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Tip.It Times - 3rd July 2011


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The first article was very biased towards the side of "Jagex = bad guys". I'm not saying that Jagex never messes up, but I think some of the new stuff is pretty cool and even if their blatant push towards membership is a little annoying, it is actually a little refreshing to see them being straight up with us. We all know Jagex wants memberships/money and this is simply a new approach: right in your face, play Runescape and give us some cash.


The security article was very informative and well organized and the interview was a nice read with a guy that seemed level headed and cool.

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While there may be a discussion to have over whether or not Jagex is starting to push commercial aims over gameplay, the first article does seem to be too extreme in it's views to feel very credible.


I think It tries to imply that there aren't any updates which ad depth to the game anymore, implying that things that the loyalty update have replaced them - which I'd strongly disagree with, there's all sorts of fun and interesting updates coming into the game still.


There are also seems to be a vibe that people are "forced" to get ongoing membership to get superficial rewards. Which doesn't make sense to me. If they're superficial no-one is forced to get them, they're just a bit of a bonus for those people who do want to pay the continual membership.

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Crocefisso , brilliantly written article thanks for expressing the opinion we share so eloquently.


Hamtaro's article, while sound advice, is now out of date. unless runescape allows the spamming of incorrect passwords like the banks used to, then a strong password is not worth the time cost to the average user. keyloggers simply make strong passwords as easy to find as weak ones. and, if you can't spam the passwords, a weak password is almost as strong as a strong password.


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Jagex seems to have over-active community-management and marketing departments. In small doses their input might improve the game, but they seem to be doing too much, too fast. It may perhaps be a sense of obligation on their part to do something with the time they're being paid for, even if it doesn't actually improve anything.


That's complete speculation on my part though, I know less than nothing about how Jagex works.


With regards to the MLP, it's the first update that's really depressed me. If Jagex keeps up with stunts like this I think I'll end my membership.

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I think It tries to imply that there aren't any updates which ad depth to the game anymore, implying that things that the loyalty update have replaced them - which I'd strongly disagree with, there's all sorts of fun and interesting updates coming into the game still.



Apologies if that is what I implied. I do not think that at all - as previously mentioned on the thread, I wrote a very positive article on the clan camp update back in April -, but I do feel that Jagex is doing more and more of these silly little tricks in order to try and increase membership, and it's a pattern I'd rather they stopped before it gets out of hand. I am also very interested in this upcoming clan citadels update, and I've high hopes for Jagex in this sense. It's just unfortunate that they couple good updates with such transparent nonsense tricks as the MLP.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Can anyone pm me with the teaser for suomi's interview? Or post it here? I can't seem to find the tip it times from 1 juli 2011, maybe it's because i live in a different country?

Please, i would love to read it :D

I've PM'd you a copy of the teaser.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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MLP only seems bad if one expects much from it. That's why the logic of your article doesn't make too much sense. If JaGex is trying to "force" f2pers into p2p, then they would have to be dangling a VERY large worm on a hook with the MLP. But, as it is, these rewards are just small bonuses for playing the members game consistently. As you yourself said, you don't expect people to fall for it. If that's the case, then there's no reason to be upset with JaGex.


Nor is this a poorly disguised rehash of old content. Certainly emotes and costumes are (and I strongly doubt that anyone is particular excited about those: I doubt that any poor f2per will be "forced" into member's just to make their character ROFL), but with Auras, JaGex has introduced an entirely new sort of equippable item. Again, it's not insanely powerful (for good reason), but it is entirely novel. Furthermore, this concept has considerable room for expansion.


On the whole, I think this is a well-balanced, sensible update, and I hope it pays off for JaGex. In my mind, the more the company prospers, the better off the players will be in the long run.


Thanks for taking the time to write for the Times. Though I don't agree with your article, I'm always appreciative of those who take the time and thought to put a few words down.



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Again, loyalty can be measured from a set point in time, how else do you propose of measuring it?


I do know about the "summer crash" (even though i don't use the exact term), however it doesn't really matter." Oh no, i can only play during the summer so ill keep my subscribtion for only those three months (but still expect to be held as loyal as those who have been paying all the time)".


Do you think they should be able to get loyalty rewards with such "loyalty"? Of course now we go into the case of defining what exactly is "loyalty", and clearly JaGEx is stating that it's your membership that counts, they imply that the more we pay them consecutively, the more loyal we are. Not that i exactly agree with this, but it does have reasoning.


And then you jump to bots...


Listen, it's evident that bots are the plague of this game, however JaGEx has lost their will to combat them. Most of modern bots are so blatant catching them would require a simple testing program. They care for the money in this case, and this is not good, not something that should be allowed to happen. Yet, again, it's their game, their choice, ill keep on playing because bots dont really affect me that much (learned to cope).


I do agree that they should start doing the unfinished questlines, fix content etc. etc. (there's plenty of good things they can do), however most of the things you mentioned are allready being made.



You also state that the rewards are next to useless? Allright, lets put auras, and their useful effects aside for now.


Titles, costumes and emotes are not useless. How come? Well many people like to look unique, have many diffirent emotes to show off. cosmetic rewards are very good to enlighten the gameplay.


Also, have you heard of a thing that's called catering to various classes? The clans sure got an overhaul this year, many new weapons come out each year, and yet when an update comes out that suits the roleplaying comunity in so many ways...Ranting begins.

That's fair enough. I thought you were implying a whole different aspect of the update than what I was referring to at first. I still think you're misunderstanding me about the 3/12 months thing. Normally these summer players would only pay for these 3 months (regardless of loyalty based on play time, as they're measuring loyalty based on $), but now they feel forced to pay when they're not even playing (or just for 1 or 3 days for those other updates). One of my friends whom I met years ago back on RSC is someone whom I only see during the summer, because that's the only real time he can play (hence, the only time he pays). I saw him on around P2P near Christmas just for that extra reward from the holiday update. He also subscribes for the bonus XP weekends just so he can take advantage of the extra XP. He didn't subscribe for new, exciting, or game-changing content; he did it because of artificial content.


I would personally consider him a loyal player (he was constantly subscribed from 2003-2008 until he began college), considering he has every non-trade-able holiday item and still loves RuneScape , but Jagex doesn't see it that way. It's not because he doesn't want to play, it's because he can't (God forbid he become a productive member of society with a medical degree). I don't necessarily have a problem with that because that's not how the mechanics of the program work. I do have a problem with making him, as well as others, feel obligated to stay subscribed even when they don't play and for not rewarding past suscriptions (they were obviously loyal and it's just plain illogical not to thank them for when they did subscribe). How was he not loyal for nearly 50 straight months and an additional 11 now? The only reason he's not "loyal" by Jagex's bizarre definition of the word is because of time constraints with his education.


It would kind of be like my grandma making monthly payments on a brand new car that she would only use to buy groceries twice a month. But who am I to argue with Jagex? I'm just a nub who's been around for only 7 straight years and subscribed for only 5 straight years. Apparently, my friend and I aren't so loyal as little Billy who wanted nothing more than the Ornate Katana for his June birthday :(. Even his W31 house parties girlfriend, "Lady ImNotADude," got that well-designed hand shake emote (the program certainly was designed for a wide variety of players ;-) ). Maybe we'll catch up to his loyalty when he has to unsubscribe just to make it through Mrs. Johnson's 4th grade class next year (I hear they have to do scary things like read books without pictures, write in cursive, and perform long division). All joking aside, it really is a horrible measurement of loyalty to disregard past membership. I know my friend certainly had the time to play back when he did and would now as well, but he's busy becoming a doctor or something useless like that. But Jagex really is in the right here; he's obviously not loyal just because he wants to eat and study instead of paying for RS and playing during those 9 months.

Player since 2004. All skills 1M+ XP.


"If it were possible to cure evils by lamentation..., then gold would be a less valuable thing than weeping." - Sophocles

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato

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As you yourself said, you don't expect people to fall for it. If that's the case, then there's no reason to be upset with JaGex.



Looking at it from a more calm perspective, that is true, but the message I intended to give, but I think forgot to express properly, was that Jagex could be doing far better things than spending their efforts on such nonsense updates as a loyalty programme.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Allright, I do have to say the first article shocked me.


I always valued tip.it times as an informative source of runescape news and overviews, but to encounter something so blatantly incompetent in there...


Crocefisso who wrote the article clearly tried to represent only one side of the argument...


Is there anything wrong with trying to represent only one side of the argument? Last time I checked that was a VERY effective way to win debates and persuade people that your opinion is best. Who the cabbage cares that it was biased towards one opinion? I can't recall any articles in my inconsistent reading of the Tip.It Times to be an excellent non-biased evaluation of both-sides of an argument on a Runescape-related situation. You and some others seem to be horribly offended someone wrote an article that doesn't agree with your opinion. Deal with it. If you don't like it, write your own opinion article giving the other side. If you want a constant stream of news and opinions that is horribly biased towards only what you think, go watch any major American news channel.


Also, I'd like to see you explain how the Tip.It Times is a source of "news."


Looking at it from a more calm perspective, that is true, but the message I intended to give, but I think forgot to express properly, was that Jagex could be doing far better things than spending their efforts on such nonsense updates as a loyalty programme.

Yes gosh dang it. How about as a reward for being a member so loyally, I get new good quality content and see the day Jagex makes the next big step towards shutting down macroers? I'll take that over silly emotes and costumes anyday.

-Runescape Addict --- Seven-time Writer for the Tip.It Times-

"Yes I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - The Glass Menagerie


"This game isn't about graphics, it's about fun." - The Great Ortiz 9471

<> Dragon drops: Plateskirt(1), Half Shield(1) <>

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I know it wasn't your intention, but the article really came off as sounding like a whiny f2p.


The intention is purely to attract free players to the members game, and encourage current members to keep paying (especially when summer ends), with the enticing prospect of yet more content. Ive never seen a lazier marketing ploy by a developer. Jagex are not offering these loyal customers of theirs anything new in terms of deeper gameplay, or anything even remotely as good; in a nutshell, theyre offering people who pay over extended periods of time the ability to make their avatar literally roll on the floor laughing.


Probably one of the daftest things I've ever read. I guess the likes of Tesco, Game etc. have it all completely wrong then. :rolleyes:


That's the whole point - they are 'forcing' people to get more membership by such methods instead of making them want to do it on their own for the quality of the content and game itself.


Nobody is forced to do anything. If players don't like it they don't pay. Simple.


Why should i be happy or care that they are making money? The only thing i care about, with regards to Runescape, is that i enjoy it. Sure, theoretically speaking more money can mean more investment into Runescape, but im not seeing that. All i'm seeing is more money in their pockets for an increasingly less relevant game.


They don't make money the game doesn't survive. You don't care because you've stated you don't play. I think the general playing population does care that the company makes money. I've seen enough updates over the last year to disagree with your investment statements. The money has to come from somewhere.


Again, that's the point - you get things for doing nothing and it's all just to make you pay money for a game you aren't even playing.


Actually there's many AFKers so technically some are already doing this. There are also the efficiency trolls pushing for 'xp while logged out'. . Never saw the point of it but hey [garden tool]..............



All of my thoughts. ^

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Yes gosh dang it. How about as a reward for being a member so loyally, I get new good quality content and see the day Jagex makes the next big step towards shutting down macroers? I'll take that over silly emotes and costumes anyday.

Well said. :thumbup:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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You and some others seem to be horribly offended someone wrote an article that doesn't agree with your opinion. Deal with it. If you don't like it, write your own opinion article giving the other side. If you want a constant stream of news and opinions that is horribly biased towards only what you think, go watch any major American news channel.Also, I'd like to see you explain how the Tip.It Times is a source of "news."


Very well said indeed. It irritates me no end when people try to label the Times as a news outlet, usually to use it as a flimsy basis for expressing their discontent with an article that does not fit in to their view of the game. Ironically, I often see the very same people on this thread lauding these evil opinion articles if and when they agree with the opinions expressed by the authors.



I know it wasn't your intention, but the article really came off as sounding like a whiny f2p


Only because you chose to approach and interpret the article as such, Silver.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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You and some others seem to be horribly offended someone wrote an article that doesn't agree with your opinion. Deal with it. If you don't like it, write your own opinion article giving the other side. If you want a constant stream of news and opinions that is horribly biased towards only what you think, go watch any major American news channel.Also, I'd like to see you explain how the Tip.It Times is a source of "news."


Very well said indeed. It irritates me no end when people try to label the Times as a news outlet, usually to use it as a flimsy basis for expressing their discontent with an article that does not fit in to their view of the game. Ironically, I often see the very same people on this thread lauding these evil opinion articles if and when they agree with the opinions expressed by the authors.




I think the fact that it's called the Times in the first place does give people the impression that it's meant to be a news source. - after all that's normally a name used for newspapers. Plus I do actually think in the past most of the articles did try and present both sides of the argument.


In the last couple of years the articles seem to have shifted more to soapbox than informative.

As a stand alone article, I think it's more useful to the reader to have the more balanced article, thus having the information to be able to form their own opinion.


However the one sided opinion article does at least have the potential to entertain, but mostly because it provokes a starting point for a debate on the subject.

Now that can be quite a tricky strategy to manage - the internet being the internet, means that some people will get pretty vicious and personal when presenting their opinion - so it can present a moderating issue. What's more I've seen some Times writers (not necessarily yourself) who get upset, even with the less personal disagreements too their articles. -which makes me wonder if the aim was to provoke debate after all.

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In response to underhand methods, I agree with the article. RS is losing my interest, Ive paid for over 5yrs and enjoyed playing. I like the quests, the story lines but lately all I have been doing is skilling but feel like I'm accomplishing nothing. Jagex thinks they are holding peoples interest or getting others to pay to get loyalty points? Maybe it will work for a short time but without making the game more interesting as in continue story lines, add different fish to catch in social places like fishing guild where people are. The game has become all about making as much gold as your bank can hold. Why isnt there more places to hunt red chins? So many things they can be working on to improve game play! Dont have to bribe players with stuff that has no meaning, bring in new ideas! Lastly, why so many items that players can make or do and not tradeable? :wall:

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I think the fact that it's called the Times in the first place does give people the impression that it's meant to be a news source. - after all that's normally a name used for newspapers. Plus I do actually think in the past most of the articles did try and present both sides of the argument.


In the last couple of years the articles seem to have shifted more to soapbox than informative.

As a stand alone article, I think it's more useful to the reader to have the more balanced article, thus having the information to be able to form their own opinion.


However the one sided opinion article does at least have the potential to entertain, but mostly because it provokes a starting point for a debate on the subject.

Now that can be quite a tricky strategy to manage - the internet being the internet, means that some people will get pretty vicious and personal when presenting their opinion - so it can present a moderating issue. What's more I've seen some Times writers (not necessarily yourself) who get upset, even with the less personal disagreements too their articles. -which makes me wonder if the aim was to provoke debate after all.



Well put i'd say, although you can't say there aren't debates. This week saw a debate between the writer of the article and several who disagreed with it, for example, despite the fact that the debate did seem to be more personal. That seems to be the case where people say they are open to debate but actually are not and become quite aggressive when their view is challenged :)


As for the Times itself i'd say it's purpose is to be entertaining above all. By which means they achieve this boils down to each and every writer.


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This is a just another desperate and pathetic attempt to trick players into paying for membership.


Runescape members loyalty - these are words that should never be used in the same sentence.


Most likely they have banned too many players and this has caused a lot of mistrust and they arent getting enough money now. LOL.


I dont trust these people and there is no way I would ever give them my credit card information again as I have experienced how "loyal" they are to members. Why do I feel this way? In short they gave away my account and my nephews account to a thief and all the thief needed was a sob story and jagex accepted that and our accounts were given away. The accounts were eventually returned however my nephews account was banned for macroing (the thief did it not my nephew but they still banned the account anyway). When I finally got my account back and re-entered my credit card information jagex debited my credit card and I was immediately locked out again and jagex would only release the account if I gave them the IP address of my internet service provider when I became a member (THEY DIDN'T TELL ME TO NOTE THAT WHEN I WAS SIGNING UP TO BECOME A MEMBER). I will never trust them again and will never pay for membership again.


So what are they trying to do now? Make out that they are LOYAL to members?? Obviously the problem is that they need more members but they have caused so much mistrust in the past that people just arent buying it.


By the look of it these new things dont add much to make it worthwhile, they are just window dressing.


It has been noted that a lot of new stuff is severely crippled for f2p - look at dungeoneering ffs.


Actually there have been a few things updated gameplay wise which make it easier to play but nothing that would make me be a member again.


Lastly my new f2p account has 6 x 99's now and I dont need membership to get a 99.

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I think the fact that it's called the Times in the first place does give people the impression that it's meant to be a news source. - after all that's normally a name used for newspapers. Plus I do actually think in the past most of the articles did try and present both sides of the argument.


In the last couple of years the articles seem to have shifted more to soapbox than informative.

As a stand alone article, I think it's more useful to the reader to have the more balanced article, thus having the information to be able to form their own opinion.


However the one sided opinion article does at least have the potential to entertain, but mostly because it provokes a starting point for a debate on the subject.

Now that can be quite a tricky strategy to manage - the internet being the internet, means that some people will get pretty vicious and personal when presenting their opinion - so it can present a moderating issue. What's more I've seen some Times writers (not necessarily yourself) who get upset, even with the less personal disagreements too their articles. -which makes me wonder if the aim was to provoke debate after all.


This is all true. There are many people that assume the Times will present objective news because of its name. As I see it, from an EP perspective, they should sort of just figure it out for themselves by reading the Times and using their intuition and, having seen than all but a handful of Times articles ever are subjective, apply some common sense.


Similarly, I don't think that covering an update requires me to relay lots of information to the reader, who more often than not has read it himself on the RS website. Some people criticise articles for being too "factual".


Finally, I think that all Times articles should provoke a degree of debate, and I myself try and get involved too (Hamtaro's done it for me on this thread, saved me a lot of typing). And yes, there are those who get vicious - see the Times articles for 7 May this year, and then look at the forums, and you'll see what I mean -, and in these instances they essentially ruin any potential for debate, because the author doesn't want to get involved and things just descend into flaming.


To conclude, I agree with your post but think that, in some cases, people could overcome what you say by applying common sense and by responding more calmly from time to time. As for us authors, we should simply try and produce the best article we can and immerse ourselves in the responses as best we can, also without resorting to insults/flaming. Alas, at times this seems like more of an idyll than a reality.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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I think the fact that it's called the Times in the first place does give people the impression that it's meant to be a news source. - after all that's normally a name used for newspapers....


...In the last couple of years the articles seem to have shifted more to soapbox than informative...


Here's a quote from another Times article:


...It is almost a slap in the face each time updates of this manner come about. Makes you wonder if they worship the all mighty dollar more than they appreciate the people that helped them build this Mega-Community by remaining loyal through thick and thin...


That quote came from an article almost six years ago, from the second Times article written. The Times has always been an editorial piece.




To conclude, I agree with your post but think that, in some cases, people could overcome what you say by applying common sense and by responding more calmly from time to time.


Comparing an update to the stench of fecal matter will not spark a thought-provoking discussion. Your readers will find it difficult to take you seriously when you choose vulgar metaphors to express your contempt. How can your readers--even someone like me who may share similar opinions--view this as anything other than a rage rant.


Personally, I'm not thrilled about the update either. I think most people see right through it, but it's not like Jagex is being sneaky when they call it a loyalty program. As of now, I see it mostly as a junk update, unnecessary to the game other than for pure promotional. However, I feel the article didn't provide enough evidence to back up its tone. Other promo events like Bonus XP weekends have a far greater impact on the game than MLP. You think MLP will bring rivers of blood? Were you not around when the anti-RWT updates were implemented?


You also failed to convince me that MLP has a detrimental effect on F2P. MLP doesn't force people into membership any more than Gnomecopters. Yes, Jagex would like F2P players to eventually become members. I can't fault them for it. Some people may purchase membership for MLP, but hopefully they will stay for the same reasons I became a member. For the game itself.

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I read the two articles. Here are some comments.


Underhand Methods Always Fail


Year of Crass Marketing - nice! lol


I do find the new loyalty program annoying and crass but generally harmless. Basically, I don't like it but neither do I feel very passionate hate towards it. More like "meh" sort of reaction.


This current cycle of heaping content on content is unsustainable.


I thought I was the only person in RS who ever complained about this. Seriously, why does Jagex think that adding more and more stuff that is basically the same as everything else is the best way to update RS?


If you look for an old interview you will find the reason why - according to Jagex whenever they do a big update they see a surge in memberships. That was some years ago and they have not changed their tactics.


I mean like it's always "oh lookie here, an update where you can get more arrows!" or "new armor, super rare" or "another quest with more items" all the time for years and years.


Having said that, it's not all negative. I do like certain updates that help players like clan support, friends chat, anything that makes social interaction and gameplay smoother. ;)


Why don't they do more things to shake things up instead of adding more arrows all the time?


Silence Is The Best Security


Paranoia fuel!!! However, is it still paranoia if they really are out to get you? I have had numerous people saying they want to hack my account. Great topic.

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Eventually JaGex will figure out quality over quanity. Giving players a lot of stuff to do isn't bad, but if it's boring or broken they can't expect to keep those players.


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Comparing an update to the stench of fecal matter will not spark a thought-provoking discussion. Your readers will find it difficult to take you seriously when you choose vulgar metaphors to express your contempt. How can your readers--even someone like me who may share similar opinions--view this as anything other than a rage rant.


Personally, I'm not thrilled about the update either. I think most people see right through it, but it's not like Jagex is being sneaky when they call it a loyalty program. As of now, I see it mostly as a junk update, unnecessary to the game other than for pure promotional. However, I feel the article didn't provide enough evidence to back up its tone. Other promo events like Bonus XP weekends have a far greater impact on the game than MLP. You think MLP will bring rivers of blood? Were you not around when the anti-RWT updates were implemented?


You also failed to convince me that MLP has a detrimental effect on F2P. MLP doesn't force people into membership any more than Gnomecopters. Yes, Jagex would like F2P players to eventually become members. I can't fault them for it. Some people may purchase membership for MLP, but hopefully they will stay for the same reasons I became a member. For the game itself.


That faeces phrase was never meant to inspire debate. Taking any single sentence in isolation and expecting it to spark much debate is absurd. The point of an article is that the article itself provides the debate. As far as such a criticism goes - the alleged "vulgarity" of said phrase has been mentioned twice now -, it is not constructive in any way. One phrase singled out of context means nothing, nor does the word "faeces" indicate vulgarity.


Similarly, the article only used the MLP as a starting point for the general topic of "Underhand methods" - including vanity items and all the rest - which are, frankly, nothing other than cheap and transparent tricks, developed by a lazy developer unsure of where to go and what to do with their product. The MLP is the latest in a series of unscrupulous schemes that have left many, including myself, disillusioned with Jagex and their ability to deliver a solid update.


Many have mistaken this article for a rant, when in fact it was written in a perfectly calm way, simply because I did not have the time to [kitty]foot around and devote time to wording things in a nice and gentle way. This was entirely my own fault, and I will endeavour to be more careful next time.


I read the two articles. Here are some comments.


Underhand Methods Always Fail


Year of Crass Marketing - nice! lol


I do find the new loyalty program annoying and crass but generally harmless. Basically, I don't like it but neither do I feel very passionate hate towards it. More like "meh" sort of reaction.


This current cycle of heaping content on content is unsustainable.


I thought I was the only person in RS who ever complained about this. Seriously, why does Jagex think that adding more and more stuff that is basically the same as everything else is the best way to update RS?


If you look for an old interview you will find the reason why - according to Jagex whenever they do a big update they see a surge in memberships. That was some years ago and they have not changed their tactics.


I mean like it's always "oh lookie here, an update where you can get more arrows!" or "new armor, super rare" or "another quest with more items" all the time for years and years.


Having said that, it's not all negative. I do like certain updates that help players like clan support, friends chat, anything that makes social interaction and gameplay smoother. ;)


Why don't they do more things to shake things up instead of adding more arrows all the time?



Thanks as always for the feedback, meili. I'm glad you enjoyed the article and that we are of the same mind with regards to Jagex's rather stupid approach to the game. I will be publishing more on this topic, in some form or another, every week this month, just to let you know. ;)



Eventually JaGex will figure out quality over quanity. Giving players a lot of stuff to do isn't bad, but if it's boring or broken they can't expect to keep those players.


I am glad to see another person with whom I agree. The question is, when will Jagex figure this out? They might end up doing so too late, after which time, it won't count for much.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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