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Update for Phil (Supposed to be posting this months ago.. Forgot)




Talked with that other guy, he said he had his accounts for two years or so.




So it all was a coincidence.




Now let this post die again. :-$




We all try to get our own original names. And someone wants without numbers and all that. Mine is Wirone.


Anyway. But we don't like people who takes after your name?






Ever happened with you?




It has to be, a few times. Today:








And to those who can't bother read on the pic. You see that "Virone"?!And almost forgot. Ignore that stupid flamer down there.




No need to say that I'm pretty mad at this.




Seen more of this too. Like "Yirone" and "cirone" (something similar)






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get over it just cause you have a name doesnt mean anyone else can't i want my name to be zezima OMGAWD ITS TAK3N H4CKS ON J00!111! :roll:




How old are you? If you gonna flame me, it wont work. Take a new try, and take 3 breaths, calm down. And write again.


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get over it just cause you have a name doesnt mean anyone else can't i want my name to be zezima OMGAWD ITS TAK3N H4CKS ON J00!111! :roll:




How old are you? If you gonna flame me, it wont work. Take a new try, and take 3 breaths, calm down. And write again.




how old are you that your cryin about someone who has a similar name, just feedin u what ive been feed

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Ima make about 1million accounts all cenetered around the name satenza. So no one can take a variation of it.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I use names based of me:




Spark Fx (I'm a graphic designer *Spark Effects*)


iTimmeh (My name is Tim...I hate Apple but own an iPod)


Iksse (Coheed abbr of a song...I'm related to Mic =))


Esski (Backwards of above)




Im odd

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I wish I would have known about bloodvelds back in classic when I started, I could have easily gotten that name :cry:




but I did get a sweet name for my def pure, B100dv31d ;)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Well "Virone" appears to be a common surname, possibly French or Italian.


You know with a million or so accounts there is going to be coincidences.




The others with similar names to your will think you copied them.

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Well Phil. I have played since last summer. Tried first Angband. (Morgoth's tower or similiar) but it was taken. And my name comes from "Weird One" Don't know why o.O




And "Virone" if it is a surname or not, I don't know. Since I never have checked out. :P


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I've seen a million or so Wyverns and I'm not complaining. But I completely understand. I did get mad once though, when I was at lumbridge helping my friend and talking to him, when a Wyvern553 comes up and starts saying I'm his idol lmao. :oops:

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And "Virone" if it is a surname or not, I don't know. Since I never have checked out. :P


Google search shows that it is.


As I said, it's just a coincidence that you chose a name which is close to a common surname :)

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Arizark ftw ;) i was sick of all the names with numbers so yeah i decided to just say random sounds and i came up with this. well last week i saw a guy named ariz13541 or something like that and that kinda made me mad so yeah

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get over it just cause you have a name doesnt mean anyone else can't i want my name to be zezima OMGAWD ITS TAK3N H4CKS ON J00!111! :roll:




How old are you? If you gonna flame me, it wont work. Take a new try, and take 3 breaths, calm down. And write again.

It's gonna take more than 3 breaths to calm this kid down... :lol:
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