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Combat as a percent of total XP - now with data and charts!


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I had a thought while discussing a topic on the Rants forum. What, I wondered, is the normal distribution of a players experience (and thus their time)? That is, how much xp and levels do you have in total, and how much of that is combat?




So, I came up with a little metric - not very accurate, but quite telling.




1) Find your total XP


2) Find your total combat XP (range hp magic attack defense strength prayer)


3) Divide 2 by 1




Here's an example, using my stats.


1) 45,062,230


2) 9,938,556


3) .2205 - 22%




I'm a skiller, so I'm sure this 22% is low.




Anyone else care to post? I'd love to get an idea of the average, even if we only have a few samples.




Collected Data




Count 132


Mean 52.2388%


Median 51.0050%


Stddev 19.2681%






Note: Last data introduced a bit more skew to combat-heavy players.




Scores rounded to one decimal place






Scores rounded to two decimal places



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Wow, interesting topic, and for once its original :D .




K, heres my calculations (That 85 Mage is guna kill me):




Total: 16,586,999


Combat: 6,657,360


Percentage: 40.136%




Not to bad, but its a little high.


I also noticed that the fletch/alch skills (Magic, Fletch, Wc) account for half of my total experience :shock: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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total xp - 60,740,163


Combat xp - 40310073




65.3% :lol:






I wonder what mine woulda been back in rsc, because since rs2 came out, my main focus was skills, not combat since they ruined pking.




when rs2 was releasedi was 100 combat with around 1150 skill total


Now im 116 combat (mainly due to slayer) with 1616 skill total




Combat is my least focused on area since the release of rs2 :lol:


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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Misplaced, I think something's wrong. From how I look at it, 11% of you total xp is NOT combat.




Nope, its right. I have 28 mil total exp, and ony 3 mil combat exp.


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1) 68,475,820


2) 42,536,032


3) 62.12%




Kind of suprising that it was that much. I personally don't know if I would include magic, since almost all of my entire magic xp came from non-combat spells and I don't use it for combat.

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