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Hi, this is me. Working out / Weights


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I have noticed that the knowledge of bodybuilding / working out in these forums (like all other gaming forums) is pretty poor and in some cases incorrect. I have been reading some posts and the amount of incorrect information just amazes me :o. Anyways I'm here for you to ask me questions about anything (although I prefer BBing-related). Here are two pictures of me, I have more. By the way, I also belong to a bodybuilding forum.



Ask away! I can't wait to start answering ;)




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Yeah! How many pushups should I take before i go to bed? Should i take all in one go or take small breaks? When i do 20 quick and proper ones in one go I really feel the pain in my arms. What do you suggest?

My lame drops:
6 Effigys
1 D Med - 1 D Dagger
1 Verac's Helmet - 1 Guthan's Platebody

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I have noticed that the knowledge of bodybuilding / working out in these forums (like all other gaming forums) is pretty poor and in some cases incorrect. I have been reading some posts and the amount of incorrect information just amazes me :o.


Such as? And why should someone take your word over other people's on this forum, what do you have to offer?

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Yeah! How many pushups should I take before i go to bed? Should i take all in one go or take small breaks? When i do 20 quick and proper ones in one go I really feel the pain in my arms. What do you suggest?

There are many types of push ups, and different push ups do different parts of your upper body. I'm assuming you are doing the classical pushup, which primarily works your chest, deltoids, and possibly some triceps.


Remember to always use the correct form because if you don't, you will not be targetting the desired area(s) and/or you can injure yourself. Pushups are good for those seeking a "healthy lifestyle", but pushups alone will not get you "ripped" / "toned" / "big".


You should set a total amount of pushups you wish to do, and complete them set by set. For example, say I wanna do 30 pushups before sleeping, I do 3 sets of 10. You can do sets of 20, or whatever you are able to. As for how many you should do, that all depends on you. If you're using the correct form from start to finish, fitness level, ect ect. My suggestion is you start with 5 pushups and build up until you reach 30. If you are unable to reach 30, just stop whereever you left off. Then the next day try to do just one more, and so on until you reach your goal. If doing 30 was hard before, it will now be obtainable. Then you raise your goal, and 30 will become easy as pie to do.


The "pain" you may be feeling can be one of two things: soreness, or you are doing the pushup incorrectly (thus causing little pain). It is probably being sore. What you should do to relieve the soreness is to eat some grams of protein (8-15grams should do for ya) and then have a good nights sleep =]. You are sore because the muscle is rebuilding itself and is in need of protein (in order to repair tore muscle tissue)


If you REALLY wanna get into bodybuilding / getting ripped, tell me and I will further point you in the right direction ;).


Such as? And why should someone take your word over other people's on this forum, what do you have to offer?

Hi :). I start replying to working out posts in this forum tomorrow night (going to the beach tomorrow, morning - 7pm).


The reason is because most posters in this forum are simply beginners to bodybuilding (they may consider themselves otherwise, but aren't) and are misinformed about how to build muscle correctly and loose fat (as well as other stuff). I'm not a powerlifter (as some here may be). I work out to look good in tight shirts (as aethetic as it's, it's true for most =]) and attract the girls. To put it simply: would you take my word or a someone who is 17%+ bodyfat, is soft (you touch them, feels flobby/soft), looks "big" (altho it's mostly fat), ect ect? Yea, that should answer it for you ;).


Unlike other stuff, real life pictures when discussing bodybuilding show your experience and knowledge. Why? because you apply what you talk about in forums to real life, and if you are correct the results will appear. That is just how it works ;).

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We haven't seen pics from anyone else on here, and you don't need them if you back up what you say with sources. How do you know what other people posting here are like when they haven't posted anything about themselves? I mean, you don't look particularly big and I wouldn't have guessed you weren't a beginner had you not told us, no offense at all intended.


Actually, un4given posted a thread similar to this, and has impressive lifts


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We haven't seen pics from anyone else on here, and you don't need them if you back up what you say with sources. How do you know what other people posting here are like when they haven't posted anything about themselves? I mean, you don't look particularly big and I wouldn't have guessed you weren't a beginner had you not told us, no offense at all intended.


Actually, un4given posted a thread similar to this, and has impressive lifts


To be fair, he is right about the bad advice given...un4given's thread was good though.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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We haven't seen pics from anyone else on here, and you don't need them if you back up what you say with sources. How do you know what other people posting here are like when they haven't posted anything about themselves? I mean, you don't look particularly big and I wouldn't have guessed you weren't a beginner had you not told us, no offense at all intended.


Actually, un4given posted a thread similar to this, and has impressive lifts


Lol, lol, and lol -_-.


Yes, you do need pictures to back up what you are saying. How do I know? because what they are posting is either somewhat wrong or totally wrong (I already replied to some topics correcting them). I weighted myself some months ago, and it was 181 LB. My height is 5ft 11inch. I don't work out to be big, I workout to have a low bodyfat percent while having symmetric muscle throughout my body. The word "big" is very, very misleading. Most people who normal people (aka the regular guy) consider "big" is someone who is tall and has a lot of body mass. However, when you touch this big person, they feel soft.. you can usually poke your finger in. This is called "fat".


Ungiven is a powerlifter. He does not care how he looks, he only cares about his 1RM for the lifts he does. If you look at the picture he posted... he is not big (I'm probably his height, and possibly taller), and is mostly fat. I'm assuming that he is mostly fat by the shape of his right arm, which is missing the bicep bump and the tricep horseshoe, plus by looking at his chest area.. He is also missing the traps bump lol. To be perfectly honest, it is not that impressive. I am not a powerlifter (meaning the exercises are do are not to specifically increase in weight, but to target my desired area or areas) but my max for deadlifting was 405LBs.. and that was just picking it up. I don't incorporate deadlifting into my routine, so imagine how much higher it would be if I did.


Seeing you so confidently post makes me wanna see how you look like in real life. Post a picture.



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You make some big claims so I thread through your posts. You've corrected maybe one or two points on this forum from what I can see and the rest of your posts here are nothing that revelatory so I don't see what you're making such a fuss about. Yeah there's a little bit of bad advice being thrown about on here but there's also a lot of good advice from guys like Bloodstain, Myweponsg00d and others


No I'm not going to post pictures (not my style) and I don't see why you expect others to to prove any credentials. It assumes the best coaches are the best athletes, when any real athlete will tell you the best coaches are the ones who just tried really, really hard. I'd take Mark Rippetoe's advice over Ronnie Coleman's any day. Your bodybuilding style might work for some people but it certainly isn't the only way and I've found in most cases is an ineffective way for teenagers (like the majority of people asking for advice here) to achieve the goals they want. Aesthetically based programs rarely work well for young hard-gainers and give people unrealistic expectations of what their body can do at that age.


In short, I don't see why you're acting all elitist about your advice over ours, your pictures don't exactly look anything special and none of the advice I've read you give is anything more in depth than I could read in Men's Health magazine next to their monthly articles about how to get six-pack abs in x number of weeks. If you want to give out advice and discuss these things, great, join us in all the other threads but please don't pretend you're "the real deal" or something because I'm not seeing it.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I think that's it's you want to contribute, but I think most of the advice here is reasonably sound. You can correct when you feel the need to, but I don't think you need to claim to be some expert.


Also, you don't look that big, or that cut in your pictures. I mean, you are to an extent, but your chest doesn't look that big, and you do't have abs. Which you should, if you goal is low body fat %.

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To put it simply: would you take my word or a someone who is 17%+ bodyfat,



Awe yeah damn you're right, your ~12% bodyfat is so much more incredible.


On this forum we have a wide variety of people who have a wide background in fitness knowledge. Some people are seasoned vets, some are beginners, some are scientists, some have an enormous crush on Paleo. But honestly nobody, except for you, comes in here and flaunts around like they are the dog's bollocks for some reason or another.


Yet you come in, claim that you are interested in keeping a low bodyfat % and keeping nice proportions, post pictures that show neither low BF% or nice proportions (where the hell are your lats?), and then act like you own the place.


You are no expert, and you don't look good. Stay away.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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I'm nothing spectacular, but since you implied asking for pictures, here's a few I just took.







Am I big? Nah. Am I an expert? Nah. I don't claim to be, however, I do know some things, and those I don't quite know, I don't pretend to. I wouldn't come here claiming these guys don't know what they're talking about, because they actually do. I've talked to one in specific in this forum in private about stamina issues (as that's sort of a weakness right now, but the fact I went from barely making 2 miles to running a 12:31 in two weeks (basic training) says I have experience, I just prefer hearing what others have to say as well). If you want to be helpful in these forums, just post on the threads. If there was one post where everyone asked their questions, well it wouldn't deserve a forum. Will you get flamed? Possibly, this is the internet, you'll have to deal with that anywhere you go. If you stick around, I look forward to reading the advice you post (along with the others who know what they're talking about).


P.S. This is the first time I've ever posted pictures of myself like that o.O

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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Yeah! How many pushups should I take before i go to bed? Should i take all in one go or take small breaks? When i do 20 quick and proper ones in one go I really feel the pain in my arms. What do you suggest?

There are many types of push ups, and different push ups do different parts of your upper body. I'm assuming you are doing the classical pushup, which primarily works your chest, deltoids, and possibly some triceps.


Remember to always use the correct form because if you don't, you will not be targetting the desired area(s) and/or you can injure yourself. Pushups are good for those seeking a "healthy lifestyle", but pushups alone will not get you "ripped" / "toned" / "big".


You should set a total amount of pushups you wish to do, and complete them set by set. For example, say I wanna do 30 pushups before sleeping, I do 3 sets of 10. You can do sets of 20, or whatever you are able to. As for how many you should do, that all depends on you. If you're using the correct form from start to finish, fitness level, ect ect. My suggestion is you start with 5 pushups and build up until you reach 30. If you are unable to reach 30, just stop whereever you left off. Then the next day try to do just one more, and so on until you reach your goal. If doing 30 was hard before, it will now be obtainable. Then you raise your goal, and 30 will become easy as pie to do.


The "pain" you may be feeling can be one of two things: soreness, or you are doing the pushup incorrectly (thus causing little pain). It is probably being sore. What you should do to relieve the soreness is to eat some grams of protein (8-15grams should do for ya) and then have a good nights sleep =]. You are sore because the muscle is rebuilding itself and is in need of protein (in order to repair tore muscle tissue)


If you REALLY wanna get into bodybuilding / getting ripped, tell me and I will further point you in the right direction ;).



Thanks alot for your advice, I don't eat particulary much proteins, so ill get into that. and all im after is a healthier lifestyle and don't look like weakling ;-P

My lame drops:
6 Effigys
1 D Med - 1 D Dagger
1 Verac's Helmet - 1 Guthan's Platebody

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I have a request. Please highlight what was incorrect on other posts (things that aren't ridiculously obvious) and post them here, alongside the correct information. This way we can see the common errors and not have to go on a big backlog trip through the threads in order to find which information we previously read is incorrect. I'd appreciate it. :thumbup:




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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  • 1 month later...



ANYWAYS...Eating before bed..YAY OR NAY! I always have some orange juice + Peanut butter on a crumpet before bed!


Doesn't really matter, but if you're trying to gain, it's a good idea to eat before bed. Otherwise you're going 8 hours without any sustenance.

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Leave the guy alone, let him prove himself before asking what makes him better than the rest of the posters here.



Or maybe he should prove himself before running his mouth.




Still waiting on my request. Been over a month. :(




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Leave the guy alone, let him prove himself before asking what makes him better than the rest of the posters here.



Or maybe he should prove himself before running his mouth.




Still waiting on my request. Been over a month. :(


Long time, no talk, Derek. :)


Anyway, I'm also interested in getting more advice about working out/weights. More specifically, supplements as I've been looking into stacking for more gains. Currently I only take pre-workouts and protein supplements (Optimum Whey protein and now trying Syntha-6 and N.O.-Xplode). However I'm contemplating dropping the N.O. and taking creatine before, glutamine after, since it's not recommend to take both before or after since they compete with each other or something like that. I've been doing a lot of research on these type of supplements and they seem to be effective I just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with them. My roommate swears by his supplements and he has shown me older pictures compared to what he looks like now and there are definitely visible results.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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