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this quest...impossible!


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There's a certain way i determined to be the only way that works...




The problem is, i havent been ther in so long, i don't remember which path it is


My account spent most of the last 10 months "locked"

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i find things like falling of stuff doesn't actually annoy me very much-aka the handholds in mourning ends part two becaue i know ill do it eventually. what DOES annoy me is stuff like getting past the guards in rat catchers where you could try for two hours and youd make no progress. You have to sit their for hours waiting at the trellis waiting for them to get into possitions that you can leg it from- i still havn't done that bit.

I'm not drunk! You wouldn't dare call me drunk if i was sober!

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am i lucky or am i lucky?... i did underground pass with agility 25 or 26 and i only fall down like 2 or 3 times when i was going to kill iban :lol:




Lol, doing regicide you have to go through the underground pass 2 times, (i went 4 times because i ran low on pots) but i was so lucky and didn't fall once 4\5 trips

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LOL, i did it with 26 agility, but i fell so many times i was almost as angry when i found out i was 100k short of a whip lol, i was very angry... :P



Currently saving for 92 gp.

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ok, i spend ages getting to the bit in underground pass when i am ready to kill iban, off i go trying to get there, but...oh no! about 100 tries before i cry! it turns out its impossible to get to iban because i keep falling down!




i might send a complaint, commit suicide or simply quit!


I had 65 aglity and fell a ton of times there 2. :lol:


BTW, your going to love mournings end part 2. :twisted:


Don't remind me of Mourners End Part 2..................


Lol, that blue crystal agility thing made me waste 2 loads of sharks. :lol:




But anyways, yeh, I did Underground pass at like 36 Agility or something. It was hard, but possible.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(






same thing happens here i quit runescape cuz of that for liek a month....lol




but if u keep trying....you will make it....i did the quest at 30 something agility




me too... had 2 hp left when i found out i had to click the fountain :lol:

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I must be really lucky, because between Underground Pass and Regicide (in which I had to go through 4 times because I forgot things) I fell about 10 times (Underground Pass at 40-something agility, Regicide at 67, I'm guessing it helped on Regicide)...


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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errr... i only did it with 29 agil lol... (you know you can get phr33 food from the drunk dwarf near klank?) Granted it took me about 30 tries to make it, and i nearly died in iban's chamber, I still got it done!



Sodb Forum


Stop thinking. It's Runescape.
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Get your agility level up, atleast 50 agility should do. Also in the final battle use protect from magic to not get hurt.




Im not trying to be a mod but this should really be in Help and advice.




rants maybe lol, but wat she said, get 50 agility that'll do the trick. when i did regicide at 56 and i failed a lot too.

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You guys know some of the dwarf's food lowers your agility...




I didn't notice at first, then I just waited some time untill I was full again, and didn't take dwarf food anymoer; And got over in a few tries.. :). Did fail about 50 times first though, I was 40 - 45 agility at the time I believe

I know what I know and what I know might well not be what you want to know but then seeing as only I know what I know and you do not know what I know then you will not know if what I know is what you would like to know
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took me about1 hour to do it with 35 agility


(P.S. I also didn't know that that food lowers agility grrrr, I think I suceeded only coz I was walking not running, and my agility slowly restored, till I got to jumping part)

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the only impossible quest to date was when the dig site was first released. thankfully it was fixed like a day later. yeah anyway just thought i'd say that for no apparent reason

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keep at it i was down there for like 4 days about 3 hours of torture a day (the dwarf gives free food but his brew reduces agility make sure ur agility is full before you try)

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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You guys know some of the dwarf's food lowers your agility...




I didn't notice at first, then I just waited some time untill I was full again, and didn't take dwarf food anymoer; And got over in a few tries.. . Did fail about 50 times first though, I was 40 - 45 agility at the time I believe




The food isn't the thing that lowers you're agility, it's the drink he gives you...


it took me about 10 tries at level 25 or so

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I did that quest at level 34 agility. I felt like screaming, but I didn't. Guess what? I DID make it. Just keep trying, man.




Now the quest I DID scream on was ME2. I didn't see the "70 agility reccomended" thing, and my being 10 behind that made it a serious pain.

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