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What's the dumbest thing you've done in game?


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wow lucky !!




the dumbest thing that i ever did (and i always regret it) :




i was selling a cannon and 5k cannnballs for 1mil and this guy trades and offers 10mil.




i got so excited and then he added like 14 sharks.




i looked at tehj sharks to count and sccepted without looking at the money (thinking it was still 10mil)




i got soooooooo axcited cuz i was gonna get 10 mil and BANG i stared at my money !




10k and 14 sharks !!!!!!

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Lets see...












Giving Swtkittn my dragon chain ranks up there.








getting scammed 30mil is high on this list...








getting scammed out of a blue party hat ranks high..








being hacked twice for a yellow phat and 10m in other random junk the first time, and a yellow hat and a few mil the 2nd time ranks high...








selling my purple phat for 15mil and "full guthan" (leaf bladed spear) ranks high...








Three lessons?








Don't trust anyone, Check the trade screen, and don't be so nice.








I've LET myself be robbed of about 150mil.








It wont happen again :wink:

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1.Back when blue masks were 500k i bought one for 300k then someone offered 500k and a ton of junk items and i ended up with 50k and a ton of junk








2. I had just finished heros quest at lvl 74 and had my shiny new drag axe and full rune decided to go to edge this kid in full addy and d long skulled says dm me lvl 21 wild i say okay but i have no food and he says okay i give u 3 lobsters we both only use 3...i think heck if i start losing i can tele in lvl 20 wild...we get out there and i skull and then start owning and he eats 5 times, then his skull goes away then im outta food and so i take off but i lag really bad and he specials me with his whole bar and then im in lumby :oops:




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Back when I was 80ish combat, and whips were 7 mil, I fished 7k sharks and traded a hi lev friend for a shiny new whip. I was ecstatic.








So off I go to own more trolls (my daily trainers..and still are) and being a broke cheapskate, I brought a fire staff and nats to alch all the addy drops at death plateau. I was happily pounding trolls, when I spied a addy warhammer lying on the ground across the way, just begging to be alched. Desperate to grab it before anyone else *rolls eyes* I equipped staff, clicked alch and then clicked the addy hammer, as I ran towards it....aw, it disappeared right when I got to it.








Oh well no biggie right? So I switch to my equipment screen and click the whip to reequip........Oh....My...God. I stared dumb founded at the screen as my magical whip disappeared and I was rewarded with...60k gp.








I breathed out a whispered and anguished "noooooooooooooooooooo". Then a much louder F$%^!, swallowing my nauseau, I logged and went outside to walk around the block while breathing "Wooo-saaaaah".








Now I use runes to alch if I have whip on, and I double check the screen to make sure it says "wield" not "hi alch".
















a long time ago when i was going for 70 mage alching, i alched 4 d longs 2 ddp and 3 dds. i would alch in the dueling arena and when i tried to fight some one back, i clicked on my d long and it was gone...and i was 1 nat shorter. good thing i was too poor to buy a whip then :D

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Well I finally got enough money for a whip back in the day when it was 6 mil. Found a seller that had them for 5 mil, but she wouldn't be on till later. So I bought one during the day to try it out. Tried to sell it back, couldn't get anything better than 5.7. So I lost 300k in like 2 hours.








Then a few months later I alched it when I took it out once while trying to get 85 mage.. =(


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Dumbest thing I have done is that I trusted people too much.
















ahhh, too true my freind, too true








back when drag meds were 2.4mil (like the summer after rs2 debuted) i was only a noob of lv 60, ranging at the fire giants. i get a med!!!! so im walkin around showing it off and some1 wants to buy for 3mil..... he puts up 3000k, then adds like 5 sets of full rune! he changed it to 3000gp :evil:












ive learned from that and prollyed saved myself about 30mil just from that AWESOME second trade screen lol



Sodb Forum


Stop thinking. It's Runescape.
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when i was a noob training for 40 att i got it and was so excited i went 2 buy a rune long. Up it came and i offered 40k (the price at the time), he declined but traded again, offered what ii thought was a rune long, i accepted really quickly twice and promptly found i had just wasted my ful rs money on an %@ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã$ing iron long, i was on the brink of quitting at the time.



one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:
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i have another about some moroni didnt even see












okay when i was f2p i was killing hill giants and was low on health so i ran as im leaving the place iseemonay so pick it up theres 60k!!!! plus rune scim 3k earth runes and a lotta other junk








i was happy :lol:

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i acceptedachallenge stakin runelegs for a range only. with no shield. and i had no knives or c bow. effin noobz jackin my effin legs

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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let people cherry pick my items when trying to buy something, dam, i paid like 100k over for whip and like 100k over for v helm......








and some other things








never trust koreans, hell some guy hacked me and he was a [kitty] about it saying a guy from nz did it








cheap korean mofe's

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let people cherry pick my items when trying to buy something, dam, i paid like 100k over for whip and like 100k over for v helm......








and some other things








never trust koreans, hell some guy hacked me and he was a * about it saying a guy from nz did it








cheap korean mofe's








You * !








My best friend is korean. Don't speak like that...!


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Alright, I'm an idiot right about now. So I thought I'd share, just to give people something to laugh at.








Spent the weekend selling a bunch of treasure trail stuff that I had, as well as all my skill-related merchandise and ended up with a little over 7 million. And then I found someone selling a whip for 3.4 mil and bought that. But I'm not 70 attack yet, so I'm training all today working on getting it up when I run out of food. Now I don't want to stop training because that will put me getting to 70 back a while longer. So I go to buy some lobbies. Found someone selling 1200 lobbies for 200 each. And this is where I became mentally challenged. For some reason I got an extra zero stuck in my head.








So instead of 240k, I spent 2.4mil on 1200 lobbies. 2000gp each lobbies.....:shock:












Like I said, I'm an idiot. lol








lol same ones i added a 0 when buying 1.5k of choas so i over payed for like 1.5 mil :(

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haha.. some guy told me on msn he had a phat set and such and i was like WHOA!!! sweet i wanna see. so he showed me and it was a BAD virus. took my rs account took everything. And changed my pw. it was when i didnt know much so i didnt know my recovary questions. He Deleted everything on my computer And I had to get it reformated.. Does that beat any of you guys?? lol








after a month and About 600Complaints i got my account back. lol

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wooo!! that was my lobbies u bought :D








Not unless you have a second account. It was another tip.it user I bbought from. :D

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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First day after christmas party hats were like 100k average and i sold like 8 of them to a friend becaus ei needed the money. about 2 weeks later they jumped into the mils.








But i can honestly say i've never been scammed. I am careful with money irl so i am careful in rs too. But i have had people attempt to scam me. Like the needle trick on rs classic, about lost a full mask set.

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