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iron drags


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hi guys im doing a iron drag run for some money (im low at the moment) and just wanted your opinion on my set up heres pic





opps srry just forget about the mith bolts forgot to take them of




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you don't have any better gloves?

I'd toss the cape for a cape with a combat bonus, if you don't have that then a spottier/spotted cape

as for the leggings, i'd go with monks robe bottoms to save weight. def doesnt matter since you're praying.

you really shouldnt need any monkfish at all. unless you intend to prayer flash or something.

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I wouldn't recommend Iron dragons for money, but there are better gloves than void. I would take a warrior ring over ROW because ROW doesn't really do anything. Obby cape is useless, get something with prayer or attack bonus if you can.

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thanks the monks are there for when there agressive and sady :-? i dont have better gloves there klanks gaunlets by the way if you thought there were just coulered gloves and dosent prosalite give better prayer bonus then monks robes?




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thanks the monks are there for when there agressive and sady :-? i dont have better gloves there klanks gaunlets by the way if you thought there were just coulered gloves and dosent prosalite give better prayer bonus then monks robes?


Go with Prossy, monk's robe's don't really matter. I'd also opt for a better cape, although Ardy Cape, SW, or a god cloak are the only things that come to mind. If you don't have any of those, you might as well ditch the cape, one less thing to worry about if you die. And you really shouldn't need food here by the way.


Take less prayer potions, you won't be able to store anything in your inventory with only one space. And bring some alchemy runes for those odd drops that they have.

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I wouldn't recommend iron drags for money, they are luck dependent because you're looking for drag drops. First off I would recommend doing more questing to get the higher end RFD gloves, and chaos druids or warriors would be a lot more stable in terms of an income.



99 Strength since 6/02/10 99 Attack since 9/19/10 99 Constitution since 10/03/10 99 Defense since 3/14/11

99 Slayer since 8/30/11 99 Summoning since 9/10/11 99 Ranged since 09/18/11 99 Magic since 11/12/11

99 Prayer since 11/15/11 99 Herblore since 3/29/12 99 Firemaking since 5/15/12 99 Smithing since 10/04/12

99 Crafting since 9/16/13 99 Agility since 9/23/13 99 Dungeoneering since 1/1/14 99 Fishing since 2/4/14

99 Mining since 2/28/14 99 Farming since 6/04/14 99 Cooking since 6/11/14 99 Runecrafting since 10/10/14

9 Fletching since 11/11/14 99 Thieving since 11/14/14 99 Woodcutting since 11/20/14 99 Construction since 12/03/14

99 Divination since 2/22/15 99 Hunter since 2/23/15 99 Invention since 01/20/17 99 Archaeology since 5/14/22
Quest Point Cape since 08/20/09
Maxed since 2/23/15 Fire Cape since 02/27/13
Slayer: 3 Leaf-Bladed Swords, 8 Black Masks, 2 Hexcrests, 26 Granite Mauls, 5 Focus Sights, 32 Abyssal Whips, 9 Dark Bows, 1 Whip Vine, 3 Staffs of Light, 15 Polypore Sticks

Dragon: 9 Draconic Visages, 7 Shield Left Halves, 20 Dragon Boots, 40 Dragon Med Helms, 8 Dragon Platelegs, 6 Dragon Spears, 20 Dragon Daggers, 5 Dragon Plateskirts, 1 Dragon Chainbody, 63 Off-hand Dragon Throwing Axes, 19 Dragon Longswords, 27 Dragon Maces, 1 Dragon Ward
Treasure Trails: Saradomin Full Helm, Ranger Boots, Rune Body (t), Saradomin Vambraces, Various God Pages
Misc:1 Onyx,1 Ahrim's Hood, 1 Guthan's Chainskirt, 1 Demon Slayer Boots

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I wouldn't recommend Iron dragons for money, but there are better gloves than void. I would take a warrior ring over ROW because ROW doesn't really do anything. Obby cape is useless, get something with prayer or attack bonus if you can.


They look like klank's gauntlets, which were the best gloves for melee before rfd came out :thumbup:

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thanks the monks are there for when there agressive and sady :-? i dont have better gloves there klanks gaunlets by the way if you thought there were just coulered gloves and dosent prosalite give better prayer bonus then monks robes?


Go with Prossy, monk's robe's don't really matter. I'd also opt for a better cape, although Ardy Cape, SW, or a god cloak are the only things that come to mind. If you don't have any of those, you might as well ditch the cape, one less thing to worry about if you die. And you really shouldn't need food here by the way.


Take less prayer potions, you won't be able to store anything in your inventory with only one space. And bring some alchemy runes for those odd drops that they have.

thats why ive got bull ant




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Monk robe bottom has the same prayer bonus as proselyte legs. I think that initiate legs have the same bonus as well, actually, but I do not remember.

Barrows: 9~2 V Brass,V Flail,2 Dh Plate,V Helm,V Skirt,T Legs,Malevolent Shield DKing: 48~6 W Ring,13 A Ring,8 M Staff,9 S Ring,7 B Ring,3 Seercull
Dragon Drops: 500+~50+ Med,26 Axe,3 Chain,10+ Legs,10+ Spear,2 D2h,10+ L Half,49 Boots,2 DDs,10+ Lump,9 Claws,50+ Dagger,14 Visage,50+ Mace,4 Scimitar,7 Hasta,Baxe,50+ Long,30+ Royal,2 Kite,4 Ward,2 Plate,Staff,Hammer,Limbs, Mattock,Halberd
GWD: 156~4 S Staff,50+ Shard,9 B Tass,13 B Plate,5 B Boots,6 A Plate,11 S Sword,8 A Hilt,4 A Skirt,9 A Helm,S Hilt,3 B Hilt,B Glove,2 A Buckler,Z Ward,Z Garb,2 Z Boots,B Shield,B Helm

Corp: 3~Elysian,2 Sp Sh Nex: 6~Torva Legs,Cere,P cowl,Z bow,2 T boots + GWD2: 9~2 Glaive,Wand,2 Crest,Blade,2 Essence,Core Araxyte: 5~Web,3 Pheromone,Fang + Raids: 4~3 Codex,P Boots  + Trails: 2~Bob Shirt,Fortunate

Etc: 64~3 Sceptre,B Mask,16 Whip,2 Focus Sight,5 D Bow,7 SOL,Ragefire,2 Steadfast,Arma Staff,6 Rider Armor,5 Vine,2 Razorback,2 A Wand,Abby Orb,3 Blood Shard,6 Hydrix,Gland,Asc Xbow
[spoiler=Capes]Quest Cape Aquired 12-7-07 ~ Level 93 + + + Completionist Cape Aquired 5-22-15 ~ Level 138
Hitpoints Cape Aquired 9-21-09 ~ Level 131 + Magic Cape Aquired 9-24-09 Attack Cape Aquired 3-5-10 ~ Level 135 Summoning Cape Aquired 3-12-10

Strength Cape Aquired 6-1-11 ~ Level 137 Fire Cape Aquired 6-23-11 Defence Cape Aquired 7-5-11 + Ranged Cape Aquired 8-1-11 Kiln Cape Aquired 2-26-12 ~ Level 138
Dungeoneering Cape Aquired 4-22-12 + Slayer Cape Aquired 6-25-14 ~ Level 200 + Herblore Cape Acquired 12-9-14 ~ Level 138 Prayer Cape Acquired 12-20-14
Agility Cape Acquired 1-4-15 + Hunter Cape Acquired 1-30-15 Construction Cape Acquired 1-31-15 Crafting Cape Acquired 2-22-15 Thieving Cape Acquired 3-18-15
Runecrafting Cape Acquired 4-14-15 Mining Cape Acquired 4-19-15 Fishing Cape Acquired 4-25-15 Firemaking Cape Acquired 4-26-15 Woodcutting Cape Acquired 4-26-15
Cooking Cape Acquired 4-26-15Smithing Cape Acquired 4-28-15 Farming Cape Acquired 4-29-15 Divination Cape Acquired 5-3-15 Dungeoneering Mastery 5-4-15
Fletching Cape Acquired 5-4-15 Max Cape Acquired 5-4-15 + Invention Cape Acquired 11-9-16 Invention Mastery 5-16-19 + Archaeology Cape Acquired 10-30-20

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If your melee stats are <80, forget about iron drags. In fact, the only time you should kill them is when on slayer with super antifires. Otherwise, there are a million better ways to make money.

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a random note, don't take anything in your quiver, that way, when you get addy bolt drops, you can just equip them to save an inventory space. Also, take Alching runes, they drop a lot of alchables.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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a random note, don't take anything in your quiver, that way, when you get addy bolt drops, you can just equip them to save an inventory space. Also, take Alching runes, they drop a lot of alchables.



Probably why he said to forget about the mith bolts in his quiver, he just forgot to take them out...

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I agree with everyone, the chance you will get a d leg or visage drop is so small you're better off saving the potions and gather herbs or bones/hides at green dragons...

2016 goals: all skills +30mil xp - Completed this goal 11th December 2016 smile.gif
2017 goals: get at least 3 more master capes (start xp: invention done@21st Jan, mining done@2nd April & ranged 76/104mil done@June 20th) & all skills +40mil xp (done 24th August)

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