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Runescape wilderness travelling advcice-keeping your stuff.


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Ok, if you're like me, you HATE being attacked by a higher level player or NPC. But also, I like exploring the wilderness. So how do you do it safetily? Well, after dying on a daily (sometimes twice-daily) basis, i realized something.


I was walking out of Lumbridge, frustrated, because I had just died. On the ground was an Iron scimitar. I was about a level 35 at the time, and this wasn't too long ago. I was used to weilding mithril or adamant weapons. At first I just passed by the scimmy. But then I picked it up, thinking, "Ok, maybe I can sell this." Then I realized that since I found it on the ground, if I lost it, it wouldn't cost me a single coin. So, I went to the bank, & dropped off all the stuff I had, except for the scimitar. Then, I went into the wilderness. On the way there, I found a broze sheild. Once again, it wasn't very good equipment, but, again, if I lost it, it didn't hurt me. So I went and trained. That is a good way to protect your stuff. Only take what you find, or is given to you for free. That way, you lose nothing.


Later, though, I started to miss my higher level stuff. So I did a new thing. I got some high level items, but only 3. That way, if I died, I'd keep them, because you always keep your 3 most valuable items, unless you've been skulled. So I took a platebody, platelegs, and a mithril scimitar. I also use any other armor I find, or that I make with what I find.


Now, I do this because I plan to stay in the wilderness for a long time, to train. But If you're going simply to fight, to kill somebody, and you need armor, I reccomend that yoiu take your high level, expensive armor and weapons with you. But if you're going to be in the wilderness for an extremely long time, don't take too much, because all the time you spend in the wild is more time that you're vulnerable to attack.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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Hello, and welcome to Tip.it! As already mentioned before, this is called "3 iteming". Many people think that it is noobish and will flame you for telling others to 3 item. Ignore them. This is a great post for a first post. Keep up the good work








really i go in full dragon and blue phat if i want to go exploring :lol:


Do youreally have to be mean?


~Joined RS December 2001

~Retired Mid-2007

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Who? The ones who carry a dds and poison you while you are doing something. Yes, i'd like to kill them also.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Who? The ones who carry a dds and poison you while you are doing something. Yes, i'd like to kill them also.


they are the 100% worst there is.


At least u can just decide not to attack a 3 itemer.


But the one itemers without food just come to launch 4 specs and off they go to lumby with their dagg :(


i like the ones carrying food tho :).......smite :twisted:

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alright guys, 3-iteming can be considered noobish, but so?! I was still a noob only 7 short combat levels ago. And, sommehimes, if a 3-itemer has been out there awhile, he/she has had time to find some good stuff, and you can't tell whether they bought those items, or found them. But, the people who think 3-iteming is cheap are just the people who wanna steal ur stuff.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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oh yeah, one more thing. EVIL EYE 69! I hate people who ask 4 free stuff. please don't tkae up forum space doing that. Thank you.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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lol yeah... i always use this method.. even when im going to wildy for clues.. its a really old method and eveyone know it :shock:



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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Who? The ones who carry a dds and poison you while you are doing something. Yes, i'd like to kill them also.






i do my clues with a dragon dagger...




Yup, me too. Dds, black hides for magic defence, to hopefully not get frozen/teleblocked, boots of lightness and a few other useful things like 1-2 pieces of food, an energy pot, eventually antipoison and tele runes to get out when I get in back to wildy level low enough to teleport from.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Wow i am happy to see this topic is not being as flamed as i expected :P




Anyway yea this is a very widely know fact and there r plenty of places to train outside of the wild, but for ppl that want to explore i wouldnt think they take anything that they would lement losing. There is a warning everytime you enter the wild about that.

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Well, I don't 3-item all the time. Only if I know I'm gonna be out there a LONG time. Like, right now, im just living in the wild, no real destination, training. I 3-item on lang triips like that, but I carry all my armor, and some other stuff normally.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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I also like to go to the wild to see things. I'll go into places with greater demons in them, just to explore. I once walked up to a demon, on purplose, just to see what it looks like. :D

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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St00pid fwee iteemer!!!1111!!!!1111!!!!11!!!11eleven111!!!one!!!




U hav noo hunor!!!!oneoneoneoneeleven!!!!1111!!!!!










Well... you asked for a flame....




I usually go into the wildy with a dds and clue materials, as the main reason I visit the wildy is clues :)




No armour, little food, and a tiny elf crystal :P Or just a spade, the clue, and the coodinate materials :)

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