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Argh, don't you hate bullies?


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Don't you hate bullies? They always bother someone when that person has done nothing too them, and the sad thing is that their life is so empty that they need to bother others to have meaning to it. Why do you think they do it?

Proud Acolyte of the Ooc

Cmon Steve you can do it!



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To make themselves seem superior. They may be intimidated at home and feel a need to instill fear into someone else to make themselves feel better about the things that happen to them at home, or just because they are so used to it, they think it's normal.

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They have enormous egos (real, or put on to make themselves feel better), and they need to satisfy this self-image. Thus, they feel the need to always be the most powerful, the one in control, and they single out anyone they can in order to assert their dominance. It is a way of proving to themselves how great they are and preserving their sense of self-worth.








Okay, I'll stop making stuff up now :oops:

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








2) Train yourself, and fight back (only for physically abusive bullies, if they just tease you, please only resort to method 1.)


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








Or just say something back instead of turtling. When has running from a problem EVER solved anything, in the history of mankind?

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








Or just say something back instead of turtling. When has running from a problem EVER solved anything, in the history of mankind?








Saying something back tells them that they are succeeding in getting under your skin. Deny them the fun, and you needn't worry about them.








Besides, taking a few insults can improve other's opinion on your self esteem. By ignoring the taunts, you show that you have nothing to prove to keep yourself from being bullied.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Most of that stuff about them being bullied and need to bully to feel good, or they have low self esteem is all bull. Bullys bully cause they can, cause they are naturaly aggresive. Just do something to overpower them and usaly they move on cause they know they cant do anything to you.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








Or just say something back instead of turtling. When has running from a problem EVER solved anything, in the history of mankind?








Saying something back tells them that they are succeeding in getting under your skin. Deny them the fun, and you needn't worry about them.








Besides, taking a few insults can improve other's opinion on your self esteem. By ignoring the taunts, you show that you have nothing to prove to keep yourself from being bullied.








What makes you think that bullies do what they do to know they're getting under your skin?








Btw, if you just "ignore" what people say about you, it won't show others that you have high self-esteem. It'll show others that they can do whatever they want to you, knowing you'll never do anything back. Maybe if you want to display to the world that you're defenseless, that's a good way to go. But if you have a spine at all, you shouldn't be taking crap from others.

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








Or just say something back instead of turtling. When has running from a problem EVER solved anything, in the history of mankind?








Saying something back tells them that they are succeeding in getting under your skin. Deny them the fun, and you needn't worry about them.








Besides, taking a few insults can improve other's opinion on your self esteem. By ignoring the taunts, you show that you have nothing to prove to keep yourself from being bullied.








What makes you think that bullies do what they do to know they're getting under your skin?








Btw, if you just "ignore" what people say about you, it won't show others that you have high self-esteem. It'll show others that they can do whatever they want to you, knowing you'll never do anything back. Maybe if you want to display to the world that you're defenseless, that's a good way to go. But if you have a spine at all, you shouldn't be taking crap from others.








And this is yet another example of how wars start. If something offends one country, that country has to go to war just to prove it cant be shoved around (and in reality it wasnt, it was just offended). Its the same in real life, unless there is an acutle reason to fight back, dont. Also if you do, dont go stright to physical. Show them up by doing something using your brains...


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








Or just say something back instead of turtling. When has running from a problem EVER solved anything, in the history of mankind?








Saying something back tells them that they are succeeding in getting under your skin. Deny them the fun, and you needn't worry about them.








Besides, taking a few insults can improve other's opinion on your self esteem. By ignoring the taunts, you show that you have nothing to prove to keep yourself from being bullied.








What makes you think that bullies do what they do to know they're getting under your skin?








Btw, if you just "ignore" what people say about you, it won't show others that you have high self-esteem. It'll show others that they can do whatever they want to you, knowing you'll never do anything back. Maybe if you want to display to the world that you're defenseless, that's a good way to go. But if you have a spine at all, you shouldn't be taking crap from others.








And this is yet another example of how wars start. If something offends one country, that country has to go to war just to prove it cant be shoved around (and in reality it wasnt, it was just offended). Its the same in real life, unless there is an acutle reason to fight back, dont. Also if you do, dont go stright to physical. Show them up by doing something using your brains...








I'll quote myself from this thread, since you seemed to ignore certain words I posted:







Or just say something back instead of turtling.

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Only in the eye of the beholder.








Ive been bullied in the past. Ive either ignored them, or in the case of a rather violent guy: beat the stuffing out of him (we are actually friends now, go figure). By my senior year in high school, I was a rather popular fellow in school. People admired my patience and ability to take crap, and after my fight with the bully, nobody really wished to do that to me.








Fighting back with words can make things worse, it may not. It depends on the bully.








What matter is how you carry yourself after ignoring the abuse. If you run away with your tail in between your legs about to bleed tears, it does not portray a good image.








If you walk away with your head high and a smile on your face, it shows that you are strong and do not take abuse from anyone.








Really, when it comes to verbal bullying, you decide your fate. The more you take abuse proudly, the more desperate and idiotic the bully is going to look in the eyes of others. You can defeat him with silence.








As before mentioned, physical bullying is another matter. If you cannot possibly win in a fight, or he has injured you sufficiently to require medical aide, it is time proper to tell someone about it.








If its just a few bruises from fisticuffs, learn to fight back. Learning martial arts is wonderful excercise, teaches self control, and self defense. The bully will lose reputation when you turn the tables and show that you can defend yourself (do not hurt him, just block or parry his attacks and use light punches or kicks to knock him off balance).








Trust me, I was dealing with bullies when you were in diapers (if even).








Remember, its all about attitude when dealing with verbal abuse.








Keep your head high, your spirits raised, and a little surprise in your fist...bullies won't be able to touch you.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I am going to double post for emphasis.








When dealing with bullies, DO NOT become a bully yourself. Hurling abuse back, or a flurry of punches will not solve anything. Showing that you can defend yourself from both forms of assault will go a long ways.








Best offense is a rock solid defense.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I hate people that type in green 10 times more.
So a bully that typed in green would just be unbearable.








Oh man...




You have no idea.




Liek t0t4lly unbearable.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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You could always just agree with their insults. If someone makes fun of my man-boobs or calls me *, I just tell them I left my bra at their house last night. That always works for me.








lol thats classic








i use to get bullied alot actually wen i first went to highschool




i was diff from most ppl coz i was into basketball and every1 else was into football/soccer/cricket/surfing




n they would always tell me how [cabbage] basketball is n that




n i also had a problem coz most ppl at my school or town actually are white




n i'm only half, so they thought that was a reason to bully me








after awhile i just got so sick of it




so i got in a fight , every1 seen it




before i even finished my stage( its like monitoring u after u come back from suspension)




i got in a fight again... this time not many ppl seen it, n it sorta scared alot of ppl coz they thought maybe ill fight them wen theres no1 around n ill beat the living daylights out of them




i didnt get in a fight for the rest of that year








next year comes.. n it starts up again




one day i was psyched up for athletics carnival n this guy throws a full waterbottle n hits me in the eye. every1 was there to watch it n they were just watching to see wat i would do...




i walked over to him n instead of pushing him i just punched him in the jaw




dropped him to the ground..n all these guys who were suppose to be his friends come up to him n go "you got knocked the f out"




then wen he got up i thought it was gonna be punch on.. but he walked away towards the principals office n told on me




then he said he'll get me back.... i told him im up for it,




he has never sed anything after that n he doesnt even look at me in the eye nemore...








another thing happened afew weeks ago




this guy who i sorta talk to kept punching me (not hard, but sure wasnt soft)




n annoying the hell out of me, along with his friends




then i'd try n chase the guy that punched me n he'd keep running away








1 day he was playing handball with like 20 ppl n i told my mate, watch this..i walk over to him while he was playing handball




grab him by the neck with both my hands push him against a wall and try n choke him




n told him if he doesnt stop im gonna kill him




if u had seen his eyes, u would see wat sum1 with fear inside them looked like








neither his friends nor him ever do nething nemore to me




actually pretty much no1 at school says nething to me nemore




which is good coz i only have to listen to my friends n no1 else's bull* lol








so if verbal doesnt work




i tell ya physical does work




just put fear into them n they will stop ;)

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they do it to look cool... aahh well i'd rather be just silly odd me in stead of someone "cool".








and yeah i got this 1 dude in my class who keep bullying me... he seem to like it to put his shoe in my hair :roll: kinda phatetic... somethimes he's nice but he's really stupid. i do computer technics as study and only thing he can talk of is games.








whe're in a discussion about a groupstask and he asks.




alex i made 3 kills yesterday!! and im level 32 now (WoW)... he doesnt do anything, had to make a project with him i made whole tha paper he was the one who didnt noticed i did not put his name on the paper so he had a problem XD, he didnt helped the group with the site for a real costumer who was planning to use the site for real so he got another big problem XD








that dude got probs xD XD XD

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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If your being bullied, simple - beat the living [cabbage] out of them, then they will never bully anyone again - trust me i did it 8)


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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1. train your muscles hard. start off by doing 0.5-1 hour of push/situps every day.




2. then go to the gym 1 hour a day.




3. train the muscles near your polse so you can hit easier.




4. every time you got like nothing to do, put gloves on your hands (do this, else you will ruin your hands!) and hit the wall as much as you can to harden your knuckles and kill the nerves. This is so you can hit harder without feeling pain.




5. when you meet the bully again, say something back this time! he will try to scare you, keep taunting him until he will attempt to hit u. this is so you arent to blame 4 the fite. then you beat the hell out of him.








good luck, this should take about 4-6 months in total,




i hope u will succeed, i once had some1 anoying me too he enden up with a few broken ribs after he tried to beat me.

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