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Is there any hope for me?! (Part 2)


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Heres the end to my first story "Is there any hope for me?!!!"




If you haven't read it yet, go here:








Shortly after my first story, I made it to Jad, but unfourtunaly, I couldn't find him his first range attack :oops:




I decided to try again, this time with blood burst runes. I made it to Jad after 2 Hours of intense fighting again. This time I shot him, then ran to Italy rock. I hid there, potted and then attacked him. I got him to half hp and then the healers came. I was attacking the healers, but I totally forgot about Jad. Bam! Hit 79 on me (My Max hp).




No more games Jad! This time my inventory changed a bit (still no guthans).


I filled up on blood burst runes (more then last time), saradomin brews, and super restores, also ditched the monk robes. I fought feriously, only to reach my bed time :cry: , I thank Jagex for letting us log out of the fight caves.




I woke up, today was the day! But it was stalled for a while. My brother hogged the washroom, needed to brush my teeth. So I watched cartoons until he got out (took an hour :roll: ). Brushed my teeth and then ate a hotdog. Now it was time! Then my mom said "Do your homework first". I'm like Fine....




After 2 hours of writing and drawing, now it was time!! I logged in. Bam! 49! I'm like ouch! I quickly kill the 90, then the 360. Then I blood bursted the 180 to full health. After a half hour of that I reached the final wave. I killed the first 360, and almost the second. I drank my sara brews to exceed full health, super restore to full prayer, and range potted. Bring it on Jad!




As always, he starts with a range attack. This time I have auto retaliate on so i find him quickly, shoot and hide behind the italy rock. I took a minute breather, then went shooting. After half health the healers come. I shoot them, and lure them to the Italy rock. Then, I blood burst them to full health and finished them. Back to Jad, I equip my bow, and start shooting, with lots of 0s. I finally think he's at 1/4th health so I let down my guard for a minute. Bam!!!! Hits 79...... Is it over....
























YOU WISH!! I had 2 Hp left, shot, shot, flip prayer, shot, and more shooting and prayer flipping until. He falls. I'm like OMG!!!!!




It was over. I got 8032 Tokkul, and the Fire cape... I will treasure it always.




My inventory:








I had much more casts then shown




My equipment:













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dam u lol I just got to jad got him near half hp missed a pray switch and got 1 hit


It wasnt easy to get to jad either with only 53 def and 80 range :\


ah well I'll get that cape soon enough.


edit: make your name show in that pic ;) if your talking to nonbelievers ur gonna need that....

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true source of inspiration right here. i am soo doing the fight caves when i get back to members.

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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I'm gonna get that cape one day... I just need to get my range up... No chance of beating him with 71 Range. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì_ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì




By the way, wrong forum... Goals + Achievements.

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Best story ever? I think so.




YES! My favorite part was when your mom said to do your homework, and you were like...fine. Keep up the good work.




A close second was when you brushed your teeth then ate a hot dog...hot dogs are the best breakfast food ever.




Congratulations on the cape, seems like quite the intense slaughter-fest to me...and I don't have prayer so I wouldn't stand a chance.

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