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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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Not being able to find good songs. Hours of searching, rarely finding anything, and because of how subjective even asking for a specific genre is, no one can help you.

I find it pretty easy to find new bands and albums that I enjoy. But I follow tons of music blogs and reviewers, so I end up listening to so much music I'm bound to like something.

audiomap.tuneglue.net is a nice little website to find bands that are like ones that you already listen to.

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There has been an unreal amount of dust in my bedroom since I've come back from college. But I'm too lazy to actually wipe everything down. Unpacking has proved strenuous in itself.


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People who come to me at work with a problem and have no inclination of offering a solution! Or roll their eyes when you offer one, because they dont like it.


Its usually something stupid like that old "my arm hurts when I twist it!" - "So dont twist it like that then"


Or the lovely question ... From people I work 'with' (term loosely used)


"How do you want me to do this task (That I do on a daily basis)"

"How would you usually do it?"

"Well I dont know, I've been told to ask you"

(sigh) "Well, if you were me ... How would YOU do it?"

"I'd do it as I always do, no matter what you say"

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. – William Shakespeare




“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”
Dalai Lama XIV


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It annoys me that people who own minivans seem to feel entitled to go way over the speed limit on the interstate/freeway. A solid 90% of the crazy drivers I've seen in my life were driving minivans.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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My old Nokia phone could hold a thousand+ sent and received messages (1000+ each).


And now, this Pantech phone can only hold a few hundred. So I have to constantly delete my messages. And if I'm right on the threshold and my message gets too big for the phone's memory, it'll just say 'Messages Full' and erase my current message. >:(


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The silly weather has annoyed me today. It's funny that I could come home sweating from cycling yet come home with extremely cold hands/face from the windchill.


EDIT - oh, and network censors. It's funny how pornography sites are not blocked at my school, but some random sites are for 'hate speech' or whatever.

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The silly weather has annoyed me today. It's funny that I could come home sweating from cycling yet come home with extremely cold hands/face from the windchill.


EDIT - oh, and network censors. It's funny how pornography sites are not blocked at my school, but some random sites are for 'hate speech' or whatever.


It's even funnier that you know it doesn't block pornography. :razz:


Packing annoys me. I'm usually pretty laid back about stuff, but when it comes to packing I start stressing like crazy. I always feel like I've forgotten something.

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... let's just say I've accidentally stumbled across some when clicking innocuous-looking links <,<. Oh, and of course - a classmate had to show everyone a porn-flick site during a break 'for the lulz'.

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Reminds me of this guy who had to do a presentation before the class. He did a Powerpoint presentation, so the computer screen was being projected on the wall and everything. At the end of his presentation he wanted to show a video to finish it up on a nice note. He went to a browser to go to Youtube, but he mistyped youtube.com (just a minor typo), and it ended up redirecting him to a porn site.

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Reminds me of this guy who had to do a presentation before the class. He did a Powerpoint presentation, so the computer screen was being projected on the wall and everything. At the end of his presentation he wanted to show a video to finish it up on a nice note. He went to a browser to go to Youtube, but he mistyped youtube.com (just a minor typo), and it ended up redirecting him to a porn site.


You sure it was a typo and not chrome autofilling it from a more visited site than youtube... :lol:


Driving in 85+ degree weather in a car with no air conditioning.


Try walking in that heat for half an hour with a laptop and a crapload of books on your back.


Why can't the Big Bang be done by the hand of God?

It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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'you' and 'red' is a pretty big leap, unless he had a browser auto-complete on or something...


I guess if he'd typed something like youj instead of yout I'd see where he'd go wrong.

Nope, it was just a simple typo (I can't remember what he exactly typed, and I don't feel like finding out, but I'm thinking it was something like youube.com or something similar). Basically, it was just a porn site that had registered a typoed youtube.com domain so they could redirect people from there to their own site.

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Being without a car (thanks to my younger brother totally one of my family's three cars) and realizing I have to ride in 100 degree weather all the way to the US bank to get cash and then ride more to the haircut place.


Fortunately, there was a small breeze which prevented me from getting too sweaty. I wouldn't want to make the barber deal with my sweaty hair.


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The silly weather has annoyed me today. It's funny that I could come home sweating from cycling yet come home with extremely cold hands/face from the windchill.


EDIT - oh, and network censors. It's funny how pornography sites are not blocked at my school, but some random sites are for 'hate speech' or whatever.


At my school, some sites are censored for "education". Not kidding.

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The silly weather has annoyed me today. It's funny that I could come home sweating from cycling yet come home with extremely cold hands/face from the windchill.


EDIT - oh, and network censors. It's funny how pornography sites are not blocked at my school, but some random sites are for 'hate speech' or whatever.


At my school, some sites are censored for "education". Not kidding.

In mine as well. It's easy to reset the filter though.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The silly weather has annoyed me today. It's funny that I could come home sweating from cycling yet come home with extremely cold hands/face from the windchill.


EDIT - oh, and network censors. It's funny how pornography sites are not blocked at my school, but some random sites are for 'hate speech' or whatever.


It's even funnier that you know it doesn't block pornography. :razz:


Packing annoys me. I'm usually pretty laid back about stuff, but when it comes to packing I start stressing like crazy. I always feel like I've forgotten something.

I always do forget something. It the t ick is that of forget things you don't need.


I've also found that the hierarchy for 'bad' driving seems to be pickup trucks (one of which is always involved in any accident around here), especially if it's been modified in any way. Next are souped up cars in general, and anything with 3 or more male teenagers. Next are minivans, then suv's, then sports cars.


Saw an accident today between a pickup and van. Looked like the van pulled out and got tboned. Everyone seemed to be alrigt thought.

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Speaking of packing, my finals schedule is annoying as hell.

Had a final Monday and my next two are this Friday. So instead of packing last weekend and taking off Monday afternoon, I'm spending today, tomorrow, and Thursday attempting to pack but still leave myself clothes and things to do until Friday when i take off. So now all I've packed are my printer, clothes (except for the next few days), and miscellaneous crap. I want to pack up my xbox and my records but I don't want to sit here for 3 days with nothing but a comptuer either. Something just bothers me about only have some things packed.

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I find that the worst drivers are people with "Baby on Board" stickers. They actually believe that the safety of their children should depend on other drivers so they go ahead drive as crazy as they want over here.

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I find that the worst drivers are people with "Baby on Board" stickers. They actually believe that the safety of their children should depend on other drivers so they go ahead drive as crazy as they want over here.

Ironically, distracted drivers aren't going to look at other cars, especially at their bumpers. :rolleyes:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't really get the point of 'baby on board' stickers in the first place. As if other people are going to go "oh, well I was going to drive dangerously and crash into you, but your sticker has convinced me otherwise." If you drive like a douchebag, chances are you're speeding past too quickly to notice the sticker anyway. I might just be a bit ignorant here but they do seem completely redundant to me.


Maxed 15/06/13

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