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Interesting Location for a 99


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I'm getting 99 Smithing here in the next couple days, and it's tradition for me to obtain a skill's final level in an unusual/creative place. Unfortunately, I came back to playing a few months ago after a long, long hiatus, so my memories on interesting locations are a bit scrambled. I've done nearly every quest, so anything is fair game.


Where would you do this, if you could do it anywhere?



EDIT: Don't forget, superheating is an option, so this can take place anywhere I can bring runes with me.

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!


I forgot something in my original post- I have a sufficient Magic level to superheat, so I can literally do this anywhere in RuneScape.

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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I like the roof of the building with the spinning wheel in Seer's Village.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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anvil in western ruins in wilderness?


Anvils near kuradal?


Anvils in the metal dragon resource dungeon?

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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I like the "farthest point"-idea, I did it at Mudskipper Point, Thurgo's anvil in the little hut there.

My words, but a whisper - your deafness, a shout.


If the future's looking dark, we're the ones who have to shine. If there's no one in control, we're the ones who draw the line


Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand.

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