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Experiments? What's up with them?


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Everywhere I go people who should be elsewhere are crowding up my spots... and killing them as fast as a 13 with a steel hally... :?

So you are wining that there are people training at experiments? :?


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Yeah experiments used to be the best xp in the game, but now they're too crowded so if you want good xp you'll have to retire to the axe hut.








thats my way, keeping it oldschool in the hut :D








and dont complan about experiments being crowded, i think personally its more for pures then anything else since people who arent pure can endure hits more since they have defense.

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Yeah experiments used to be the best xp in the game, but now they're too crowded so if you want good xp you'll have to retire to the axe hut.








thats my way, keeping it oldschool in the hut :D








and dont complan about experiments being crowded, i think personally its more for pures then anything else since people who arent pure can endure hits more since they have defense.








Yet 90% of the people there are over 80 combat and over 60 defence...








I gave up complaining, so i just gave up training.








If i want any kind of decent xp on my pure on use prayer pots at some random NPC (52 pray ftw).


.::Sig Always By Me::.

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Yeah experiments used to be the best xp in the game, but now they're too crowded so if you want good xp you'll have to retire to the axe hut.








Thanks. I guess that's just too bad then...








But ax hut isnt too bad anyhow.

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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Yeah experiments used to be the best xp in the game, but now they're too crowded so if you want good xp you'll have to retire to the axe hut.








Thanks. I guess that's just too bad then...








But ax hut isnt too bad anyhow.












no thanks ill stick to slayer assignments :) like them ghost things... :P urza u really like them things dont ya?

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Yeah experiments used to be the best xp in the game, but now they're too crowded so if you want good xp you'll have to retire to the axe hut.








Thanks. I guess that's just too bad then...








But ax hut isnt too bad anyhow.












no thanks ill stick to slayer assignments :) like abbernats :P urza u really like them things dont ya?








They are fun :wink:

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Everywhere I go people who should be elsewhere are crowding up my spots... and killing them as fast as a 13 with a steel hally... :?








Experiments are crap, seriously. If you want good xp, go to rock crabs. They might hvae a lot more people, but there is proportionally more crabs than people, and it's multicombat there anyway, so just attack the same crabs as other people. And turn off public chat so you don't have to hear the kids yell at your for that... :roll:

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Everywhere I go people who should be elsewhere are crowding up my spots... and killing them as fast as a 13 with a steel hally... :?








Experiments are crap, seriously. If you want good xp, go to rock crabs. They might hvae a lot more people, but there is proportionally more crabs than people, and it's multicombat there anyway, so just attack the same crabs as other people. And turn off public chat so you don't have to hear the kids yell at your for that... :roll:








Rock crabs is tons of running. Don't get me wrong: i did tons of melee there. But I havent even been there in ages. Talk about old school 8)

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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Everywhere I go people who should be elsewhere are crowding up my spots... and killing them as fast as a 13 with a steel hally... :?








Experiments are crap, seriously. If you want good xp, go to rock crabs. They might hvae a lot more people, but there is proportionally more crabs than people, and it's multicombat there anyway, so just attack the same crabs as other people. And turn off public chat so you don't have to hear the kids yell at your for that... :roll:








Rock crabs is tons of running. Don't get me wrong: i did tons of melee there. But I havent even been there in ages. Talk about old school 8)








i seriously agree with pero, hell rock crabs at least drop SOMETHING whilst experiments, are good for those noobs who are fillin up servers

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