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RIP Shiva Discussion thread.


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i never knew the guy. but for anyone to die who is so greatly respected is a big loss.








My suicide1 :( *crying*

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What you have done for the whole community was truely amazing. The only way we can ever pay you back is by dedicating perhaps a part of Falador in World 9 to you. Even though I didn't know you, I'm crying because I know what this feels like :( May you and your soul be at peace for all eternity...

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R.I.P m8!








You were 1 of the people I respected the most on this game/forums. Im glad I had the chance to have known you for a bit. Way to early to move on.








Will miss you and we will meet again! Your name will always be on my rs friends list!

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I'd never really seen shiva around the forums or any other place. It's sad to hear that shiva died especially in such a peculiar way. Any death, for me, is sad and I hope it was not suicide. I did notice a stop in post by him but in a way I didn't.








RIP Shiva :(

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Wow when i read this i had to read it again and again because i cannot believe this has happened.








I always looked for him on my friends list, but in the past month he has not logged on so i was starting to worry where he was.








And now i find this...








What can i say? Shiva was one of my best RuneScape mates. I knew him since he was level 60 on my old account and continued to be best mates with him. We ALWAYS used to play castle wars with eachother and did alot of things.








He was probably the nicest guy i have ever met on RuneScape. He was so kind, helpful, funny and intelligent. Wow i really cannot believe this...this is too sad.








I wish his family best wishes and that he rests in peace.








Love you Shiva/Anarith.









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Just a small reminder for posters - please respect this thread and not try to start arguments here. It's the least you can do.




If you don't have anything nice to say then don't bother posting.

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wow. i never knew this guy, but after all thats been said, i wish i had.




i wish everybody here at tip.it and shiva's family peace and i hope this major, terrible loss doesnt hold back anybody's life. but never, never forget him

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He will be missed. I saw him at a TET DROP PARTY and he was very friendly and was dropping stuff all over the park. Its sad to hear that he is gone...








How old was he? Was he really that old to die of age or did he have an accident?

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Shiva...I mourn honestly for you.




As I read his posts I see he was a good , smart and friendly person.




I may not have been a friend of him, but I feel I know him somehow.




He could have been a freind of mine, but he went much too soon.




RIP Shiva, we will miss you

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in runescpae he shall watch over us is all i got ot say and may his memory live on as a great person who shaped these forums and anyone who hates hwo could you. may saradomin watch over him and his family








Run3sc4p3 0bs3ssi0n pl0x? You seem to be referring to shiva as someone who doesnt have a life other than runescape. You should realize that he was also a person.

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R.I.P Shiva, you were one of my best friends, even though i hadn't known you for long. i will miss you greatly. i dont know what to say right now so i will keep it short.








R.I.P Shiva, one of the finest people I have had the honor to know.

R.I.P. Shiva

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