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Night Racing....?


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OK, so lastnight I was having a dream right. I was dreaming that I was racing this guy in my car, We were boths revving our engines!! Both of our Eyes glaring at each other, then glancing at each others girls (thinking I bet I can take his girl). So we get you RPM up I let him say "GO" both cars burn out and we take off...I then blank out cause we apparently we both had a reck...when we wake up I'm freaking out because I just lost my obby cape, obby shield, whip....and I bust out and say in the dream "ok there has to be a way to get those back it was just a mini game!!!!" then I wake up thinking...WTHeck....weird...so does anyone else have dream about runescape....go ahead and post them here I'm sure we should all get some good laughs...lol

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ok..... w00t first post


Errr that's great.


Oh and I dream about all sorts of things that I've only done or seen for like 30 seconds so he might not be addicted.




I had one where I was at the fishing guild and some guy died and I got full dharok, when I went on runescape that day I went to the fishing guild and some guy said that he got obbisian shield and cape from some guy dieing in world 71 fishing guild (used to be my favourite server). Was very freaky.

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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Don't let this be anothing "omg get outside u noob get a lyf and get a gf and mov out of ur mom hous and get a job u noob" topic. Dreams about RuneScape aren't a bad thing. I have them occasionally. :wink:


as u post here u could say one of them ;).i had one once(many peeps was speaking of guys getting phats from guys in fishing guild)well heres my dream..i was at fishing guild gettting sharks and suddenly some guy dies and i run like i never had before and i got a green phat was rly great ;).

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i posted before about my dream that i made love with an ogre


i recently dreamed i had a treesum with 2 mogres though :shock:


i got mudskipp'd :(

Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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i posted before about my dream that i made love with an ogre


i recently dreamed i had a treesum with 2 mogres though :shock:


i got mudskipp'd :(




you know, i've NEVER seen a female Mogre, its no wonder you got mudskipp'd!

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i posted before about my dream that i made love with an ogre


i recently dreamed i had a treesum with 2 mogres though :shock:


i got mudskipp'd :(




you know, i've NEVER seen a female Mogre, its no wonder you got mudskipp'd!

Who said he dreamed them as female mogres? :lol:




I don't know if I have had a runescape dream, the one dream I can remember is a really random one nothing to do with runescape, here it is:


I'm onone of those car ferrys to France and a cowboy jumps onbaord from the sea and he points a revolver at the captain, he says like 'I'm hijacking this boat until you give me bread!'. Then I give him a baguette and he jumps overboard. Then all the cars float to shore on lots of giant oven trays... I told you it was random...

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i had one where i was walking down the trail to the fremmenik province and some guy apeared with a highwayman mask lava staff mime top and legs with pink [bleep]y hair. he summoned a baby king black dragon it killed me then everything went black then i saw half the guys body float sideways up the left side of the screen and then in big 3d letters flew up and said haxord d00d.




this was taking a very long break from runescape.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Well this might be embarassing to admit i once had a dream i looked in my rs bank and saw 1k of every phat. I sold almost all of em and gave some away and became the richest guy on runescape and then i went to slay the kalphite queen and then it led into some other stuff to do with my real life which i cant reveal on these forums for um reasons...

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Man, dunno why everyone dreams about phats, although I did once after making friends with someone who had a green(10m at the time) and I was f2p back then, dreamt that he died at the willows in draynor, can't remember what happened after that though, man this is a weird post.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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For the people who are saying "wow get a life " "go otu side some noob" etc. Please shut up. The reason you are dreaming this is because you were thinking about rs before you went to sleep. Dreams are made up of thoughts durng the day. I have had dreams about rs and quite wierd ones combing rs and rl. Its been long time since then though.

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I once "hacked" Runescape and took all the money from every account in Runescape and dropped it in the level 35 wilderness and danced around it.




I also shut down runescape.. 8) JEEZ PEOPLE, if your dreaming about Runescape-------------> the door is that way.


RSN: Zammyftw ^^The girl that ruined music.

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