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When does anyone leave?


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The word "noob" is tossed around a lot nowadays. High levels use it to describe players of a lower level, and some players use is to describe people who ask stupid questions, there are many definitions for the word "noob." but when does a player; not only in RuneScape, but any other game, actually leave "noob-dom?" the point I'm trying to make is this: nobody knows when you aren't considered a noob anymore. So if nobody knows, then aren't we all still noobs? How does the community of TIF feel about my observation?



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i would like to point out the generic difference in the majority of the gaming community between the term newbie and noob.



newbie: new to the game.

noob: loosely defined as someone who acts like a newbie, although they're not new any longer.

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If you ''aren't '' a noob anymore due to having a certain level.. well. Make a few spelling errors and you get ''noob'' thrown around pretty fast. 1 error is enough to trigger the word noob. People use the word just to annoy you. Just so they can feel a bit better about themselves compared to you.


Nobody leaves the ''noob-dom'' because noob isn't the same as Newbie. Noob is just as common as every other swearword and people will use it at their bidding, just for the reason to use it. who inevnted swearing by the way?

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You no longer a noob when you quit playing RuneScape or any game where people call you a noob. Seriously, no matter what you will get called a noob. People call certain high ranked players "No life noobs", skillers "skill-noobs", and non-noobs "non-noob noobs". It's a never ending cliche.


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Some kid called me a noob at school for no reason, so I'd say it's never going to end even if you quit the game. :blink: Btw, he was a junior and I'm a senior so it sorta confused me where his anger was coming from.


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Honestly, 'noob' has lost so much meaning nowadays; I'm pretty sure it used to mean newb, but now it's nothing more than a petty insult used by little children that don't have the balls to call anyone anything else. My best advice would be just to smile and nod at the kiddies and hope that they grow up soon.

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Noob is relative to the action at hand.


Take the question: "Where is Falador?" and two players asking:


A level 10 with low levels in everything else is a newb.

A level 115 is a noob, and likely purchased that account.


Walk around with a Legends cape in a members world, two players ask "Can I buy that from you?"


A level 15 is a newb.

A level 100 is a noob.


Noob/Newb is relative to what can be reasonably expected out of a person at their level.




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Interesting how you point this out because when I hear people use the word 'noob' irl I go wtf? And when it's in game it's usually to someone that's lower leveled.


It was one of the first few words I've seen when I first started playing RS.


And yeah, I guess in our own ways we are a noob to someone or to a group of people doesn't matter if you're high-leveled or something. Guess everyone has their own opinions and influences of what a noob is.




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Some kid called me a noob at school for no reason, so I'd say it's never going to end even if you quit the game. :blink: Btw, he was a junior and I'm a senior so it sorta confused me where his anger was coming from.



Maybe hes angry cuz he's not even playing a game, and his only insult is "noob"

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It's in the capacity of the Runescape community (especially PKers) to use "nerd," "gay" and "smd" nowadays. I rarely see noob anymore, if at all. Most of the times when I play games with voice chat (CoD4, Halo 3, CSS), I tend to hear more offensive name calling, for obvious reasons.


The word "noob" just isn't all that offensive to me anymore.

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I've been hearing 'noob' far less often nowadays. It's a welcome change. The word noob is supposed to be an insult, rather than any kind of progression though the game. 'Newbie' means someone who is new to the game and learning the basic mechanics. There isn't a level when you suddenly no longer become a newbie, it's more to do with the player's knowledge of where things are, how to complete certain tasks without help, and so on.

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When you are better than anyone else. Then you turn into a nerd.


Last time I was called noob was when I answered someones question correctly and also gave some bonus info. :wall:

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You don't have to be low level to be called a noob. I'm a level 122, and I get constant insults from lower level players at Fist of Guthix. The other day a level 91 kept calling me a noob for my 'noob switching technique', even though I defeated him everytime I played him.



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Everyone's a noob, forever and ever.


How's that sound?


"Well, that's just like saying everyone's gay, so I don't understand you're saying..."


Well, how exactly are you supposed to leave noobdom?


If you walk into a room to train and someone calls you a noob, you just got called a noob. Does it mean that you are one? You don't think so, but others do, so technically it depends on from which angle you're looking at this question.


^ Blog.


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i would like to point out the generic difference in the majority of the gaming community between the term newbie and noob.



newbie: new to the game.

noob: loosely defined as someone who acts like a newbie, although they're not new any longer.


In my eyes noob and all stupid forms of it are just meaningless words mindless people start shouting when they are angered, annoyed, or trying to put someone down.


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when someone stops being classed as a noob?

allmost allways.


when does somewone START being classed as a noob?



if your not a low level noob your a high level noob or a pure noob or a def noob...

point is at any point you can no longer be classed as a "newb" but then people call you a no life noob. or something else, it just does not end.


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Well, I havent been totaly updating myself with the rs community and what is going on in the game in the past 5 years. When i do get on and try to look around the worlds and what not i Do find myself to ask a few questions and i get called a *noob*. I mean really??? ive been a part of this since 2003 and I do not consider myself a newbie at Runescape but I do however lack of an update on new skills and new features. So yeah, totaly agree with the topic.




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newb = new, roughly when you've achieved a 80+ skill your not a newb but you can be called a newb by anyone who has a higher total level then you.

noob = ignorant, sadly some people never stop being this.

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