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No child left unrecruited.


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But when Shea-Keneally insisted on an explanation, she was in for an even bigger surprise: The recruiters cited the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's sweeping new education law passed earlier this year. There, buried deep within the law's 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student -- or face a cutoff of all federal aid.








So much for a student's right to privacy. In any federally-funded high school, an army recruiter can walk up to the administration and retrieve a full list of names, adresses and phonenumbers of all students. With the threat of having their funding cut, schools don't really seem to have a choice but to give them the information they want. Are students really helped with this kind of violation of their basic human rights? Under this clause, any American high school student can wake up one morning with an army recruiter on the doorstep or on the phone.

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Its like with telemarketers, no one is forcing another to listen. If they turn up just throw them out or hang up.

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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It's not like the government would have very much trouble getting people's contact info anyway. Also not really a matter of privacy, either. They're not spying on you.








I agree it is kind of :-/, though, and if it went much farther I'd really be upset.

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Under this clause, any American high school student can wake up one morning with an army recruiter on the doorstep or on the phone.








Wherein all they have to say is "no thanks".








I honestly don't think telemarketers having access to your phone number, colleges reading your transcripts and offering you scholarships, and mormons coming to your doorstep to talk to you about Jesus is any different.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Under this clause, any American high school student can wake up one morning with an army recruiter on the doorstep or on the phone.








Wherein all they have to say is "no thanks".








I honestly don't think telemarketers having access to your phone number, colleges reading your transcripts and offering you scholarships, and mormons coming to your doorstep to talk to you about Jesus is any different.








I see your point but some uniformed person wanting to send you to war, for me anyway, would be more intimidating.

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Guest GhostRanger

The army is run by the government.








The government takes the census of the United States.








Did you expect the Army to not have full access to all of that kind of information?








(When I turned 18 I was sent a letter telling me to register for the selective surfaces (draft). Surely I wasn't surprised that the Selective Services had my name and address on record.)

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Hurray for democrazy! :lol:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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just say no thanks, you dont have to join if you dont want to. and if you are anti-war person, dont look at this as a bad thing, make it into a good thing. you could get into a debate with the recuiter, that could be fun.








Haha....make them think you're really interested so that they will want to try and persuade you, then start arguing every point :lol:
















From the article:

Educators point out that the armed services have exceeded their recruitment goals for the past two years in a row, even without access to every school




I thought recruiters were having trouble meeting recruiter quotas :?








EDIT: nvmnd, this article is three years old :roll:

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I see your point but some uniformed person wanting to send you to war, for me anyway, would be more intimidating.








At which point you rudely tell him to stuff it up his pie-hole :D

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I see your point but some uniformed person wanting to send you to war, for me anyway, would be more intimidating.








At which point you rudely tell him to stuff it up his pie-hole :D

At which point he will chop you into little pieces and flush you down the toilet-And then claim you were a terrorist.








No terrorist left unflushed.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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:? I dotn really see the problem here. Sure they get the phone numbers and address, but other then that, all they can do is call or phone you and ask to join. Am i right that the USA has no Conscription right now? Cause if they did, that would be another story.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Sigh... last year, when I was a high school senior, the dudes from the army tried to call me and tell me I should join up.








If you know me, you probably know it's not my thing. I don't believe the government should be enticing kids to risk their lives for a cause they don't believe in to murder other people... just so they can have enough money to pay for an education. In the US, a great deal of the people who join the army do so to enable them to pay for college/university.








Anyway. So I tell the dude it's not my thing. That should suffice, right? But no, he asks me to explain why. He thinks he can convince me. I warn him that no... it's REALLY not my thing. He says he can't see any good reason not to join, and he'd like to hear my reasoning. Okay, well, he's asking for it.








I start to explain that I don't believe murder is okay even if you call it patriotism. He explains that I wouldn't have to ever be in combat, and that I could just be all paperworky and [cabbage].








Then I start ranting about government funding being cut from education and public welfare and being spent on defense, and brainwashing kids into doing the army just so they can get a decent education and subsequently a decent living, telling them they won't have to risk their lives and then asking them to later.








He hung up on me. That's right, the telemarketer for the army hung up on ME :(

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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To those saying that "the government takes the census, so of course the army has access to everyone's names and addresses" - the UK government takes a census, and I've never had an army recruiter phone me up or anyone else I know.








The UK army shows up at campus careers days and has a stand, and they also have adverts on the t.v. - but just because they're the army, they don't get free reign to spam and annoy.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Guest GhostRanger
To those saying that "the government takes the census, so of course the army has access to everyone's names and addresses" - the UK government takes a census, and I've never had an army recruiter phone me up or anyone else I know.








The UK army shows up at campus careers days and has a stand, and they also have adverts on the t.v. - but just because they're the army, they don't get free reign to spam and annoy.








You misused my logic there (I was the one who said that). I didn't say "The gov't takes a census, therefore the recruiters call me." I only said they have your information so its not that strange of a thing for the army to have access for it.








I live in the U.S. an have never been called be a recruiter. But I could be called by a recruiter, just like a I could be called by any telemarketer.








Certainly they can't continuously annoy you, that would be harrassment and we have laws against it. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. :?

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I got free temporary tatoos and keychains the last time an army recruited went to our career fair! :lol:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Guest GhostRanger
I got free temporary tatoos and keychains the last time an army recruited went to our career fair! :lol:








That is seriously the best thing about senior year. So many colleges and military services come to recruit you and are willing to give you so much free stuff in order to do so. :P

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I belive its federal law to register for the draft when you turn 18 in the US. By register I mean you get a card in the mail and you fill out your birthday and SS# so if there is a draft they know you excist. Also if they call, as they did to me, jsut say that you are in college/you have just been accepted to college and your parents can afford to pay everything for you (even if thats not the case) No one in their right mind would try and persue someone to leave a college that there not paying for to go fight in Iraq.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I belive its federal law to register for the draft when you turn 18 in the US. By register I mean you get a card in the mail and you fill out your birthday and SS# so if there is a draft they know you excist. Also if they call, as they did to me, jsut say that you are in college/you have just been accepted to college and your parents can afford to pay everything for you (even if thats not the case) No one in their right mind would try and persue someone to leave a college that there not paying for to go fight in Iraq.








You basically have the jest of it.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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