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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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It's so frustrating when you aren't sure if a girl is annoyed or mad at you (when you've done nothing to your knowledge that would piss them off).


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Haha, right on, Skeptic.


Also, I guess it's habit, but definitely an annoying habit. When you over-interpret or wishfully interpret something like a blog post (or status, if you're on facebook). It's so hard not to think that the person is talking about you when they post a picture that has "You're my favorite" written across it (and you are the only one she actually knows irl who looks at the blog).


Then I remind myself that she probably just liked the picture.


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When I wake up in the morning to several texts from my mom telling me all the chores I have to do that day (when my day is already packed with visiting people before I go to South Dakota).


Then, my younger sister gets home and tells me mom did the same to her.


And then I figure out that my little brother (17 years old) is out with friends and hasn't been given any chores to do. That kid... <_<


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I hate the term 'homophobia' - it implies fear of homosexuality. In most contexts, it's not fear at all - rather, it's simply intolerance of someone's sexual orientation, because it wasn't the way society deems to be the social norm.


I also hate how people accuse me of racism when I openly express how I dislike someone of another race. I don't hate them because they're of another race, I hate them because they act like a child and they should really know better.


... I also hate human emotions, or at least - the negative ones involving dwelling and worry. It hurts :/

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I hate the term 'homophobia' - it implies fear of homosexuality.


When I was (much) younger and I heard the term used for the first time, I thought it meant fear of things that were the same (Homo = same, phobia = fear). Does anybody know where the term came from?

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From homosexual.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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From homosexual.

I knew that much. I meant why "phobia", which usually means "fear" is used in a word that usually implies hatred. Most homophobes I know aren't afraid of homosexuals; they just don't like them.

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One of the side effects of moving out of my house for a bit is that my stereo does not come with, and my computer monitor doesn't have speakers. Fortunately I have these two little 2" speakers that have the approximate sound quality of my blackberry (that's quality for the same volume), and they run off AA batteries. Not the best solution ever, and I naturally can't use them to run a movie all night without burning batteries. But they will do for gaming, and with my hard drive here, I can always put movies on the playbook and have it run them, which incidently also has higher quality speakers, not that it matters at such a low volume.

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Huh, I actually thought I was in the today thread (I guess it happens to all of us sooner or later). I actually have a set of very nice headphones. The only problem with them is that they block my normal hearing making it harder to tell when people are near my door, which is something I dislike. I also can't sleep with them in because they extend outside of the ear a bit and really dig in if I sleep in any position but on my back looking strait up.

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The only problem with them is that they block my normal hearing making it harder to tell when people are near my door, which is something I dislike.

If you know what I mean

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The only problem with them is that they block my normal hearing making it harder to tell when people are near my door, which is something I dislike.

If you know what I mean



I hate the amount of cables I have around my computer. I have X-360 leads, headphones, mouse, monitor adaptor, laptop charger, 9V charger for my guitar pedalboard, two guitar gables running to and from the pedalboard and my headset cables. <_<

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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I hate the term 'homophobia' - it implies fear of homosexuality.


When I was (much) younger and I heard the term used for the first time, I thought it meant fear of things that were the same (Homo = same, phobia = fear). Does anybody know where the term came from?


"[A] phobia about homosexuals.... It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does."


Wikipedia does wonders.

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I hate the amount of cables I have around my computer. I have X-360 leads, headphones, mouse, monitor adaptor, laptop charger, 9V charger for my guitar pedalboard, two guitar gables running to and from the pedalboard and my headset cables. <_<

I have this problem, too.


When I wake up and my dad tells me we're gonna spend the afternoon visiting some of my uncles. Especially when I dedicated today to packing (and hanging out with the girl I like one last time before I leave). Some notice would have been nice. Up until now, I thought just him and my mom were going. :|


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Mum's sister-in-law from India who could not witness her daughter's wedding is coming to stay with us for a month. It's sad that she did not get to see her only daughter getting married and that's she going to try and make up for it by spending her hard-earned money (they're pretty poor). I wouldn't complain about something as heart breaking as this but she's staying at our house for the month which is four hours away from her daughter's.


SENSE, WHERE IS IT? She could stay at her daughter's in-law's house or the two other relatives who leave perhaps less than 30 minutes away from her but noooo, must take residence in my room. It's always my room :(



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The amount of American reality TV that there is over here (no offence to Americans here, but your reality TV is unwatchable).

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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The amount of American reality TV that there is over here (no offence to Americans here, but your reality TV is unwatchable).


None taken. I actually feel pity for you.


Most of us with some form of a brain don't even like it either.

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