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whats ur lowest lvl?


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Prayer lvl 55, runecraft slightly ahead only, though they were catching my attack and def lvls a while ago...


Raising all stats to 60 before long.


89/99 farming

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Runecrafting is my lowest skill at 54. I would like to be ready to make Death Runes in case I become a member, but Law Runes will do me for now. I can't get my head around doing all those trips in F2P just yet. I think it will be easier to get 65 Runecrafting once I become a member. But then again, maybe I'm just being lazy. I might go for it soon.

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RC at 35. There's nothing actually wrong with the skill, but IT TAKES TOO LONG.




(Going to train it to 44 when cmb 75, but that's then :) )

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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My lowest skill's are




64 RuneCrafting


74 Agility


74 Thieving


76 Mining




rest of my skills are 80+

Sir Krohan- 138 - 2696 (2886)



Attack 112/120 || Strength 112/120 || Defence 112/120 || HP 114/120
Ranged 110/120 || Magic 104/120 || Prayer 103/120 || Slayer 114/120

All Skills 101+ 27/27 || All Skills 102+ 25/27 || All skills 103+ 24/27
All Skills 104+ 20/27 || All Skills 105+ 13/27 || All skills 106+ 11/27


288th to reach 85 Slayer & 144th to reach 90 Slayer

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RC at 46... only skill under 50! yay!




BUT: going for the big 50 soon! Just need the ess. And then....big pouch, and finish that 8%^%&^$^ devious minds quest!! yay!



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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