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Messing with Telemarketers


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People used to hoax call all the time when i was at Virgin Mobile. Most of the time we humour the people and go along with the joke making the people think we have been fooled. Then we have the last laugh when we cut them off the network ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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yea i always mess wit em




















they call and say " hello my name is joe" im like REALLY LOUD "HELLO JOE HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY?"












and hes like fine thnak you




















and hes like blh blah im like buddy its dinner give me ur home phone number ill call u at 5:30 pm when ur eating dinner and we can talk

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Lol. I LOVE messing with telemarketers! One time, they called while my brother, his friend, and I were in our pool in our backyard. I had the cordless phone out there with us and when I answered, my brother and his friend were splashing and making alot of noise, so they said, "Hello?" a few times. I spoke really loud and frantic saying, "Who is this?!" When they told me their name, they asked if they were speaking to the adult in the house and I screamed "OH MY GOD!" they said, "Are you alright, ma'am?" I said, "Yeah! I'm fine... But... Billy... Oh my god... Billy! We thought it would be fun to tie concrete blocks to Billy's feet and push him in the lake! We thought we would just scare him a little..." and my brother's friend yelled loud enough for the telemarketer to hear, "OH GOD! How come we didn't know concrete would SINK?!" Just then, my brother started playing along and splashing around, yelling, "HELP! HELP ME!" The telemarketer was speechless... :lol: Then, my brother stopped splashing and everything was silent, until my brother's friend said to me, "Go get a shovel. Hurry!" and the telemarketer hung up. :lol:




I'd imagine the telemarketer could tell that you weren't serious. They're probably used to dumb things like that. Sounds like you guys had fun with it at least..








Yeah. He probably knew we were joking. They probably get that stuff all the time. I'd like to be a telemarketer for at least a little while just to see what kind of stuff people would say to me...

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Hey, we telemarketers are also people >_<








There's probably no job in the world that renders less satisfaction when you've done it right.








How many people actually go along and hear about the product, or take the survey?




I have never met anyone who actually does.

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Market research in the private sector such as telemarketing usually gets about a 5% response rate.




Our surveys at the council tend to get upwards of 50% ^_^ public sector research ftw :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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We get some really devious charities phoning us at work. They basically call up, and ask for someone by their first name (which gives the impression that they know them on a personal basis), then they'll say something like "tell him it's Steve", again giving the impression that the person they've asked for will know who they are.




When they actually get the person they want to talk to, they say something along the lines of "we spoke a few weeks ago and you said you'd like to advertise on our calender" - this is a complete lie, but again is designed to make the person think "maybe i did talk to this person, but forgot about it".




We used to get about 3 of these type of calls each day, but now we're on the register for not receiving calls like this, we rarely get one.




I don't even understand how what they're doing is legal - it's deception. They're telling lies in order to make money, we've even had some charities give fake company names that relate to our business.




I've never bothered playing along with them, simply because i don't have the time - especially at work. Usually i'll just hang up as soon as they say "this is john smith from x company", or if they're really persistant i'll start getting abusive - you'd be surprised how a simple, loud "f*** off!" can work so well.








Edit: And they're ALWAYS foreign. I've had absolutely no calls of this nature from someone with an English accent.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Hey, we telemarketers are also people >_<








There's probably no job in the world that renders less satisfaction when you've done it right.








How about getting a real job instead?!


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Guest GhostRanger

A telemarketer called my cellphone today to try and sell me website design services (apparently they do everything now). I told him I couldn't talk then but he could call back tonight.








Him: When would be best to reach you tonight?




Me: Well I have to do my sacrificial rituals at around 6:30...




Him: So what type do you think?




Me: It usually takes about 45 minutes to properly slaughter the lamb...so how aabout 7:30?




Him: (pause) Okay...








...sigh...he didn't call back... =(

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Hey, we telemarketers are also people >_<








There's probably no job in the world that renders less satisfaction when you've done it right.








How about getting a real job instead?!








How is working in a call centre NOT a real job. It pays well and has pretty good hours. I dont regret nor am i embarassed for ever doing it. I needed the money.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Hey, we telemarketers are also people >_<








There's probably no job in the world that renders less satisfaction when you've done it right.








How about getting a real job instead?!








And what exactly do you do for a living that's making such a positive impact on society? All you ever seem to do is spend your time pulling pranks on people, setting fire to things or faking kidnappings.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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@Rizla: Don't forget dropping out of Tafe a few times or something.
















Anyhow, the only telemarketers I like the piss off are those which can't speak clear english. I generally just hang up straight away as soon as they speaking if I can't understand them.








And other than though I don't really mind the rest. I'll usually just tell them I'm not intersted. Occasionally there are a few where I honestly am interested in what they're selling but now it is mainly just 'Gold Coast holiday' 'mobile phones' or something else which is equally pointless to me.








So meah.

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They call us, but I never prank them. It's a waste of my and their time, so I don't really see the use of it.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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How can you like burnt toaste that is jst wrong for god sake. ya sopos to have toaste golden brown.








BTW i agree with the guy that mentioned somthin about not bein able to to spell well i am on your side as i can not spell weel at all and it is not right for ppl to take the piss out of ppl thaty can not spell

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The ultimate anti-telemarker weapon: ladies and gents, I give you the TELECRAPPER 2000!








It just plays a sequence of sound files off of a computer and simulates the effect of talking to a real person, to a telemarketer. Listen to some of the recordings about 2/3 way down the page, and you'll see how awesome it is.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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The ultimate anti-telemarker weapon: ladies and gents, I give you the TELECRAPPER 2000!








It just plays a sequence of sound files off of a computer and simulates the effect of talking to a real person, to a telemarketer. Listen to some of the recordings about 2/3 way down the page, and you'll see how awesome it is.








:twisted: that thing is AWSOME


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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Start speaking another language until they give up.
















"No hablo ingles"








"Me llamo es Brian"








That won't work out here. West (formerly known as Dakotah Direct) has been hiring bilinguals (read: English/Spanish) for some time.








Telemarketing per se is *bad*. I think most call centers do tech support and customer service, however. I've done telemarketing (1 week) but I wouldn't mind a call center so much if they didn't do that stuff.








On topic: Most of the time, I give a curt 'No thank you, we're not interested'-- will say it quite loudly if I'm not the one answering the phone. It is quite tempting, however, to figure out how to build a Telecrapper 2000 setup and see if that gets industries to stop using these awful methods.








Ironically, most of them know they are looking for a needle in a haystack. They are still hoping to find that needle...

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How is working in a call centre NOT a real job. It pays well and has pretty good hours. I dont regret nor am i embarassed for ever doing it. I needed the money.








Im not talking about your customer support.








Im talking about people who ring specifically at dinner time and generally goout of there way to inconvinience people for their bag of silver.








Telemarketers are absolute scum esspesially when when they come to the old people.








I consider it pretty rude to go ringing total strangers about something you know they probably wont want.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Have you guys ever wondered how the telemarketer feels on the other side. I mean sure, some of them don't care but everytime I hear about someone hanging up on a telemarketer I remember that Family Guy episode where the telemarketer phones and the person on the other line hangs up and he starts crying. I mean they really are just people trying to make a living.








As for a funny story I was once called by telemarketer during Final exam season last year and I was kinda short tempered so I decided to play with this guy. When I told him I was busy and didn't want to answer his survey he asked if there was a better time to call him back, I gave him a time and then said "Ask for Puntar Sanderfish" and he said okay. I was expecting him to call on Saturday afternoon but he never did.

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