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10m+ Wonder


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Well I see nothing unusual here: one of the best item in game -> inflation -> high-end items will rise in price since there will be more and more people with more cash. :mellow:


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For me personally the GP hasn't decreased in value. It's just easier to make cash nowadays (espec in member)...

But the main things I don't like is the Ubereasy way certain money comes into game...


I'm very glad they kinda solved the PvP trick (76k trick I believe?) or at least that's what I've heard. But there are other silly, no-skill ways, like the fruitbat papaya way.

It doesn't take an awefull longtime to gather charms & reach the required level. But every day I see guys in edgeville doing this. I heard over 500k/hr...

That's just insane for not doing anything special and not gaining XP.


Nothing's changed it's always been that way really, if you go back in time running dhides was similiar profit not sure if it still is and there were other ways no or little skills required as well. Making gp without xp just makes the game longer anyway.

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I like things that you have to work towards.

I think they just ought to make onyx untradeable.

I mean you can get an assist on a craft so its not that bad.

I am dreaming of a future where high end weapons and armour come off minigames and quests and are untradeable.

I think 20-100 hrs is quite fair to collect high end items.

What I don't like is tradeable crap bought out by merchant pigs who don't even play the game for months or years (see spirit shields).

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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But there are other silly, no-skill ways, like the fruitbat papaya way.It doesn't take an awefull longtime to gather charms & reach the required level. But every day I see guys in edgeville doing this. I heard over 500k/hr...That's just insane for not doing anything special and not gaining XP.


The main reason fruit-falling earns so much is that most people prefer not to do it. I'd happily pay the price of papayas if it means I can skip this mindless and boring process. Also, when enough people are doing this, the price would likely drop due to increased supply, and things will eventually be balanced out.(If price ceiling/floor don't come into play, that is)

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One thing that would help at least a bit is making tokkul tradeable. There are thousands of players with "partial onyxes" rotting in their banks because they can't buy anything they need with them, and they can't trade them.


This would likely make the biggest impact in terms of raw onyx accumulation. Lots of people have maybe 5-6 hours of Tzharr slayer tasks built up, but nowhere near the full amount to purchase an onyx.


Allowing people to sell tokkul (at perhaps a 1 GP per tokkul) to other players would greatly improve the quantity being produced. Instead of 10 people getting 50% of the tokkul needed with 0 onyx produced, 5 people will buy onyx and 5 will get GP out of it. It's a win-win situation for everyone gathering the supplies.


Implementing this would keep onyx "un-common" but much more feasible to obtain. Trading sticks is another currency in the game which is tradeable, so I see no issue in making tokkul tradeable.


PS. Tokkul isn't just limited to slayers or monster hunters. Skillers can still sell ores to the shop for tokkul. One way to boost this would be to make a shop that buys other skilling items too, such as magic logs, or raw fish.


Making Tokkul and adding in some shops skillers can sell to will boost this enough no other changes will need to be made.


You can't sell anything to the tzhaar shops for tokkul. This is the update that made the onyx so expensive. Otherwise you could just sit there selling bolt tips or fire runes or whatever like you used to.

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Whether you want it or not, the rare market is real. Street prices are real and Jagex needs to either correct the GE prices or allow this stuff to happen. Rare trading is the only real way to merch in Runescape besides GE merching which is really easy.

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I'm not saying Jagex should ban discontinued items -- if they were going to do that, the time to do it was 6 or 7 years ago. I am just saying they should not let the impact on these items be any sort of consideration in gameplay balance decisions.


Yer right, if they would have done it back then when they were not this valuable I can understand. I read your opinion too fast, sorry. <_<


And using other items to base the economy on or to use as a currency doesn't count for everyone.

For me personally the GP hasn't decreased in value. It's just easier to make cash nowadays (espec in member)...

But the main things I don't like is the Ubereasy way certain money comes into game...


I'm very glad they kinda solved the PvP trick (76k trick I believe?) or at least that's what I've heard. But there are other silly, no-skill ways, like the fruitbat papaya way.

It doesn't take an awefull longtime to gather charms & reach the required level. But every day I see guys in edgeville doing this. I heard over 500k/hr...

That's just insane for not doing anything special and not gaining XP.

Also merch clans made the honoust players playtime frustrating. While we are farming herbs, slaying, whatever... Certain people abuse the ge system & many many people who are silly enough to think they can earn cash.

While they're simply abused by some smart players who use this method and not doing a dang thing except making false promises and cheating the game.


Knowing furies increase in value doesn't concern me at all, there are way more nasty things that need Jagex priority to be worked on...


Another thing that bothers me is item flipping. A guy in my CC spends 30mil every day flipping items, buying low and selling way higher.

Ok nobody notices problems from this, but it's not the way GE should work imo


Thats stupid to say that the ge should work so that flipping doesn't or wouldn't work. Just plain out ignorant. The WHOLE premise of the GE is supply and demand. People buy up when there is an over supply, or more supply, and sell when there is more demand. Without flippers, some things would be very hard to buy. I'm willing to consistently pay 5% for my supplies so that I can buy them instantly.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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Well I see nothing unusual here: one of the best item in game -> inflation -> high-end items will rise in price since there will be more and more people with more cash. :mellow:

Except that's not the main reason that onyx/fury has risen so much.

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I like things that you have to work towards.

I think they just ought to make onyx untradeable.

I mean you can get an assist on a craft so its not that bad.

I am dreaming of a future where high end weapons and armour come off minigames and quests and are untradeable.

I think 20-100 hrs is quite fair to collect high end items.

What I don't like is tradeable crap bought out by merchant pigs who don't even play the game for months or years (see spirit shields).

Uhm then what is the point of playing ONLINE? - We're moving to a game where everything is single player...

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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I like things that you have to work towards.

I think they just ought to make onyx untradeable.

I mean you can get an assist on a craft so its not that bad.

I am dreaming of a future where high end weapons and armour come off minigames and quests and are untradeable.

I think 20-100 hrs is quite fair to collect high end items.

What I don't like is tradeable crap bought out by merchant pigs who don't even play the game for months or years (see spirit shields).

Uhm then what is the point of playing ONLINE? - We're moving to a game where everything is single player...


How people choose to make their money is their own choice, this is an MMORPG after all... there are thousands of people who are going to do what they please anyway.


However, I do agree the next set of high-level armour should be made untradable. As a merchant I can right now buy whatever armour I feel like, and look exactly like the guy who worked his [posterior] off to get it himself. Doesn't seem right to me (which is why I don't, but you get the idea). If somebody is willing to kill themselves for a set of digital object, they should at least be able to say "Hey I EARNED this!" And if you don't want to work for it, then stick to the armour already available, I hear GWD gear is fantastic.


The "rares" market is Jagex's own fault, and only they can fix it. They are not a large part of the game, they shouldn't even exist to begin with, Jagex should at least start making game decisions and NOT take rares into account in any way.


And, I think that's it.


EDIT: Not all merchants are pigs by the way, I consider myself human. :grin:

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