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Argh, don't you hate bullies?


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1. train your muscles hard. start off by doing 0.5-1 hour of push/situps every day.




2. then go to the gym 1 hour a day.




3. train the muscles near your polse so you can hit easier.




4. every time you got like nothing to do, put gloves on your hands (do this, else you will ruin your hands!) and hit the wall as much as you can to harden your knuckles and kill the nerves. This is so you can hit harder without feeling pain.




5. when you meet the bully again, say something back this time! he will try to scare you, keep taunting him until he will attempt to hit u. this is so you arent to blame 4 the fite. then you beat the hell out of him.








good luck, this should take about 4-6 months in total,




i hope u will succeed, i once had some1 anoying me too he enden up with a few broken ribs after he tried to beat me.








Dam Right! :lol:


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

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I've never been bullied, and I've never really bullied, but my strategy is the same for anything I don't like.








Stay calm, don't blush.. just be casual, and ignore them.




It works for me with everything, I act like I don't give a [bleep] (cuz I don't :P).




When I say I haven't been bullied, I mean not long-term, I've had people trying to verbally abuse me, I just look at them blankly for a few seconds, shake my head then look away. The worst to handle is if they're intelligent, and make people laugh at you (I do this to others, I admit, but not often very maliciously).








Apathy is the way people, if you don't care about anythin, nobody can get at you in any way... nothing can.

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I've never been bullied myself in life but i have sorted out quite a few bullies for my friends and other people.








I agree almost completely with what Barihawk said, try not to encourage them with half-hearted responses, if you wanna make a verbal comeback make sure it's a good one, otherwise keep your head held high and they'll look the idiot.








I don't agree with uncalled for violence, but if it's physical bullying give like for like. A powerful well aimed blow can end any potential long drawn out fight and make you look far superior, without leaving any long term damage on the bully. Stay cool, and stay on your feet. Try and throw them off balance. Protect your face as much as possible, block blows with your arms and shoulders. Maintain a superb agressive balance. Don't be intimidated by height, the tall trees fall the hardest. Don't kick them when they're down, and you'll walk away the victor, physically and mentally.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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1. train your muscles hard. start off by doing 0.5-1 hour of push/situps every day.




2. then go to the gym 1 hour a day.




3. train the muscles near your polse so you can hit easier.




4. every time you got like nothing to do, put gloves on your hands (do this, else you will ruin your hands!) and hit the wall as much as you can to harden your knuckles and kill the nerves. This is so you can hit harder without feeling pain.




5. when you meet the bully again, say something back this time! he will try to scare you, keep taunting him until he will attempt to hit u. this is so you arent to blame 4 the fite. then you beat the hell out of him.








good luck, this should take about 4-6 months in total,




i hope u will succeed, i once had some1 anoying me too he enden up with a few broken ribs after he tried to beat me.
















Dam Right! :lol:








:lol: Haha, nice...




Although I've never been bullied, it's more of a way for them to feel powerful over others. Like somebody said in here before, Simply ignore them and they will go away after awhile.

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In order to beat a bully, there are two things you can do.








NEVER tattle on them, that will just invite trouble from others.








1) Ignore them, they will get bored and move on to someone else.








2) Train yourself, and fight back (only for physically abusive bullies, if they just tease you, please only resort to method 1.)








1) Where i live that doesnt work anymore cause they dont have anything better to do




2)Thats the funny part, i train judo,and it is really effective when the "bullies" tries to beat you up, i am allowed (only in self-defence) to: strangle, and allso take grid-locks which if i bend the arm more will result in a broken arm, its the same method as the police uses and its very painfull,it's not needed to be strong or anything, just to have control, this works very good and im not bothered anymore (they still tease me but no more attacking), btw, do NOT try that without experience.



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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Ahh if we're on to physical...








1. A 45 degree punch to the jaw will be an instant KO if you hit hard enough. This is good because:




a) No marks (no assault charges)




B) It was only 1 hit




c) Makes you look good if you can KO with 1 hit








2. A downwards punch to the nose (like a down uppercut) will cause them to cry, or at least look like they are.




This is good cuz:




a) They look stupid




B) If they are harder than you, you get a chance to run away (or walk, running lets the enemy know he still scares you)




c) It will impair his vision, which is a major sense needed for fighting.








3. A chop to the throat is a very useful and interesting method. A medium strength blow will render your enemy unable to talk temporarily, which is scary. A powerful blow will rupture the cartilage in the throat, which will cause the enemy to choke on their own blood.




This is good cuz:




a) The medium blow makes you look like you really know what you're doing.




B) If you have nothin to lose, and go for it full power, NOBODY will ever bother you again. Especially if your enemy dies. :P








I know more weak points but I think those 3 are sufficient :-)




I wrote that all btw, no googling for me :P








I hope it helps!!

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ok another one:




if the enemy punches, grab his arm and do a full force frontkick right into his arm pit and u will rupture his arm of.
























jk of course dont try this ;)












(do not try this at home pl0x)

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i have never really been bullied, but a few years back the school i went to was pretty violent, i was smaller than everyone back then so i got alot of the worst of it. if i didnt learn how to fight then, when it was all little kids, i would have been in more trouble now people are getting bigger.








you dont need to badly hurt people you are fighting, if its just one person attacking you, i find its best not to punch strangle or anything, just block all their punches and drop them to the ground and just hold them down as long as you have to, it hurts them enough to warn them (they usually land pretty hard on their back) but not enough to give them a big reason for revenge. if they come back straight away just drop them and punch them a few times.








if its multiple people attacking you, its pretty similar. block their punches, drop them, and give them a few punches, good target is just below the ribs, it winds them so they cant get up while your moving on to the others, yet you still havent hurt them enough to get them angry.








try not to fight lots of people at once, you can defend yourself for a while but they end up catching up to you, first oppertunity its best to run.








all that was assuming the people your fighting are the same size as you.








if they are a lot bigger than you, they will probably catch you but it gives you the choice of where the fight will be. if they get you in a headlock just push against their head with your forearm, and try and slam them into walls, doorhandles, or anything that will hurt.

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Headlock's easy, bite their arm :P








That's another good point for fighting...








4) Primal tactics. If you're not fighting for looks, and you're actually fighting for a reason then don't hesitate to be vicious. Bite, pinch, twist, poke, pull... if it hurts the enemy, it's not a wussy thing to do.

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3. A chop to the throat is a very useful and interesting method. A medium strength blow will render your enemy unable to talk temporarily, which is scary. A powerful blow will rupture the cartilage in the throat, which will cause the enemy to choke on their own blood.




This is good cuz:




a) The medium blow makes you look like you really know what you're doing.




B) If you have nothin to lose, and go for it full power, NOBODY will ever bother you again. Especially if your enemy dies. :P











Wow your cool now :roll: . I don't think this thread was exactly made for ways to kill your opponent.

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Ive decided I will coach on the physical side:
















Never bait a bully into fighting, try to avoid it if possible.








Only fight back if he actually causes physical pain. If he shoves you, just walk away. If he grabs you and threatens to punch you, or actually does...thats a good occasion to defend yourself.








If he grabs you by the shirt, grab his arm with both hands. Your dominant hand should be farther up the arm. Plant your feet, dig your shoulder into his chest (bringing him as close as possible) and flip him over your dominant shoulder. The surprise will loosen his grip, and the fall will not hurt him much. Immediately assume a defensive stance (mine is my dominant arm and foot facing him, standing sideways, and "dancing" a bit). If he is smart, he will concede.








If he persists, do not punch him. Trip him, grab his arm and throw him again, or give a nice chop to the throat (but not too hard...just enough to wind him). Always assume a defensive stance. For one, it keeps you out of trouble with police or school officials. Two, by going on the offensive, it takes you down to his level.








Kicking and punching (as well as the so called "primal attacks" are offensive forms of violence. Throwing and tripping, or weak taekwando moves (like the light chop) are defensive moves aimed at knocking the opponent off balance instead of knocking his teeth out.
















I have only been in one non-training physical fight ever. I threw him and elbowed him in the area just under the rib cage. That knocked the wind out of him and he withdrew. I let him retreat, and the principle chose to let me stay in school.








If you are forced to fight, know that fighting back can get you in trouble. Only fight enough to get him to stop. Never keep attacking him after he has conceeded, that is bad form and you have now become the bully.




















Remember, if you can talk it out or ignore him...DO SO!!!








Never bring yourself to violence unless your physical well-being is threatened.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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how to you bite someone in a headlock, the arm goes under your jaw..?








if you bite someone in a fight prepare to be made fun of forever.








if its a very serious fight and your going all out with punches and stuff, try to have something about the size of a disposable cigarette lighter in your hand, it can save you from breaking so many knuckles. good targets are the nose, cheek/eye, jaw, underside of jaw near throat(can also cause them to bite their tounge badly)








try not to kick, its too easy to drop someone because they tryed to kick you.

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I got called a bully once lol. But I never had problems at home (that bothered me anyway) Didn't really have low self esteem really, and had friends. However, I was always so sarcastic and insulted people who were ignorant. Made fun of alot people too. :roll:

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how to you bite someone in a headlock, the arm goes under your jaw..?











If you find yourself in a headlock, and need to get out, do this:








1. Quickly elbow him in the side as hard as possible, this will knock the wind out of him/have him loosen the grip if done right.




2. Follow with a quick elbow to the face. Now you should be free.. if not, repeat the blows to the head/side.




3. Now that you should be free, quickly respond back now with some type of punch to the face.




4. The rest of the fight is up to you now.








When elbowing, it is best for you arm that is to do the elbowing to maintain a degree of 45-90 degrees between you lower and upper arm. It may also be to your benefit you form a fist with your elbowing arm, and to grip your first with your other arm. This way, you can have the added thrust of your other arm.








If you find yourself in trouble (you can't get out of the headlock), and depending upon your agility, quickly throwing yourself on the ground while still in the headlock can get you out of it if you respond fast enough. If your in actual danger (ie. someone's trying to inflict MAJOR physical harm), do not hesitate, grab his balls as hard as possible and QUICKLY respond with 1-3 above. This is all about speed, if you respond too slowly, it probably doesn't matter what you do, you won't get out.

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If he grabs you by the shirt, grab his arm with both hands. Your dominant hand should be farther up the arm. Plant your feet, dig your shoulder into his chest (bringing him as close as possible) and flip him over your dominant shoulder. The surprise will loosen his grip, and the fall will not hurt him much. Immediately assume a defensive stance (mine is my dominant arm and foot facing him, standing sideways, and "dancing" a bit). If he is smart, he will concede.








If he persists, do not punch him. Trip him, grab his arm and throw him again, or give a nice chop to the throat (but not too hard...just enough to wind him). Always assume a defensive stance. For one, it keeps you out of trouble with police or school officials. Two, by going on the offensive, it takes you down to his level.








i would really not suggest flipping anyone ever, especially if you are inexperienced. You can seriously hurt someone unintentionally.








at my school, any kind of fighting is prohibited, including "defensive" fighting. i don't know about other schools, but having "fighting" put down on your permanent record looks really good for colleges and jobs








My school's thinking involves the fact that you should never need to be in a position where you need to fight defensively. If you ever provoke someone enough to get into a fight, you prettymuch automatically get written down as fighting, since its the provoking is just as bad. Really, no one is going to randomly walk up to you and punch you, no?








just avoid fights. the consequences in the long run are far worse then the temporary rewards from fighting (ego boosting, looking good, etc.). Ratting out people is NOWHERE as bad as you people imply it to be, since bullying tolerance has gone into negatives during the past few years. I really don't believe the people who say ratting out only worsens situations; parents are involved, and the punishments for bullying and fighting are extremely severe (10 day suspension for a punch, expulsion)

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You all say stuff about fist fighting, and throwing good punches, and getting all bough. But most fights will end up in the ground in about 5 seconds (real fights, not just wussies taking one punching and like being knocked out), so being compleatly strong, and only having muscle strength will not work for ground fighting, as you cant really throw the best punches, and i definitly know this because i took jui-jitsu for about 2 years, and i now know how to defeat anyone who basicly dosent know how to counter. Just as simple as breaking a should/arm, or joking somone to sleep, or death, but i dont plan on doing death.


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Bullying happens to impress people, I've never seen a bully pick on someone alone, they always need an audiance to impress.




So just outstage them and make them look silly infront of his 'friends' will do the trick.








Ignoring only works in some cases, I know alot of people (including meself) that tried ignoring, didn't work, only anwser is making them look silly infront of their friends.








(this is when the bully is verbally bullying you, never witnessed physical bullying :? )

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If I see anyone bullying anyone else, I usually apply the touch of death -- being an octarine belt in Deja fu as I am -- after which I 'lay the smackdown' on them with prods in the points of death. Sometimes I apply the touch of death to the points of death; this has the effect of killing them in the afterlife, too.








I do this to all parties involved, not just the bullies. In fact, being so skilled at Deja fu, I usually strike before the bully.

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If I see anyone bullying anyone else, I usually apply the touch of death -- being an octarine belt in Deja fu as I am -- after which I 'lay the smackdown' on them with prods in the points of death. Sometimes I apply the touch of death to the points of death; this has the effect of killing them in the afterlife, too.








I do this to all parties involved, not just the bullies. In fact, being so skilled at Deja fu, I usually strike before the bully.








Wth? :lol:

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Well, I just thought I'd slip in a few exaggerated comments about my fighting prowess. :).








Ignoring bullies sometimes works; sometimes it doesn't. It depends how persistent they are. I mean, I don't get bullied (which surprises me; I'm the type) but I've seen it done to friends of mine, and in about half of the cases ignoring the bully would have worked -- in the other half it would have made matters worse.








I'd never recommend fighting back*, for a number of reasons. First, if you're weak, you'll lose. Second, if you're strong, you'll win, and this will cause problems: for instance, that bully might be bruised and battered for the afternoon -- his friends won't be. He will recover, too, and they'll cause trouble. By winning fights one always gets in trouble with authorities, regardless of who started it. Third, if you are fairly evenly matched, they will simply tease you worse for being weak -- regardless of the fact you are as good/strong as them.








The sad fact is that the best way to avoid being bullied is to be completely normal. Some people can't do this -- maybe it's a dissability they have, or something along those lines which they are teased about. I don't know what to do about it in this case. For those people who are bullied because they wear outlandish clothing (I'm looking at goths and the ilk here), the best way to avoid being bullied is to stop wearing that sort of clothing when arround that sort of person (bullies).








Of course, it's not that simple either... perhaps it's just best to wait until you get into proper adult society, where bullying is almost exclusively psycological. When I started going to college, one of the first things I noticed is that there weren't any bullies at all -- everyone was a reasonable person. Perhaps this is just luck on my part, but I put it down to their all having chosen to attend college, whilst the bullies all went straight into jobs (or the dole queue).












*though of course, if it's absolutely necessary for self defence.

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everyone says "just walk away" all the time. they also say that "words don't hurt"








bullies are (if I"m not mistaken) among the top factors in adolecent suicide, and I found that walking away just invites more insults.








best solution, before you walk away, say that you'll be the one laughing in 20 years when the bullie's bagging your groceries.

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I usually try to stay away from people i don't really like ether in the library or in chess club. The only times i really have problems are in PE and after school but i never really do much in PE so i don't talk to others. After school however i had a real bad problem last year, since i was about 2/3s as big as the other kids i couldn't really fight them. one day i was riding my bike and they stopped me so i decicide why run and i just speedup and rammed right into him. never had a problem since.

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