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Read page 19 to see how much Jagex hates ME!!!!!


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Well, I will not be participating in this endevour of yours, but, I do wish you all the best in whatever you shall be doing in your freed up time from Runescape. Be it another game or elsewhere. I simply just do not believe in taking free handouts from players of that calibre since I believe that it takes away the joy in earning it for myself. Once again goodbye, as we do not know eachother, good will must be shown as it is the proper tip.it way.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Runescape name : Zatrance




I try not to ramble on too much but that may be hard. Lol. To keep it short, I should be invited to your retirement party because I'd really appreciate celebrating such a experienced and obviously, very kind person. I'm level 62 and have never had any luck with drop parties, the most I've ever recieved was a mithril kite shield, and even then I was overjoyed. I appreciate even the smallest gift, but in runescape a gift does not have to be pixels, but just simply the pleasure of being invited somewhere. I spend all my money I earn on skills, which is not much, and I am in a real rut right now because of my lack of runes, to get my magic up. So if you wish to grant me a helping hand, I would be estatic.


More than anything though, I hope you enjoy your party and good luck in the rest of your life.




Thank you for this opportunity,


Zatrance :D

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rsn: Arizark


i think you should invite me because ill bring a ton of kegs so you can acctually enjoy your last time on this game and ill try bring other stuff too so it could acctually be a party :)




Ill bring all the kegs I can too 8)

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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RSN:Ball of Pain




Why I should be invited: Im a good person who got scammed badly recently :cry: . I had about everything of worth from my bank in my inventory (In world 2 on way to buy a santa :) ) and I followed a guy who wanted to talk in quiet. For some nooby reason i followed him into the Lumby caves...with no tele...and a candle...you can figure out the rest :? . Anyways, now im working hard at the mage trees to earn back even a little bit of what i lost back so I can do CWs and pking with my friends. I think that if I went to your party I could earn back what i lost faster. Thanks for reading :D

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RuneScape Name: Crazyj18




Why I should be invited? Because I just recently started back to playing RuneScape in January after i quit for 2 and a half years. I discover that all I have on RS2 is 500k and full rune because I had all of my items on RS1 when i quit around June of '04. Now I am unable to log in RS1 because my character wasn't a member between August-December or whatever. I have accumulated a small fortune here on RS2 but only 1/5 of what I had on RS1 not counting a high valued rare on RS1. I just need anything possible to get back on my feet so I'm able to acquire many items that level 80's can get, but not myself. Thanks and I hope you invite me and I hope this wasn't too long of a read.



RSC veteran

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Its to bad you're going...most of my old school frineds have gone as well, and it's always sad to see people going who were actually playing for more than one year, and thinking that they own rs. Sorry to hear you go, and this is my info.






Rsn : Fear Ninja




Reason: To bad you're going, but I'd like to come, because it would be nice to get something.

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Name: x bow800




Reason i want to come: you sound like you have done alot in your 4 years of playing. I hope to do the same, so if i could go to your party to honor you for what you have done on RS and tip.it, i would like it. And cus im not like most of the other people who have been scammed and need the stuff, i just want to honor you since u are quiting. Also if i dont make the party, i wish u the best of luck irl!!

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rsn: bigsword33




firstly, i'd like to say i'm sorry you are quitting. It seems as though all experianced players are now quitting. I would advise you to keep your stuff as you might want to come back in a while. DO NOT SELL YOUR ACCOUNT. you probably won't, and i hope you fullow the rule but just don't. you never know when you might want to come back and play this little game of these 7mil+ people. anyways i would like to come as i'm currently making some goals that you can find in the goal forum, and that it's my b day today. i'm sooo happy. anyways i'm working for the whip i just lost in a hack and just like to say i'd like you post in my thread on the goal forum. any advise is appretiated as to how you got to your lvl. I do not have to get picked and this paragraph will soon come to an end, but sadly i hope this thread will not get locked as noobs that have only scammed people will probably spam it with begs. DO NOT fall for them. anyways cya and pm me if i win which i doubt. hope you get a better thing in your life after you quit. hope you had fun!

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Reason: I could sit here and tell you my whole story, straight from when i walked off the boat from Tutorial Island, all the way to losing my dragon chain. Not a story I like to tell really, but for the most part I dont really need this stuff. Thats honest enough. This isnt really an application as it is just wishing you good luck in real life. YEA THATS RIGHT, REAL LIFE! For those of you that have forgotten that theres life outside of RuneScape. :(

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Screen name is scuba10


I have always wished to be have something lucky happen to me my whole rs stuff. I have always had to work hard for all of my items, my best drop was a half key. I've been playing for 5+ years now, and my favorite thing to do when i was a noob in rsc, was goto drop parties. (Usually second floor museum)


So i dont want you pity or anything, but it would be really cool if you invited me.




Btw, what your doing is pretty cool, rather than many people who are selfish with their items.


4972745284559197a18112.gifRsn: Scuba10

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Rsn: zacharyrules




My reason to come is because my freind just scammed me out of 15m... and i need some cash to pay back the thigns i was gunna buy after i sold my guthans and ahrims...

Live life and die having it been forfilled.

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Hello Hounded,




Since I started to play I went to only three drop partys and I always brought my humble participation, like 20 or 30k in cash, some treasure trail items, mith & addy stuff and loads of cakes/beers, etc...




Because I enjoyed sharing my more valuable loots with random unlucky players and with lower leveled friends attempting to the same events, all I had in return was 1 coal ore. :lol:




I take my chance to apply at your party as a guest so I can say I eventually picked up something of better value than ashes, weed and roten tomatoes at a drop party. :P




The reason why I feel I should be a guest in your very private retirement party is that while attempting to such events in the future it will encourage me to keep sharing my stuff with other players, and to suggest my friends to do the same.




That way you could be quitting the game not only pleasing 7 persons, but thinking that you actually helped in making future drop parties to remain fun events for a lot more people, should they simply be enjoying to drop their stuff like me or to be lucky enough to pick up other's people valuable items. :wink:






Zou Lou.




(Also "Zou Lou" in the game).




PS: sorry for my clumsy English, I did my best to explain my point, but I'm only French. :roll:

Retired from RuinedScape 12/15/07.

Now playing a Tauren Shaman on World of Warcraft.

Server: Ravencrest.

Username: Zulu.

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RS name: DetroitWha




Reason: I lost like 300 worth of stuff:( I went to fight Skeletor, and i know he's really strong, so i asked someone what to wear. I brought with my mask set because i heard red mask gives you super high str, and blue gives super high att and green gives super high def. I brought my blue phat because skeletor breathes fire and someone told me blue phat is blue because it is water and water puts out fire so it is magical cure for all firebreathe. I brought my santa hat because the same persson told me that if you wear santa hat then you can fly away like you are santa on his sleigh, so i thought i could maybe range him from the sky and he couldn't hit me. I wore dragon chain because i poisoned the [bleep]es on it, so when he tried to melee me he'd poke his hand and get poisoned. I didn't bring any food because i figured i would be invincible. Before i went to fight him i attacked someone in wild to get skull to look even more super mean. I brought my kitty that i was very close to because he was my only friend and good luck. So i went in to fight skeletor and he 3 hitted me 38-40-dead, and while i was falling down dead he ate my kitty kat too :( So i lost my only friend in the world and all my items i worked so hard for...Now all i have is a brass necklace that i try to trade for a phat on world 2 but no one ever accepts.




So i guess i need your help to get me back on my feet because i am going into training to be a lumberjack like the one in little red riding hood so i can go fight skeletor again and cut his belly open and get my kitty kat back. And then someday maybe i can get back all my items i lost because they were my life.

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actually i havent been in any drop pary (have played 3 years i think) and propably if i get invited to urs i ll forget to show up but ill give my best.








anyway gl




maybe u should keep ur stuff becaus after year u feel that u want to play again. i did quit for a year (gave away all my stuff) then i started again. But it was fun to get myself back on feet

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RSN: Kwimbob (o' course)




I love drop parties and such. I'd be willing to be a trusted dropper if you still need one, and I'd just like to come to see the fun and all. A few of my friends are having financial trouble (more just a laziness to do the money making skills :P ) and I'd like to help them out, especially the real life ones that moved away and all.




So if I can come and all, that'd be great and fun to help you with this big effort, so I just thought I'd do a quick post :)


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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Runescape Name: Sir Davidm




Hmmm...Right now I'm confused as a hungry baby in a topless bar =( Are you sure you want to give all that stuff away what if one day you want to play again? Well whatever your stuff is really great and i think I should be invited because:




I'm about as welcome as a fart in a telephone box, so I never get to go to these things =( I'd be very greatful if i could come.




I cant do one skill for a long time so i never make any gp, hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?




I also want to be picked because im really poor =( but iv'e survived for 4 months and atleast i dont cheat on rs like some people i know. When i asked some rich dude for some money a few days ago this was his response- If you try and don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie. Wasn't much help I;m not going to cheat so I'm hoping i get picked for the drop party.




Well thats it i guess... Before i sign off I'd like to congratulate you on your success on RS, You;ve gone real far and I know that you've put a lot of time in this- Goodluck with whatever you're doing now .




Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again. (hope its at the drop party ;P)

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