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Occupational Hazards.


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Knowing some of you, you have no clue what this topic means. It's ok, i'm here for you. Occ-u-pay-shun-al Ha-zar-duhs. For simplicities sake and because i've run out of stress balls for this site, basically what is your occupation? What do you do beyond the walls of your computer room. If you don't have a job, what career do you wish to pursuit?








Myself, I have ambitions (Am-Bish-Uns) of Law Enforcement. I love the thrill of the high speed chase, and doing right for the community. I also love getting crime off the street and making your community a safer, friendlier place to live.








What about you? Whats your ambition?

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I'm a casual stock mover @ BCF. That and I occasionally step in for our stock controller at my store. And the odd bit of customer service :P








But my main career path is a www application developer.

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Currently I'm a waiter/server at resturant not to far from my house. Thank god it's not a permanent stay there though, in August I'll be leaving the job and the city to attend a private college about 2 hours from my house. Primarily classes will be 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, and website design.

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Why is everything all about money? Why cant people work towards something for the good of society?




We have become obsessed, money is our new god.








I work for Wiltshire County Council and my Job title is ICT Assistant/Co-ordinator but i am currently in the process of changing to Technical Researcher which is pretty much what i do now anyway i just get paid the admin wage ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I'm going to take a law degree next year, but I'm certainly not going for a law degree. I'm getting it as a back-up thing.








You see, after I get my degree, I'm going to spend 2,3,4 maybe even 5 years pursuing things I really want to do. Try my hand at acting, try and be an entrepeneur, God forbid it I might try and release a pop song. Things that really interest me.








If things go arse over [bleep] after the 2/3/4/5 years, then I'm going to get into the rat race with that handy degree I got.








But until that day, I'm gonna live!

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i want my skin to turn green








Beautiful, and what do you want to be when your not the Incredible Hulk?








a stripper!








How about, a jailbait stripper? :shock: :P








been there, done that 8)

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Why is everything all about money? but i am currently in the process of changing to Technical Researcher which is pretty much what i do now anyway i just get paid the admin wage ^_^




















I work in the public sector :P If you really think i obsess about money then do you really think id be working for the govt? :roll:



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Why is everything all about money? but i am currently in the process of changing to Technical Researcher which is pretty much what i do now anyway i just get paid the admin wage ^_^




















I work in the public sector :P If you really think i obsess about money then do you really think id be working for the govt? :roll:








I agree with you Mercifull, a web designer doesn't get paid that much but as my parents and I were discussing this last night, they were trying to convince me to take a major in Accident Reconstruction because the whole idea behind it is, you use this nifty little program, just input variables make a 20 second cartoon to demonstrate what happens and people can use it in court. They make around a 1000 dollars an hour, and an average little one of these things takes 20 hours of work. Not bad, but not for me. I just want to do web design because it's what makes me happy. I can sit there and work on a website, and not be stressed, feel relaxed and enjoy what I am doing. My parents, well they want me to make the big bucks, they have no ambition and I currently have more money in my bank account then they ever have had. Sad to say. But yeah, money shouldn't be what we bow to.

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I intend to become a linguist; however, I'm only 16 years of age.
16 isnt too young, i know people your age that speak English, French, German and Dutch great



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I intend to become a linguist; however, I'm only 16 years of age.
16 isnt too young, i know people your age that speak English, French, German and Dutch great




I'm studying my fourth language; I'm already an amateur linguist. I meant officially, though. As in, a job.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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