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The End of the Beginning


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Kyla's eyebrow raises in obvious curiosity. "Plans? Would you care to elaborate, young one?" Freeing an arm she offers it to help the girl up. "I must also apologise. I didn't get your name."


Making her way to her chair Kyla motions for the girl to have a seat before sitting down herself. The three chairs set in a semi-circle around the hearth were made of a smooth wood, difficult to see which kind in the soft glow of a dying fire.


Kyla waved her hand at the hearth gently, newborn flames flickering to life. The lightened room revealed enormous paintings spanning the walls on each side. They seemed to show humans and dragons living in harmony. The idealistic artwork was framed in a dim gold which had lost its luster over the years.


"Come, child. We have much to discuss."

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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Akari, now completely calm, reached for the older woman's hand, rose to her feet and walked over to a chair that was directed more towards the Kyla's ageless face. Once she sat down Akari began to take notice all of the beautiful artwork that displayed the other person's feelings on dragons and humans. She turned back to Kyla, "My name is Akari and I would love to explain these plans, but you see the Overseer will surely found out if I tell anyone. I don't know how he does it but one man, I do believe he was an assassin, found out one little thing about the Overseer's plans for him or something along those lines and he was banished." Seriousness and terror overtook her voice as she spoke, "I...I heard he had one of his very best assassins to kill him. For no good reason." She gulped, nervous to tell her anymore Akari grew quiet and looked at different things, hoping for a change of subject. "What is your name? I would feel more secure if I knew something about you." She said suddenly.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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Kyla smiled warmly at Akari. "There is no need to worry. The Overseer no longer thinks you exist. Once the eyes of your soul have been opened, your being becomes immune to all forms of tracking." Noticing the shock in the young girl's eyes, Kyla smile only strengthened. "Yes, young one. You are safe now. As for the information you seek about me, it will reveal itself to you in its own time."


Standing up, she walked over to one of the paintings with a dragon nestled on the ledge of a waterfall. From the golden frame of the picture, her hands pulled ribbon-like strands of gold from the frame, which showed no sign of disipating, and formed two small cups. Putting the tips of the cups to the waterfall's edge, the painted dragon's eyes started to glow a cyan blue to match its scales. Water then proceeded to pour from the painting into the cups.


"Fancy a drink?" Kyla asked, watching Akari's reaction with a grin on her face.

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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(dude. i asked you a question. if yeh want to have the question asked again, come to the cave. (hint, i asked if tyou wanted to control two of my estates, light and darkness))


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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(Earth, I got confused so i lost track of what was going on, since things were off track for a bit.)


Following the two into the cavern, Vixion thought over Earth's offer once more. (Fura says there are different kinds of 'dragon') Oblivious to the dragons, he turns to Earth and states his reply. "I am inclined to deny your offer. I am able to handle my well-being without the aid of someone elses powers."


Tuck wagged his tail as he trailed after Vixion. He noticed the unique stench of dragons and curled his jowls in a snarl. His body froze in a battle-ready hunch with narrowed eyes on his fire breathing rivals.


"Tuck! Get over here now!" Vixion snapped in a hushed whisper.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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"hoi... little bud. you may not want to do that. these dragons have been.. lets jsut say.. high strung? and anyways, they will be your powers. youll just have a base dso that you can rest at. from th look of you, you seem to not have a permanenet home.." i say, while petting the dog to calm him down. the spawn figure out how to make sentry trees.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Lelantos, already bored of his conversation with the strange green cultist person, wanders over to a "Giant lizard", and tries to jump on it's back. He is promptly bucked off, and stamped on, before the dragon wanders off. He stands up, makes a rude gesture towards the dragon, and then tries to do the same thing again to a different dragon, with extremely similiar results.


This continues for the next hour, before he grows bored of trying to ride giant lizards, and sits down on the cold cavern floor and yelling over to the cultist; "Hey, so why are all these giant lizards here anyway? And why are they all so rude? I only wanted a ride..."

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"a: they are called dragons. B: you only ride if they let you. C: your actually being rude. you must ask them for a ride." i say, while barely containing my laughter at the mans antics.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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"As you know, I am Cerentis Abeolux. I am called Deusianua by my people, the Deylani. I must admit, my journey here was an accident, caused by that damned Portacustodis, Galleus. He's always switching around this little world of yours, though I believe it might just be a faulty connection. This place was thought to be lost, the portal permanently destroyed. We have most of its history chronicled, though the little I recall of that particular history is best left unsaid to one such as yourself. I believe I may have a part to play, however, so it's best I stick with the players. Have you, by any chance, seen an assassin called Nighleena?

Just to provoke a response from Grim.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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"I know what a dragon is, but giant lizard definitely sounds better" says Lelantos, walking away from the large gathering of dragons, "Though I still think they were the ones being rude. It's not like they're so high and mighty that they can stamp on me all day" he murmers, gesturing to his ribcage, which, despite being almost flat, and pretty mch turned to dust, was evidently still functioning perfectly somehow.


He must have lost several litres of blood now, which, for some reason, still didn't seem to have damaged his capability to move, and he was still walking at his usual quick pace, over towards the green man again. He slumped against a wall, and, looking towards his wristband for a second, reading his own name from it, begins to talk to the green man again.


"My name's Lelantos. At least, that's what it says on the wristband. How about you? And why are you so interested in these lizards anyway?"

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A feminine voice slithers from the shadows, "Demeaning the dragon species brands you as a fool. They were being rather polite in not ripping you to shreds." The ninja, Nighleena climbed down from a wedge just above the group with skillful ease. Her eyes narrowed at the dog for a fraction of a second, then moved to Vixion.


"I still don't know what it is you did, but I offer my hand in friendship under one condition... You beat me in a duel." Her lips snickered under her facemask.

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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Vixion turned to the female ninja, nervous by the cold edge of her tone. "If I fight you. I must know your name before we begin." His calm tone steadied his breathing, masking his nervousness.


Tuck was distracted by a rabbit just outside of the cavern and wasted no time in giving chase.


Vixion looked away for a second as his mutt ran off. "He'll be back... Hopefully with dinner." He chuckled in mischievous fashion.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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Slightly arching her figure Nighleena's feminine features became more defined, but despite the display it allowed her to loosen both of the long-bladed daggers sheathed on her backside, latched to her belt. Fingers enclosed around her sparring knives she mocked Vixion.


"My name? Heh. How does your gravestone sound for a name?" Even with the mask covering half her face, the devious smile behind it was blatantly obvious. With that comment she whipped her arms to the front of her in a striking stance.


"I hope you've trained since last time." Nighleena lunged.

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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Drawing his dual katanas he quickly blocked the charge. "That's a very unique name." He growled menacingly. Vixion put all of his weight into his blades and knocked the woman to the ground.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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Cackling from the ground she kicked her legs in a spiral, bringing herself to her feet. Quickly unlatching the Kusari-gama from her belt Nighleena spun the sickle end in 4 full rotations before extending the chain. The blade dug into the cavern wall 5 feet above her head, which she quickly climbed the distance and stood upon the wedge she had revealed herself upon earlier.


"I never knew ants took interest in their foe's name." Nighleena burst into a fit of giggles and lost her balance falling to ground with a light thud. "DAMMIT!!!" She cursed herself out as she nursed her broken ankle. Her glare of pure fury directed itself at Vixion as she let out a shriek of the agonizing pain coursing up her leg.

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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Hearing the shriek the nameless woman let out diminished his will to fight. Sprinting over to her, Vixion knelt down to further examine her ankle. (Fura and I both say NO ONE can magically cure her ankle -.-')

"You shouldn't do things like that, you might scare the children." He jerked his head in Earth's and Lelantos' direction and smiled warmly. "May I have a look at your wound?"

I want his Children....is that bad?


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In another shriek, this one more with rage than pain, she guides her fist into Vixion's jaw forcing him back a few steps. "I'll take care of myself you swine!" Her voice flared with murderous intent as she feebly attempted to get back on her feet. With another shriek of agony she withered to the ground again curling into a fetal position. "Damn you Vixion! Damn you to hell!"

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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Mathias entered the cavern. "Now what's happening here?". Upon noticing Nighleena's broken ankle he went outside again, returning with some bandages, a wooden crutch and a bottle of a strong spirit of unkown brand. He handed the alcoholic beverage to Nighleena, "This should ease the pain. Now shal we take a look at that ancle?"





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Being blown back in the attempt to make peace with his attacker appalled Vixion, but hearing her feeble scream forced him to return yet again to her side. "If I were to be sent to hell it would be from that punch." He rubbed his jaw and chuckled. "I don't care if you'll kill me for this, but we have to get you somewhere better suited for mending." Vixion knelt down once more, picked the woman up as gently and securely as he could into his arms without disturbing the ankle.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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In a weak attempt to push both blurred figures away from her she fainted, her eyes closing gently. A strange tattoo marked her right eyelid which seemed to be a crescent moon. Nighleena's body slumped down leaning against Vixion unintentionally allowing him to pick her up without too much hassle.


Her eyes slid open for a second as she whispered into Vixion's ear before falling unconscious again.


"you...will pay...dearly."

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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"oh good. you were sort of scaring my friends." i say, as i catch up to vixion. "you know... the dragons? anyways, why not take her to my soul tree? its got great healing properties"


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Lelantos' eyes slowly ascended into the waking world. He looked around for a few moments, examining his surroundings, before putting his hands on the cave floor and slowly getting up. It was cold, the early morning air was crisp and clean, however little managed to get into the cave.


He did not remember anything from the previous day, as was his affliction. He checks his wristband to once again discover his name, before checking his coat. His kunai were still there, in their respective rows, except that one which was still missing. His wounds had all healed during his time asleep. The crushed ribcage, the skewered arm, none of them were there anymore. It's like he had made a full recovery in the few hours he was asleep.


He noted the two figures fighting nearby, and decided to wander over to their location. When he got there, he was dissapointed to find that the fight was already over, and one of the combatants was lugging the other over his shoulder.

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He stared at Earth with an odd look on his face. "Earth, I'm going to take her to my town house. But thank you for the offer." Vixion glanced down at the pitiful load in his arm. He turned to the exit and set off on his journey back to town.

"Tuck! Come on boy! We're going home."


Hiding behind a tree nearby, Tuck listened as Vixion called for him. "I should follow, even if she replaces me." The dog muttered sourly to himself. He appeared behind Vixion and barked happily.

I want his Children....is that bad?


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The Grand Hall of the palace glowed with an eerie essence, the king, decapitated at the foot of the luxurious throne from which he ruled. A fleeting shadow made its exit out through the door to the secret chambers of the Overseer. "It is done my lord."

The deep sadistic voice of the Overseer rose in victory at the news. "Good. I've finally found a pupil who is willing to get a little...dirty. Come hither, boy!"

The assassin moved closer to his master in obedience. The cloaked form of the Overseer was concealed by the shadows of the confined room. "Closer, boy!"

After moving closer yet again the evil seer's voice rattled with sadism. "You have earned the right to bare the mark of my own personal guard." With that the Overseer extended his hand over the assassin's right eye, which promptly closed. Using his twisted magick he streamed putrid strands of flame from his fingers, searing a black, crescent moon tattoo onto the boy's right eyelid. "Find her, kill her. No one else. My agent must not be harmed."

"Don't get in my face, don't invade my space. I'll put you in your place.

I'll only tell you once, I'll never tell you twice. This is me being nice." ~Porcelain and the Tramps



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(... ok then...)


Hearing the commotion above, the man in the coat tunnels through the ceiling of the cave and bursts onto the surface. Seeing the quick and overly dramatic combat, he shakes his head.

"Nighleena and Vixion. They certainly don't live up to expectation, do they Galleus?"

The man looks to his side sees another man, robed in brilliant white, who had just arrived seemingly out of thin air. The robed man smiles.

"Now, now, Cerentis. Surely you remember their story. This is not an unexpected turn of events, unless your travelling has finally addled your mind."

"I cannot deny your words. But who can know how the history of a world might be affected by interference from beings such as us?"

"Who can know, Cerentis? Honestly? You know as well as I what will happen. This is your home, Cerentis, it shifts as easily as you do, and you are a... natural... part of it. Your apprentice, stuck millenia away, might cause a bit of a commotion in the line of events for this world, but that history is impossible to record or predict despite his involvement."

Cerentis shakes his head.

"Still, you can understand my fears. Every action of mine might have unseen affects on the worlds connected to this one. And however inevitable my decisions may be, I might still be reluctant to make them. You know better than any, Galleus, that time might be changed."

The robed man seems to have disappeared, leaving Cerentis to stand alone beneath the trees.

"Sigh - Well, back to business I suppo- OW! DAMNIT!"

Cerentis pulls a small red pellet out of one of his many coat pockets and slaps one to the back of his head, where the bone of his skull was visible through a cut made by a rather large crossbow quarrel that had come from the direction Galleus had been standing in just a moment ago. He grimaces as the pellet spreads across the wound, repairing torn flesh.

"Some things never change, I suppose."

Cerentis then begins striding in the direction that, moments ago, Vixion had walked off in, carrying his arch nemesis to safety.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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