for drop, aside from increasing your total levels.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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Slayer skill now feels like messing around with slayer points and evading all the uniqueness of slayer monsters more than training the actual skill. Why is there SUDDENLY a 'persuade Kuradel to assign Aquanite' option, and some auto KO ability that (probably) removes the need of slayer equipment? After the introduction of Sumona, this skill seems to have degraded to something no different from killing other monsters for drop, aside from increasing your total levels.


Isn't that what slayer has always been? Just instead of killing any monster, you are assigned one. The additions to slayer don't degrade anything, they just make you hit harder, let you skip tasks that you hate, and make it so you don't have to click an item every time you kill something.


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If killing an assigned monster is the point, then having options to block and skip tasks seem to be countereffective to this.


If slayer monsters are designed to have a special trait such as requiring special armour and items to weaken/KO, attempting to remove all these seems like removing the features all the skill, or keeping them out of the limelight as much as possible.


If all that players want are big hits, expensive loot and more levels to bump their overall highscore up, I know what the next skill would be; Slayer 2! More levels to gain, YET no fussy item requirements, just little blue blocks representing monsters with varying HP and levels! Barrows boots, light bows, and guthix-theme mystic robes up for grabs! Choose your own task! Find them at the nearest room in Kuradel's Dungeon today!<_<



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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the gargoyle thing only helps if you're lazy lol :(


It helps me because I range them from a safespot, I don't need to leave the spot and get hit inorder to finish them off.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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If killing an assigned monster is the point, then having options to block and skip tasks seem to be countereffective to this.


If slayer monsters are designed to have a special trait such as requiring special armour and items to weaken/KO, attempting to remove all these seems like removing the features all the skill, or keeping them out of the limelight as much as possible.


If all that players want are big hits, expensive loot and more levels to bump their overall highscore up, I know what the next skill would be; Slayer 2! More levels to gain, YET no fussy item requirements, just little blue blocks representing monsters with varying HP and levels! Barrows boots, light bows, and guthix-theme mystic robes up for grabs! Choose your own task! Find them at the nearest room in Kuradel's Dungeon today!<_<


Theres a couple things I have to say about this.


First of all, don't forget that this skill has been out for a verrrrrrrryyyy long time now. For a good couple years, there was nothing but the "hard ways" to train it. Then they start introducing the black mask, new monsters, etc to make the skill easier, and also to make it different for the people who might not have liked it before.


I think this is good for the game, and encourages more types of people to enjoy slayer. For instance, I have been slaying since the skill came out, and I actually DO NOT block tasks (as I said earlier). I LIKE the random assignment of monsters, as I feel the original form of the skill was great.


I don't like the block list, but the skip option I sometimes will use. If I get like 3 or 4 of the same task in a row I will usually skip, as the main reason I like the skill is for variety.


But thats the great thing. If you like slayer in its original form, you dont have to use the skip/block. If you like the wide range of monsters, you can just skip and not block. If you really hate slow tasks and dont like the skill very much, you can make full use of blocking and skipping, in order to make the skill more enjoyable for you.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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I'm loving these updates. 2k is fair, I rarely use my Slayer points anyway, and I had 5k saved up, so now I need just 1 SoL drop to make that "money" back, I guess. Honestly, even if I had the fire cape I probably would've bought the ability anyway. Soul Wars cape for praying is nice, and you never know what cape is coming out next.


Another task slot to ban is great, see ya later Waterfiends. Perhaps I'll take advantage of the auto-kill feature later, as I only really fight Gargoyles out of all the monsters listed.

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Personally, I wouldn't want to get 99 slayer with full rune and a dragon longsword. Change can be a good thing.


I will agree with you :P

Many new updates are for the better to make game play easier. Although those who have already done it the hard way usually disagree with updates, it is usually for the better.

I guess you just have to look at them with an open mind

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When the slayer point system was introduced, it was cool, since people were burthroping to bypass undesirable task anyway, and the update encourage players to slay continuously and earn points to either buy some rewards or skip more tasks. Along with 4 block list, and the wide range of weapons you can use nowadays to breeze through slow tasks like metal dragons, I thought that it was already perfect. But right now, Jagex seems to be abusing the system to add 'rewards', allowing every small irritating part about slayer to be removed using points. Want to KO faster? Pay points. Want Aquanites? Pay points. (Probably the most random option ever)


Except for the range/mage version of slayer helm (long overdue), the latest 'reward' seems to lack creativity. What's next, fully customisable list of 5 monsters you want to be always assigned? It seems like every game mechanic of Slayer is disappearing. That's like introducing the tetris game, but allowing you to block all the undesirable shapes from appearing because players find them a 'nuisance'.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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When the slayer point system was introduced, it was cool, since people were burthroping to bypass undesirable task anyway, and the update encourage players to slay continuously and earn points to either buy some rewards or skip more tasks. Along with 4 block list, and the wide range of weapons you can use nowadays to breeze through slow tasks like metal dragons, I thought that it was already perfect. But right now, Jagex seems to be abusing the system to add 'rewards', allowing every small irritating part about slayer to be removed using points. Want to KO faster? Pay points. Want Aquanites? Pay points. (Probably the most random option ever)


Except for the range/mage version of slayer helm (long overdue), the latest 'reward' seems to lack creativity. What's next, fully customisable list of 5 monsters you want to be always assigned? It seems like every game mechanic of Slayer is disappearing. That's like introducing the tetris game, but allowing you to block all the undesirable shapes from appearing because players find them a 'nuisance'.



I am pretty sure that the initial design of the rock hammer was meant to add a cool little bit of "feel" to the monster.


Not to hinder the player.


When they realized that people weren't ENJOYING the idea of having a rock hammer, but rather feeling that it wasnt a fun design, I am sure they thought change was needed.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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When the slayer point system was introduced, it was cool, since people were burthroping to bypass undesirable task anyway, and the update encourage players to slay continuously and earn points to either buy some rewards or skip more tasks. Along with 4 block list, and the wide range of weapons you can use nowadays to breeze through slow tasks like metal dragons, I thought that it was already perfect. But right now, Jagex seems to be abusing the system to add 'rewards', allowing every small irritating part about slayer to be removed using points. Want to KO faster? Pay points. Want Aquanites? Pay points. (Probably the most random option ever)


Except for the range/mage version of slayer helm (long overdue), the latest 'reward' seems to lack creativity. What's next, fully customisable list of 5 monsters you want to be always assigned? It seems like every game mechanic of Slayer is disappearing. That's like introducing the tetris game, but allowing you to block all the undesirable shapes from appearing because players find them a 'nuisance'.


wat i agree! and omfg irl they give ppl smallpox vaccines and [cabbage] like that. its so easy to not die now irl wtf. :|





Grow up, and deal with it. Games will almost always be made easier through time, unless they were made too easy to begin with. And the Aquanites aren't random at all, Kuradal assigns Dusties, Gargs, ____ Nechs. Wat. It fills in the spot. Now tbh, Kuradal should assign Kurasks as well but she probably won't.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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When the slayer point system was introduced, it was cool, since people were burthroping to bypass undesirable task anyway, and the update encourage players to slay continuously and earn points to either buy some rewards or skip more tasks. Along with 4 block list, and the wide range of weapons you can use nowadays to breeze through slow tasks like metal dragons, I thought that it was already perfect. But right now, Jagex seems to be abusing the system to add 'rewards', allowing every small irritating part about slayer to be removed using points. Want to KO faster? Pay points. Want Aquanites? Pay points. (Probably the most random option ever)


Except for the range/mage version of slayer helm (long overdue), the latest 'reward' seems to lack creativity. What's next, fully customisable list of 5 monsters you want to be always assigned? It seems like every game mechanic of Slayer is disappearing. That's like introducing the tetris game, but allowing you to block all the undesirable shapes from appearing because players find them a 'nuisance'.



I am pretty sure that the initial design of the rock hammer was meant to add a cool little bit of "feel" to the monster.


Not to hinder the player.


When they realized that people weren't ENJOYING the idea of having a rock hammer, but rather feeling that it wasnt a fun design, I am sure they thought change was needed.


So to you, Slayer is just about reserving a small portion of Runescape''s bestiary that gives some extra EXP, best if without all the silly 'requirements'? If all these are so-called a hindrance to players, why was there a need to introduce the skill? I see people saying things like


"OH Slayer is great because it's a great money maker!",

"OH Slayer is great because it's gives special loot!",


I kill tormented demons, and I get special loot which sells for great money, In fact, killing those gives a more slayer-like feel than killing 152 bloodvelds. Had we gone back in time before Slayer was addedd to the game, all the slayer drops we have now could have been introduced in other ways into the game with no issues at all. My point is, if you don't even appreciate the features of the slayer skill that sets it apart from normal 'monster killing', why have the skill in the first place? For some extra levels, slayer monsters that could well be another 3D model, items that can be added to the game through quests/boss fights/weak monster rare drop, to get bossed around by another NPC and the lulz?


Smashing every gargolye is a hindrance. Clicking every rock to mine is a hindrance. Running to and forth a runecraft altar a thousand times is a nuisance. If you notice, no one actually 'enjoys' the training, I personally wasn't grinning happily while burning logs and cooking monkfish. We should have a new slayer reward that lets us automatically run around killing my task without us clicking on every single monster once I'm at the spot. :shock:


I'm not discussing about how the skill is getting easier, because I know that it's a slow skill. I'm questioning if there's a reason for its existence in the first place. It's like having a Slayfishing skill. Talk to an NPC, get a fishing task, fish the amount, get EXP in the new skill, and some new items. Wow.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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I'm questioning if there's a reason for its existence in the first place.


And now we're back three years ago to the same argument people had when this skill came out.


The concept of Slayer itself is dumb. But it's a skill, and there you go. At least they've made it a useful one, whereas firemaking is just...there.


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Yes there is, and you know it. I think you just want to debate; when there is nothing to debate. Updating Slayer is NO different from updating any other skill. Did you have a crying fit when ZMI was introduced? Stealing Creation? Eucalyptus logs? IF you did, then grow a pair, or two.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I'm questioning if there's a reason for its existence in the first place.


And now we're back three years ago to the same argument people had when this skill came out.


The concept of Slayer itself is dumb. But it's a skill, and there you go. At least they've made it a useful one, whereas firemaking is just...there.



It's more useful from Jagex's perspective than from ours, to be honest. All the good items are either ridiculously rare from a normal monster, or fairly rare from a tough monster. This skill creates a bottleneck to limit the number of players who can get drops off monsters, and probably saved Jagex from having to squeeze a few more bosses and quest areas to introduce dark bows and SOLs with a bang.


And people are always going to be excited because it's a 'skill'.


Oh, I forgot my comments on the slayer update. It's great! Defining Slayer ever more closely to normal monster killing by yet another step! When can we spend points to choose our own task? :rolleyes:



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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Next week.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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