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Back problems


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Yes, I don't know if anyone could help me with this, but it's worth a shot. Here's the deal:








I'm an active skateboarder, so I need my back to be in top condition. Now, a week ago, a pain just popped in in my lower back. I didn't skate for a week to give it rest, rubbed it in with balsam to keep it warm, and kept it warm with this warmth pillow (whatever it's called). Now, I felt good again, but then I went for a quick roll-about with my board, and it just popped back in again. Really, it's like I'm back to the point where I was a week ago, it pisses me off. I'm thinking about paying a visit to the doctor, but maybe someone here has had experiences with lower back problems, and may have some tips on what or what not to do. I'm really not the type that easily rests for more than a week. I've had this before, but normally the pain was gone (which is not when I sit still) in a day or 2, and now I feel like I'm not healing at all. I mean 1 week of resting, and it just popped in with something non-rough.








Thx if anyone can help me, I hope I'm being specific enough









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Go docs seeing as it's important to ya. Best way to get it sorted i guess :)




Have a couple of hot baths over the next few days. Or try and blag someone to give you a massage ;)




Time heals all wounds m8 :)

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Is the pain concentrated around the spinal area or more to the sides? I would definiately see a doctor either way. Also, I don't know if you're still in school, but if you have to wear a backpack of books, try to adjust the shoulder straps, it might help shift the burden to a less painful area.

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when u skateboard, do you bend down, somewhat like a golfer? because from what ive heard, people get back pain from that a lot. id definately see a doctor, and do some back excercises and stretches every now and then to loosen the muscles.

R.I.P. Shiva

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when u skateboard, do you bend down, somewhat like a golfer? because from what ive heard, people get back pain from that a lot. id definately see a doctor, and do some back excercises and stretches every now and then to loosen the muscles.








Funnily enough, whenever I get a back pain playing golf makes seems to make it go away. Its a nice exercise for the back muscles.

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Its more near the sides. And yes, I'll try to see a doctor, but he usually only gives something which I need to rub on, nothing that really helps. I don't carry a wallet, ever. Wearing a backpack doesn't hurt by the way, pretty weird. Thanks alot, even though I don't think it will help me, I'll try to visit a doctor if it doesn't go away.

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Its more near the sides. And yes, I'll try to see a doctor, but he usually only gives something which I need to rub on, nothing that really helps. I don't carry a wallet, ever. Wearing a backpack doesn't hurt by the way, pretty weird. Thanks alot, even though I don't think it will help me, I'll try to visit a doctor if it doesn't go away.








Sides? Kidney stones!

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Maybe see a Chiropracter? Earlier this year I had problems in my lower back and sides. Went to him and it happened to be my hip but it can affect your back. If it hurts, maybe try a cold pack, then a warm pack thing? Feels really good and helps.








Hope you get everything back in order.

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Its more near the sides. And yes, I'll try to see a doctor, but he usually only gives something which I need to rub on, nothing that really helps. I don't carry a wallet, ever. Wearing a backpack doesn't hurt by the way, pretty weird. Thanks alot, even though I don't think it will help me, I'll try to visit a doctor if it doesn't go away.








Sides? Kidney stones!








Please explain. Alley_Oops, what is a Chiropracter? Therapist or something? Thanks. :)








I'm going to see the doctor first time in the morning tomorrow.

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Its more near the sides. And yes, I'll try to see a doctor, but he usually only gives something which I need to rub on, nothing that really helps. I don't carry a wallet, ever. Wearing a backpack doesn't hurt by the way, pretty weird. Thanks alot, even though I don't think it will help me, I'll try to visit a doctor if it doesn't go away.








Sides? Kidney stones!








Please explain. Alley_Oops, what is a Chiropracter? Therapist or something? Thanks. :)








I'm going to see the doctor first time in the morning tomorrow.




Kidney stones are calcium buildups in the kidneys...They can cause a lot of pain in the lower-middle back, on either side of the spine. They may be moving in their (assuming you have them, which is probably not too likely [but possible]) and can cause a lot of pain. I had some when I was younger, and they got to the point where the pain caused me to vomit, and no one knew why.








I'm just putting a possibilty out there...But if it's not the spine it could be your muscles or your kidneys.

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Do you keep your wallet in a back pocket? And if so, do you sit down with the wallet still in your pocket? This has been known to cause back pain.








Really? That's strange. Perhaps I should try moving my wallet.








Also, do you carry many books in your backpack? Secondly, is the backpack as loose as it gets so that it hangs down below your bum? Mine used to be like this and it resulted in some really bad lower back and shoulder problems. Those have since gone away after I took some books out of my bag and wore it higher up on my back.
















Also, posture can greatly affect your back. If you slouch in your chair, the unnatural curvature of your back will create pressure points or hot spots for pain. Just try and force yourself to sit up, not board-straight, but enough so that you aren't able to reach your legs halfway across the room.








I hope your pain goes away! Back pain really sucks. :(








EDIT: I see someone has already posted about the backpack...oh well.

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:? Im to some point in the same boat as you (not the skatboarding thing though). We do this think called the gallery run in school where we run for X amount of minutes, and its on a concreat floor and its up and down stairs. Im ok for the acutle run, but about 3 minutes into it, my lower back in the center starts to hurt. Now thsi only happens there, i can run anywhere else, and it dosent hurt. The only diffrence there is that i usaly dont run on a concreat floor.








At my job i stand for large ammounts of time and my knees already hurts lots....


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When you've went to see a doctor, and got everythign straightened out start doing some back strengthening exercises. Back pain is VERY common in almost everyone, epsecially lower back pain. How many people exercise their back/spine? Not a lot, even a lot of people who work out don't do it much. You are constantly putting pressure on your lower back, and as you get older and weaker, you will start having pain and problems.








A VERY basic, yet pretty effective way of strengthening the lower back is just to lay flat on the floor on your stomach, be fully extended (arms extended out are optional). And start lifting up your torso. If your back is really bad, you can start out by gently laying your hands on the ground to make it easier, and then when you get used to it stop pressing on your hands altogether. When you get used to doing it without using your hands or if you never used your hands and it's starting to get too easy you can start adding in a little bit of weight to the exercise by holding it above your head. If in a couple months you outgrow this exercise, send me a pm and I'll find you some articles on other exercises, I just don't want to my poor isntructions to be responsible for you messing up your back even more. :)








Hope you get better.

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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My friend and I both had this problem during the summertime aswell. Were both skateboarders BTW. For about a week my friend had this bad back pain which prevented him from skating. I also got the same thing within a week after. Although after a weeks rest and about a week and two days rest for me we were both back to skating. I don't know what could of caused this and why it's happened to three skaters. Anyways going to the doctor is upto you but we didn't and time healed ours fine.

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I would personally just go to a chiropractor. I've been in some pretty bad car accidents and the multiple whiplashes I have received from them has caused the bones in my neck to "fuse" together which causes me alot of discomfort in my neck and upper back. I go once a week or every other week and the visit only takes about 15-20 mins depending on the doctor. I was alittle leery on going at first because I don't feel comfortable having my bones cracked, but it feels pretty good and it has helped me alot with my problems.

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