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falconry botters


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i don't know if JAGeX is doing nothing. because i had a jmod come to quarry mines after i reported a person for botting there. it was obvious they were botting, i even went to their side and stole their rocks; they didnt complain like smart people, they just kept going on the same rotaion. then, when they got randomed, it took them literally 30min to come back. i'm sorry if you're "AFK" when you get randomed, but you don't take 30min to log back in, especially if you were mining the instant you get randomed, meaning a) you were at your compueter since you were doing something or b) your bot was doing its work and got randomed and you were gone and came back 30min later to find your character autologged out in a random event. i'd choose b) because if you really were at your comp, you don't take 30min to finish a random if you were engrossed in an activity.

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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To be honest, I think firemaking is about as fun as studying for a test. In most things I do, I find the slightest bit of fun in them; while studying for a history test, for instance, you might come across a widely referenced event and wish to learn more about it.


I don't think anyone really goes Oh boy! Firemaking time! All right!! :thumbsup: . They do it for the purpose of achieving a goal. The "fun" in firemaking is presumably showing off your high stat, because as far as monotonous tasks go (fletching, farmville, watching paint dry), firemaking is probably one of the most boring. But if you can find someone who radiates glee when they see those firey pixels dancing and NOT just when their XP counter increases (by which I mean if you removed the fire animation but still gave XP, they would be absolutely downtrodden), I stand corrrected.

exactly my point.

You summed up why people bot right there.


Because a skill like firemaking that is about as much fun as watching paint dry, is sometimes required to enjoy another aspect of the game.


Thats why im saying Jagex needs to add FUN ways to train if they want less bots. Yes you will always have efficiencywhores and some willing to break the rules, but their in my opinion at least the minority not the majority.

:?: I thought the point was that botting is wrong, even if training is boring


No the point is, that botting -while against the rules- shows a failure on Jagex's part to create fun ways to play the game.


No matter how fun a game is, you will find people botting to create accounts to sell

All skills 70+


Trails: 2 x Rune platebody (g)

Barrows: 1 x Dharok's legs

Drops: 1 x Dragon skirt | 1 x Dragon defender

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Yea... @ OP I've been switching worlds and every falconry pen is empty XD


Trying to get a stupid hunter rock. Cbf to red chin it.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Are they still the oldschool layout? green pants yellowish shirt bald head and a beard?

Because that is [bleep]ING MANLY



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Are they still the oldschool layout? green pants yellowish shirt bald head and a beard?

Because that is [bleep]ING MANLY

Those were Chinese bots.


Yea I think he knows that.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Are they still the oldschool layout? green pants yellowish shirt bald head and a beard?

Because that is [bleep]ING MANLY

Those were Chinese bots.


Yea I think he knows that.

If he did then he wouldn't ask that question :shame:

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He was trying to be funny, as you can tell by the capitalization of "[bleep]ING MANLY". Ugh

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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He was **trying to be funny, as you can tell by the capitalization of "[bleep]ING MANLY". Ugh

All skills 70+


Trails: 2 x Rune platebody (g)

Barrows: 1 x Dharok's legs

Drops: 1 x Dragon skirt | 1 x Dragon defender

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.

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i don't know if JAGeX is doing nothing. because i had a jmod come to quarry mines after i reported a person for botting there. it was obvious they were botting, i even went to their side and stole their rocks; they didnt complain like smart people, they just kept going on the same rotaion. then, when they got randomed, it took them literally 30min to come back. i'm sorry if you're "AFK" when you get randomed, but you don't take 30min to log back in, especially if you were mining the instant you get randomed, meaning a) you were at your compueter since you were doing something or B) your bot was doing its work and got randomed and you were gone and came back 30min later to find your character autologged out in a random event. i'd choose B) because if you really were at your comp, you don't take 30min to finish a random if you were engrossed in an activity.

I've been seeing this constantly while mining in Rimmington. I regularly have obvious bots follow me around for an hour without getting any ore. It's frustrating that people are so lazy and desperate for instant/easy gratification that they would stoop so low as to cheat at an online browser game.


It's very simple: If you dislike training skills that much, don't train them! If you don't like the fact that you have to grind for hours on end to get a skill to 99, don't do it! If you think Jagex made the game to easy/hard/boring/pointless, then don't play!


I am currently trying to max out my pure account using a soul wars bot, with practically zero risk. I leave it running for 24 hours a day, and consistently get 4 zeal per hour. I will obviously then use it to PK (have FUN) with. Botting isn't the problem, runescape is.

So you just admitted to botting, breaking rules both here and in RS. #-o



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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There's nothing wrong with botting.

Rules say otherwise

With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.

So you can't understand why Runescape is a good game, but play it anyway?

Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.

Why would you even want to play at all?

I am currently trying to max out my pure account using a soul wars bot, with practically zero risk. I leave it running for 24 hours a day, and consistently get 4 zeal per hour. I will obviously then use it to PK (have FUN) with. Botting isn't the problem, runescape is.

:shame: :wall: :x

All skills 70+


Trails: 2 x Rune platebody (g)

Barrows: 1 x Dharok's legs

Drops: 1 x Dragon skirt | 1 x Dragon defender

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Well it's been nearly a week since I reported the macroer and sadly, he's still on the highscore with 17 more hunter lvls...


If Jagex won't do a thing about macroing, can't they at least make it an official world for all botters to compete one against the other? Yeah I know, what a stupid idea, but that would be loads better than what we have now, right?



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

Latest Milestones Chart update : page 602

Latest top 15 update : page 602

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Well it's been nearly a week since I reported the macroer and sadly, he's still on the highscore with 17 more hunter lvls...


If Jagex won't do a thing about macroing, can't they at least make it an official world for all botters to compete one against the other? Yeah I know, what a stupid idea, but that would be loads better than what we have now, right?


They need a lot of reports/evidence against one person before they can ban them. The bots themselves are almost undetectable, but a lot of reports would make the customer support team look more closely at the account. They would look at things like unhumane playing times, or playing for a very long period of time without a break, or breaks that are regular (ie break exactly every 2 hours for 10 minutes).

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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.

just because you have crap stats.

either way, it's a game, if you get upset because someone botted higher stats than you, go cry.

I actually agree with this. I would never personally consider botting or RWTing, but when another player does it, it really doesn't phase me.



And it helps us because prices go lower. (Paying 9k for a Dbone ftl?)


But really, if you are sad because people got the same 99 as you, but were able to socially interact with other people irl and you weren't, just cry. You should be happy for them because they did something fun while you sat there and did your daily grind. Then later they did something fun with their botted skills like you did with your legit trained skills, except they got to have fun while they trained to get to the point where they could have fun on Runscape.


Its a game, if someone has better pixles than you but got it with less work, that is your choice not to do the same thing as them. So cry.

Just like if someone got an arma hilt drop and you cut yews for that much cash which took you much longer, and you complain that that is unfair, cry.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.


ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.

just because you have crap stats.

either way, it's a game, if you get upset because someone botted higher stats than you, go cry.

I actually agree with this. I would never personally consider botting or RWTing, but when another player does it, it really doesn't phase me.



And it helps us because prices go lower. (Paying 9k for a Dbone ftl?)


But really, if you are sad because people got the same 99 as you, but were able to socially interact with other people irl and you weren't, just cry. You should be happy for them because they did something fun while you sat there and did your daily grind. Then later they did something fun with their botted skills like you did with your legit trained skills, except they got to have fun while they trained to get to the point where they could have fun on Runscape.


Its a game, if someone has better pixles than you but got it with less work, that is your choice not to do the same thing as them. So cry.

Just like if someone got an arma hilt drop and you cut yews for that much cash which took you much longer, and you complain that that is unfair, cry.

The problem isn't people getting skills/cash with less work but the fact that they should be banned. If i had absolute proof of jagex not at all caring about the rules of the game i would quite very soon. Thus jagex has to realise that there has to be some balance and if they decide to not care they will lose much more paying customers than when thy just quit caring.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.


ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

judging by your signature, you only have 12 mil total xp. You haven't even experienced what it is like to get enough xp in the entire game for a 99 skill yet. Honestly, you haven't experienced enough of the game to form a very valid opinion.

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.


ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

judging by your signature, you only have 12 mil total xp. You haven't even experienced what it is like to get enough xp in the entire game for a 99 skill yet. Honestly, you haven't experienced enough of the game to form a very valid opinion.


you know why i have gotten any 99s?

ive only had 60days gameplay and i dont bot :shock:

who woulda guess?

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.


ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

judging by your signature, you only have 12 mil total xp. You haven't even experienced what it is like to get enough xp in the entire game for a 99 skill yet. Honestly, you haven't experienced enough of the game to form a very valid opinion.


you know why i have gotten any 99s?

ive only had 60days gameplay and i dont bot :shock:

who woulda guess?


60 days?!?!?!?!


You defiantly fit into the category of "Lazy" when it comes to training then.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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There's nothing wrong with botting. The real issue is how much grinding is required to reach all parts of the game. Runescape should reward players for quest or minigame completion more than it does already. With the amount of grinding required (especially with RS Classic) I don't understand how runescape has seen the success it has. My main account has over 160 days legitimate gameplay.


Why would you sit at a computer for 10 hours a day clicking the same thing over and over when you can have a (largely undetectable) program do it for you? The botting community is growing very rapidly, with bots being affordable, effective and reliable. They will solve all random events all of the time and there is almost no limit to what the new type of bots can achieve, other than the skill and imagination of the scripter. Scripting is very easy, thanks to the comprehensive API that the bot community has developed. A decent script can also be very lucrative for the scripter. The only way you will be banned for botting is from MULTIPLE reports against you, or if you are unlucky enough to encounter a player mod.


ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

judging by your signature, you only have 12 mil total xp. You haven't even experienced what it is like to get enough xp in the entire game for a 99 skill yet. Honestly, you haven't experienced enough of the game to form a very valid opinion.


you know why i have gotten any 99s?

ive only had 60days gameplay and i dont bot :shock:

who woulda guess?


60 days?!?!?!?!


You defiantly fit into the category of "Lazy" when it comes to training then.


ya i dont rly care what you say about me

and im not lazy

i like to hang out with people and help them out with things

and play minigames

i dont like to hardcore train

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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ok i dont get it

you say you hate runescape

but youve played ot for 160 day

very impressive on showing how much you hate runescape


on topic

pretty much who ever uses bots you just lazy

its like with the studying

you dont want to study

you just want say some nerd to do it for you

that just pretty much says you would be a dumb person

so then wen you do have lvl 99 in everything and lvl 138

you asking around to people asking them what to do

how do i do this

pretty lame on you part and makes you look not smart

I didn't bother reading your post because your formatting is extremely annoying. Use paragraphs, or at least proper sentences.



The problem isn't people getting skills/cash with less work but the fact that they should be banned. If i had absolute proof of jagex not at all caring about the rules of the game i would quite very soon. Thus jagex has to realise that there has to be some balance and if they decide to not care they will lose much more paying customers than when thy just quit caring.

Why do you care about what others do? Do you play the game for fun or for e-respect?



And it helps us because prices go lower. (Paying 9k for a Dbone ftl?)


But really, if you are sad because people got the same 99 as you, but were able to socially interact with other people irl and you weren't, just cry. You should be happy for them because they did something fun while you sat there and did your daily grind. Then later they did something fun with their botted skills like you did with your legit trained skills, except they got to have fun while they trained to get to the point where they could have fun on Runscape.


Its a game, if someone has better pixles than you but got it with less work, that is your choice not to do the same thing as them. So cry.

Just like if someone got an arma hilt drop and you cut yews for that much cash which took you much longer, and you complain that that is unfair, cry.

Well said.
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Eh, I think an outside perspective might be helpful when we are trying to determine the validity of doing something that many people would rather not want to do because for some reason they want to do it.


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Eh, I think an outside perspective might be helpful when we are trying to determine the validity of doing something that many people would rather not want to do because for some reason they want to do it.


Maybe we should all bot something to 99 then discuss whether botting is good or bad....


I bet alot would change their minds....


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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Eh, I think an outside perspective might be helpful when we are trying to determine the validity of doing something that many people would rather not want to do because for some reason they want to do it.


Maybe we should all bot something to 99 then discuss whether botting is good or bad....


I bet alot would change their minds....

I'd rather play the game than bot to 99s. I don't think that botting is a big deal personally, but I wouldn't do it because I play this game for fun, not epeen or 99s.


People who bot or buy their characters don't stick around anyway.

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