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Double standards


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Everyone in the world is an idiot. No exceptions.


I hate double standards, but simply tossing them away with the above fact in mind, I'm willing to bet the result would be more of the douche portion of the male population bullying women into submission knowing that they won't get preferential treatment and that the judicial systems of the world generally suck enough that unbiased trials can easily go the way of whoever has the better lawyer.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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I think women lie about being raped is a bit of a hyperbolic claim; sexual assault maybe but rape? Not so much, I think people just band that word about to make it sound more dramatic. And it's not even exclusively women, loads of people male and female try to lie about it to garner compensation etc.


And the whole thing about hitting a woman may be kinda sexist, but it does have a good grounding in reason. Your average man is stronger than your average woman, it's just one of the sex differences men tend to be built more in the upper body while women are more in the lower body (for child bearing etc) which means in the average situation a man hitting a woman will quite probably do serious damage while a woman hitting a man is not likely to do much damage at all. It may be a left over sentiment from patriarchy but it does have so grounding within the average build of the sexes.


As for that story, no I highly doubt the man would've been killed if the sex's were reversed. People find it amusing and positive BECAUSE the man thought he could overpower the weak women and rob her and she got the upperhand; plus the fact it's not entirely true so it's kinda ok to laugh about it.


Basically all in all I think this topic is a load of hot air with little meaning or grounding in reality.


Nobody said all women lie about being raped. Just that they do, and when they do there are often no consequences for them and often there are consequences for the male.


>implying women can't punch hard enough to do "much damage at all"


Adrenaline? People have lifted cars temporarily during times of massive adrenaline rush. It is more than possible that a woman could seriously injure a man by hitting him hard in the face. The "average build" of the sexes should have little effect. It is the principle that matters.


The man didn't go into the store s[racist term]ing to himself saying "mwahahahah i'm gunna overpower that weak little woman because she's a woman and i'm a man". He went into the place to rob it and leave. She got the upper hand and then committed a series of cruel and unusual crimes.




Another thing:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/19/chicago-fire-department-h_n_903496.html


tl;dr Chicago fire department is being sued because the physical test is apparently biased against women. The plaintiffs say that the test is irrelevant to the job and is just there to keep females out. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather have firefighters be able to actually do their job properly and safely than reduce the standards just so some more women can work in the field.

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>implying women can't punch hard enough to do "much damage at all"


Adrenaline? People have lifted cars temporarily during times of massive adrenaline rush. It is more than possible that a woman could seriously injure a man by hitting him hard in the face. The "average build" of the sexes should have little effect. It is the principle that matters.

And how often does that happen for either sex? :huh: You're taking the most extreme life-or-death situations and making them the norm as a way of evening the odds. If that was the case, we'd have fewer rape charges and more cases of rapists being thrown through walls.


The reason for the double standard should be clear for anyone who takes a look at any given couple: I could take a walk around a college campus and most of the time the man is going to be considerably larger (Average for women here seems to be 5'5, for men it's more than 6 ft). Plus, culture puts value on physical strength for males while preferring females to be slender: more often than not, the man's going to be several inches taller than the woman and outweigh her considerably.

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tl;dr Chicago fire department is being sued because the physical test is apparently biased against women. The plaintiffs say that the test is irrelevant to the job and is just there to keep females out. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather have firefighters be able to actually do their job properly and safely than reduce the standards just so some more women can work in the field.

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btw any weak girl can knock out a guy twice her size if she just hits him in the jaw. youtube dat shit

A child can knock out a grown man if they hit them in the right place.


Result-based penalties are never effective and cannot be effective imo. Intent-based penalties are necessary. As such, punching someone without seriously injuring them is just as worthy of being a crime as if the victim was injured.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It occurs to me that the great equalizer in a situation of a male and a female in a fight is the man's testicles.


I'm surprised more people don't aim there.


Honestly, in a life or death situation, there are many more weak spots on a given person than people seem to think.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Another thing:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/19/chicago-fire-department-h_n_903496.html


tl;dr Chicago fire department is being sued because the physical test is apparently biased against women. The plaintiffs say that the test is irrelevant to the job and is just there to keep females out. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather have firefighters be able to actually do their job properly and safely than reduce the standards just so some more women can work in the field.


That is an extremely terrible tl;dr and I wonder if you actually read the article yourself.


She applied. She was deemed eligible. She passed the written exam. And then came the PAT.


The PAT, or "physical abilities test," is an exam that is supposed to test applicants for the physical skills required to be a firefighter. It has four components: arm lift, arm endurance, leg lift and hose drag/high rise pack carry.


Vasich hired a personal trainer who worked with her to prepare for each element of the test. She wore a vest filled with weights while working out on a stair climber, and dragged a bag of sand around the gym to prepare for hose drag. She also read the book and watched the DVD that the department sends around in preparation for the test.


On January 13, 2010, Vasich took the PAT. Three weeks later, she was told she didn't get the job.


"When I took the test, I was able to do everything," Vasich said in a statement. "I couldn’t believe it when I got the letter from the city saying that I had failed the test. I thought it must be a mistake."


The department wouldn't tell her how she scored on the individual components of the test, or which parts she might have failed.

This wouldn't be the first time the CFD had to make remunerations for discriminatory hiring practices. Two months ago, a federal appellate court ruled that the city had to hire 111 black firefighters whom it had turned away in 1996, with a payout of around $30 million in back pay.


The issue with the wording of the case, I understand. It's asinine. But that's an issue with the legal system having to trump up discriminatory practice charges so lawyers get paid well enough, not a case of "women crying wolf", or whatever you're trying to twist it to be. Your "summary" and the moral pandering analogy it tries to make is completely ridiculous and showcases an obviously biased and inattentive viewpoint.


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It occurs to me that the great equalizer in a situation of a male and a female in a fight is the man's testicles.


I'm surprised more people don't aim there.


Honestly, in a life or death situation, there are many more weak spots on a given person than people seem to think.


Girls also have a weak spot: their breasts.

This reputably is worse then getting hit in testicles but I don't believe that


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Girls also have a weak spot: their breasts.

This reputably is worse then getting hit in testicles but I don't believe that


It hurts more to take a swift kick to the crotch than it does for me to get punched in the boob.

I've also heard women say being kicked in the crotch is also devastatingly painful (compared to when a man is kicked there). I don't doubt it.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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going back onto the sub topic of women raping men


most women from what I've heard wait until men are extremely intoxicated, then rape them


most of the women who rape men have some form of disease or a STD (called an STI now, though) that would otherwise keep guys away from them


I'll see if i can't find an article about it shortly


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This thread has descended into the absurd. Just a reminder for you all.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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This thread has descended into the absurd. Just a reminder for you all.


Implying it wasn't absurd to begin with :P


This is true.


I feel the need to rephrase: "This thread has taken the absurd initial premise and reduced it to its yet more absurd logical conclusion."

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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I'm a young white male and I'm so oppressed. :(


99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Double standards will always exist. Men will be favored, women will be favored, white people will be favored, black people will be favored. There's not much you can do about it. But it's always pretty funny how it's white guys on the internet who play the role of the victim.




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Has anyone who's white on this thread so far claimed to be oppressed? We were talking about women vs men at first. Do you enjoy shouting at strawmen in your spare time?


I don't feel oppressed anyhow. And I'm a white, heterosexual, non-Jewish male. Just sayin'.

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Well I suppose you're right on that one, nobody in this thread has specifically claimed to have been oppressed. My bad.


I'm not going to really bother with this thread, but I'll conclude by saying that it's absolutely fine to strive towards equality, but some things you just have to deal with, life's not as unfair as it may seem.


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As a conservative, I feel oppressed every time people shout "Racist! Bigot! Homophobe! Misogynist! Anti-Semite! Islamaphobe! Heartless! Warmonger! Redneck!"


Yep, you know me. I hate Blacks, Gays, Lesbians, Women, Jews, Muslims, Poor People. I think that covers what, 99.7% of the world's population?

And by the way, I love going to war with other countries, I cling to my guns and religion, I love nascar and above all Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Excuse me, I'm late for my White Power rally.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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I don't see the double standard there.

I can't comment on anything Al Sharpton says or else I'm a racist, but any liberal is allowed to say anything they want about Clarence Thomas, Allen West, or Herman Cain. Furthermore, if I say Obama is clean and articulate, I'm racist, but when Harry Reid says it, it's a complement.


I can go on and on for each example, but if you haven't realized it yet, you may never understand it, and I'm seriously late for that clan meeting. :rolleyes:

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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I guess I just don't agree. You guys seem to be saying that since these things have happened for a long time means we shouldn't discuss them and/or strive to end them.


Additionally, I believe white males are probably the least oppressed group anywhere ever. But just because our problems aren't as serious as others' may be, does not mean we don't have a right to discuss them and want to stop them. Hedonistic adaptation, people.

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