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Defalting the RS economy?


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You may have noticed the quicker re-spawn rates of several beasts. Great news - or is it? Just think about it. For example, I can now kill unicorns about 30% faster, that means the value of Unicorn horns is effectively reduced by 30%. This in turn decreases the value of anti-poison potions by 30%. However, this will increase the value of Marrantil and Irit leaf (herbs used with unicorn horn). But the overall trend must surely be downwards.




Similarly, with other beasts and rare items. Quicker re-spawns mean more killed which in turn increases the number of rare drops and so deflating the value of rare items.




So, the question I ask is : Is the faster re-spawn rate simply because of the new quest, or is there a more subtle reason like Jagex trying to devalue the RS economy?

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The unicorn example is an extremely bad one. Infact, that change was long past due.




And I honestly doubt the prices of cure potions are effected that much. They were dirt cheap to begin with (use to give them away).




In all my days of playing RS, I honestly never saw many people trying to buy uni horns. And when people needed a large amount... they would go to the black unis in the wild.




The respawn increase was needed, but even so... It'll probably hardly be that effective.




As for other respawns... the economy isn't ever going to be the same, ever. And they have to increase respawns to make up more the increased traffic to certain areas.


R.I.P Shiva

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I dont really think unicorn respawn was needed at all, if you goto the ones in the wild you can literally ask at them because in rs2 theyre aggressive, with graveyard teleport its insanely fast horn getting




however, the important thing is fast imp respawn :oops:

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The big flaw in this whole idea is the fact that the prices of drops aren't so much based on the respawn rate of the monsters as they are other factors.




Unicorn horns aren't 1k per (not looking to argue on price, just using it as an example) because unicorn respawns are too slow. The black unicorns (in level 19 wildy above varrock) respawn faster than I can kill them. Now, assuming that is the fastest place to get unicorn horns, they don't cost the assumed 1k because of the respawn time of the unicorns. You could argue that they cost that because of the distance from a bank, the wildy factor, and the lack of xp gained (making it menial work) driving up the cost.




And, all other factors aside, the simple fact that the monster respawns 30% faster doesn't mean the price of the drop will go down that percentage...if at all. You have to consider the net time spent: the time spent waiting for the monster, but along with the time taken getting to the spot and banking...and even the time spent killing the monster.




When considering all that, the respawn time will mean little if nothing on the prices of drops.




At least that's what I think. :wink:

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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OK - I admit the Uni horn was not a very good example - I just happened to be collecting some at the time I wrote this. However, the point I was trying to make is valid - with quicker re-spawns comes quicker rare items and thus devalues the RS economy.

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It was said in another post that its only increased on the npcs that have the bones that are needed for the quest, it was also said that a mod stated that its for this week only.




That makes sense.




My overall opinion with Unicorns in general is that they need to respawn faster, but thats probably just me. I remember finding herblore extremely hard on RSC because of the low population of Unicorns in non-wild, and the respawn times make it all the more worse.


R.I.P Shiva

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* odd slaps the author of this post with a large trout






In case you didn't notice, there was a new quest today! If you did the quest or read about it, you find that the quest requires you to kill animals and bring their bones to an "odd old man"




Now think about this... You get at least a thousand players on each server who like to do the quest on the day it's released... so instead of players being all spread out across the world, they all want the same loot.




You may not have remembered the first series of desert quests. Shantay used to stock only 10 passes at a time. These quests made people very irritated because they had to wait and wait to get shantay passes to get in the desert. Thus Jagex raised the shop limit to 500.




Likewise, with this quest, Jagex took precautions and made the respawn of the monsters you need to kill in this quest almost instant.




Kudos to Jagex for trying to prevent a problem BEFORE people complain about it... but I would hardly say that this will effect the economy.




1: this is probably a temporary thing for the first few days of the quest.


2: Even if it isn't, unicorns are the only creatures this has happened with that have a useful drop, and you can fight unicorns in the wild (as most people getting horns do), where you generally don't have to wait for a respawn anyway... at least i never do.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Rofl odd was that first line of your post a refrence to IRC chat? Anyway I think it's t oo bad they changed it back to normal, since unicorn horns imo take a while to get without ancient tellying to graveyard.

Its a minigame. The first person to catch him gets a Klondike Bar and a handshake from Chuck Norris. Watch out those 2 combined may have adverse effects.
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well odd, like you said, it probably will only be that way for the frst few days (2 weeks maybe) of the new quest, until the fanfare wears off. and even tho it will kill the market for unicorn horns and antipoisns (a non-existent market anyway) i dont think there will be any effect whatsoever on the overall rs economy

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The respawn time being faster was just a 1 day thing. Now the respawns of stuff or at least unicorns which is all I fought isn't about a second, but back to normal. This was just to counter that rush of people that do quests as soon as they come out. Anyway, as for a way to counter inflation my suggestion is that they go ahead and release carpentry as a skill. Then charge a rent fee for POH at a weekly basis, and a store owning fee of 50K a day. That'll help drain the economy for sure.

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