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Why can't F2P have...?


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I don't have any complaints for F2P accept... Why can't F2P have Skillcapes?!? We worked so hard on a 99... harder than a P2P actually, don't you think we should get some type of reward rather than forcing us to become P2P and THEN get a skillcape... <_<

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Not too long ago it was impossible to buy huge stashes of bronze arrows through the GE which was a hinderance for high level rangers. Making fletching F2P would have solved this problem IMO.



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

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Not too long ago it was impossible to buy huge stashes of bronze arrows through the GE which was a hinderance for high level rangers. Making fletching F2P would have solved this problem IMO.

OR removing the price ceiling on these items. This has already happened, by the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im not f2p but i will soon be after mem ends but y cant f2p have a bank on karjama(sp?) THats the only place to fish lobs swords without having to buy them and there should be a bank so it would be easier!


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Im not f2p but i will soon be after mem ends but y cant f2p have a bank on karjama(sp?) THats the only place to fish lobs swords without having to buy them and there should be a bank so it would be easier!

Cabbage port, deposit your fish in the dock by the Entrana monks, then take a boat back to Karamja. Pretty quick.

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Im not f2p but i will soon be after mem ends but y cant f2p have a bank on karjama(sp?) THats the only place to fish lobs swords without having to buy them and there should be a bank so it would be easier!

Cabbage port, deposit your fish in the dock by the Entrana monks, then take a boat back to Karamja. Pretty quick.


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Im not f2p but i will soon be after mem ends but y cant f2p have a bank on karjama(sp?) THats the only place to fish lobs swords without having to buy them and there should be a bank so it would be easier!

Cabbage port, deposit your fish in the dock by the Entrana monks, then take a boat back to Karamja. Pretty quick.



There's a bank deposit box there, it's a great tool for willows(there are four trees there), swordfish and lobster, and clay/addy mining.

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Isn't entrana mem only?



Click sig for blog ^^


6,627th to 99 fletching

33,986th to 99 attack

4,871st to 99 thieving


Whip drops: 28 / Dark Bows: 7 / Hexcrests: 7 / Focus Sights: 1 / Staffs of Light: 6 / Dragon Chainbodies: 2 (1 KQ Solo 1 Dust Devil)

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Im not f2p but i will soon be after mem ends but y cant f2p have a bank on karjama(sp?) THats the only place to fish lobs swords without having to buy them and there should be a bank so it would be easier!

Cabbage port, deposit your fish in the dock by the Entrana monks, then take a boat back to Karamja. Pretty quick.



There's a bank deposit box there, it's a great tool for willows(there are four trees there), swordfish and lobster, and clay/addy mining.

That must be new. I had no idea there was one there, and I'm sure there wasn't one before...

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F2p in a way is like playing a free demo you've downloaded on xbox 360... If you like the game you go out and buy it. It's the same here. Basically f2p is a demo of Runescape. If you like it, you upgrade to members. After being a member for over 5 years i could not and would not ever go back to f2p. If you like playing runescape, become a member. Playing f2p your not really playing runescape. There's not half the stuff on f2p than there is on members!


i big drew i.png

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F2p in a way is like playing a free demo you've downloaded on xbox 360... If you like the game you go out and buy it. It's the same here. Basically f2p is a demo of Runescape. If you like it, you upgrade to members. After being a member for over 5 years i could not and would not ever go back to f2p. If you like playing runescape, become a member. Playing f2p your not really playing runescape. There's not half the stuff on f2p than there is on members!

No, I will never get members.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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F2p in a way is like playing a free demo you've downloaded on xbox 360... If you like the game you go out and buy it. It's the same here. Basically f2p is a demo of Runescape. If you like it, you upgrade to members. After being a member for over 5 years i could not and would not ever go back to f2p. If you like playing runescape, become a member. Playing f2p your not really playing runescape. There's not half the stuff on f2p than there is on members!


Thats not the point... and I have to say... we f2pers are the true players here =D> ... no shortcuts for us; but that said, it would be nice if we could have non-degradeable Dragon items... no new weapons im fine with a longsword but Dragon would be nice.


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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How are you any more of a player than a member? Or vice versa. I don't get why F2Pers and P2Pers have constant issues over who are "better players" based 100% on whether they play one version or another. :thumbdown:



I agree with Bladewing on this one, F2P and P2P are 2 different playing style, but we are both RS players that like different playing style, so its not comparable per say. But both side have amazing achievement.


@ Tank, Being handicapped in certain parts of F2P doesn't make us true players, its just take the goal and approach more differently and longer, for the most part, we don't really need anything else, we are quite sufficient as our own, same thing would apply for P2P world as well.

a happy Runescaper

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Geez... apperantly being facetious is a problem on these forums... :thumbdown:


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Geez... apperantly being facetious is a problem on these forums... :thumbdown:

especially if the one who was facetious didnt show any signs of being one :shame:

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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Fair enough, that was my bad.


I'll use my facetiality hand from now on.


-raises facetiality hand- you people are too serious [/use of facetiality hand]


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about more banks space P2P players get 496(428 spaces from P2P and 68 spaces from F2P) spaces that they can store more stuff but do the F2P players get? We get 68 spaces to store stuff which is not fair at all. The last time I was played RS was back in 2004 it was like this before I stopped playing. F2P players get 14% of space but P2P player get 86% more space then the F2P players which I thinks is little unjustified, give us half of the bank space that the members have at lease so we can store more stuff.

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How about more banks space P2P players get 496(428 spaces from P2P and 68 spaces from F2P) spaces that they can store more stuff but do the F2P players get? We get 68 spaces to store stuff which is not fair at all. The last time I was played RS was back in 2004 it was like this before I stopped playing. F2P players get 14% of space but P2P player get 86% more space then the F2P players which I thinks is little unjustified, give us half of the bank space that the members have at lease so we can store more stuff.


Bank space is a benefit of being a members. An increase of bank space was already given to F2Pers, so don't say it's not fair because you don't pay a single cent.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Bank space is a benefit of being a members. An increase of bank space was already given to F2Pers, so don't say it's not fair because you don't pay a single cent.

That's not a very good reason, AND you're being stereotypical of F2P.


The REAL reason is simply because you really don't have to use that much stuff in F2P. I'm able to store ALL random event items and all the combat/skilling items I need in my bank, and have a few spaces left over as well. It's not the problem of having too less bank space, it's the problem with your bank organization. Toss out stuff you don't use (holiday items).




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Bank space is a benefit of being a members. An increase of bank space was already given to F2Pers, so don't say it's not fair because you don't pay a single cent.

That's not a very good reason, AND you're being stereotypical of F2P.


The REAL reason is simply because you really don't have to use that much stuff in F2P. I'm able to store ALL random event items and all the combat/skilling items I need in my bank, and have a few spaces left over as well. It's not the problem of having too less bank space, it's the problem with your bank organization. Toss out stuff you don't use (holiday items).

And even if you use your holiday items, toss them when you're done and retrieve them from Diango when you want to do it again. Sonic is right that we have enough bank space in F2P, if we manage it properly.


As for giving us HALF of what P2P has... We have nowhere NEAR half the items, so that would not be logical at all.

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