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Family Banned (Long Read, Sad Story, Help Jagex) -UPDATED


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Do you know what aka means? if your story was true he would be saying "Thank you tonsilx and b l e e d s" not aka.




Did I not already say I post my brothers kills on Runvillage under "TosiLX" forum name because he doesn't know how to use FTP lol




Therefore if he were to post a pic on Runevillage they could identify the Runevillage account that he posts under and his character name.




Its sad everyone has to be so negative all the time.

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My god...


I sure am glad I have no other family member, or friend, who plays Runescape on this computer. Jagex seems to be very nasty with people playing with the same ip adress.. Wow jagex, great "detection" techniques you got there...

2480+ total

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strange that jagex banned you because of your brother playing too, i have more than 1 computer at my home and sometimes my friends come over and play runescape, and my brother plays it with me too and i'm also behind a router, i've been playing for a year too

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Sad part is, its relitively simple to not get yourself banned. Simply contact Jagex (with the information of both parties behind the firewall) and explain the situation to them (shared connection). They may watch you for awhile to see if you are in fact, one person or two , but if they take action, you'll have corispondance to back up your position.

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If you have 2 comps playing off the same router at the same time they will ban you for multilogin.




for autoing? I dont know never happend to me.




Your PC will have different IP addresses,




E.G 218.***.***.1 , 218.***.***.2




That sucks man.. I got banned twice for things I didn't do, supposedly I advertised when I wasn't even here.. and I owed them 40p so they banned me, then said 12 files were off the one card, and I was using a stolen card.. I replied saying, um no, 2 accounts, mine and my brothers, of my parents card, now please, stop the lies.. unbanned. :roll:




Jagexs Customer Support is worse then AOLS.......

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Take this as a sign, tell your brother to stop spending so much time on a dumb computer game. He shouldn't of broken the rules so tough.




you really need to either:


1. learn to read words so you know what the thread is about


2. stop being lazy and read the whole post before you start making non-sense posts

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Take this as a sign, tell your brother to stop spending so much time on a dumb computer game. He shouldn't of broken the rules so tough.


Another wonderfully thoughtout post by the only striker6!




I'm very sorry for what you have to endure, Tox. I have no idea how you feel right now since I have never been wronged by JaGex. Good luck in an apeal.

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I was looking through B L E E D S's pks and I saw this








I'm curious to why your brother calls himself Chris? :?


You have been officially owned. :wink:


Btw: killing friendly herblorists isnt something id brag about :?




totally owned, Jagex caught you, too bad....not. Next time you're gonna lie remove the evidence.

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I was looking through B L E E D S's pks and I saw this








I'm curious to why your brother calls himself Chris? :?


You have been officially owned. :wink:


Btw: killing friendly herblorists isnt something id brag about :?




totally owned, Jagex caught you, too bad....not. Next time you're gonna lie remove the evidence.




Phht I know alot of people who have brothers who let their brother on their account. I don't see how it is wrong since it is your FAMILY. God, its a pker. There could be many reasons aswell. You people just jump to conclusions to flame somebody which is pretty sad. Go flame your




Man sorry about you and your brothers accounts, I recall speaking to your brother I think. He added me from here or something along time ago. I really hope this is cleared up


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My brother is 13, I strictly enforce him not giving any time of real information out on the internet due to the complex scams and identity theft that are floating around. Personally I'm not a huge fan of PKing because to me it isnt profittable at all and it takes forever to get a kill. I'm actually proud the used an alias even though it was mine rofl.

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My brother is 13, I strictly enforce him not giving any time of real information out on the internet due to the complex scams and identity theft that are floating around. Personally I'm not a huge fan of PKing because to me it isnt profittable at all and it takes forever to get a kill. I'm actually proud the used an alias even though it was mine rofl.


Why does it seem like your clutching at straws here?

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My brother is 13, I strictly enforce him not giving any time of real information out on the internet due to the complex scams and identity theft that are floating around. Personally I'm not a huge fan of PKing because to me it isnt profittable at all and it takes forever to get a kill. I'm actually proud the used an alias even though it was mine rofl.




By posting that picture I never meant to accuse you of anything.... I half-believe you and I am very sorry that your account and your brother's account were both banned. I was just wondering why your brother called himself by your name.... That might be the reason and i am going to choose to accept that..




Goodluck irl

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just keep sending it in over and over again. They'll eventually have to look at it... They'll come to their senses if you bother to send it in over and over again...


if this doesn't work, create a new character and pm me... i can try to help you out a bit.

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I'm sorry bud, Jagex really needs to be more customer friendly. In all honestly they need to get more people to look into bans and make acutal analysis to make their final decision. You said he was mistakenly banned for having chat off? I've started turning my chat off and usually wear my mask when I'm playing so I always get noobs bothering me, I hope I don't get banned, but regardless, I'm sorry to hear about that, Jagex just sucks at customer support and will ban anyone without proper evidence.

Back to P2p soon!

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Take this as a sign, tell your brother to stop spending so much time on a dumb computer game. He shouldn't of broken the rules so tough.




Some people never learn- HE WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG. Simple?

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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Sorry for your false ban. Jason didn't seem to lose as mauch as you though...86 mining takes a few months to get. I wouldn't be too impressed with Jagex myself if I was falsly banned. :cry:




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I HIGHLY DOUBT it was because you use the same internet. Jagex does not actively search everyones accounts for ips that match to my knowledge, that would be a rediculus waste of time. They would however, if you were reported for account sharing.




What I believe happened, was your brother said something in public or private chat, something like, "BRB getting on my sisters account" or something like that. A random person then reported him probably.

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