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Collecting & Anti-Littering Guide - Over 700k items so far!


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I collect flowers and cats, I don't suppose anyone wanna spare their kittens? No? :( How about flowers? all kind, 500 each!




I collected cats as well. Had 5 or more of every color until fire cats came out then I sold em all for deaths, hehe. Post the number of flowers total and cats total so I can add em. :)


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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if have an odd love for steel med helms,






i currently have about 100, and im still collecting...donations are accepted :)


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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I kinda collect jute seeds because they gave such enormous xp when farming was just out, now they are just in my bank. When thieving from master farmers I just can't drop them even though they're kinda worthless. Current amount of jute seeds: 1901




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I colled books. All kinds of books and all of them have been free/really cheap. I like the guide books the most because they are free and respan quickly. I will get some numbers later. Also, only 2 of them are tradeable!

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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I collect cats I guess.


I have 1 wiley, and 4 normal overgrowns. Respectively named, Severus(black) , Lucius(white) , Linus(light brown) , Maximillius(blue-grey) and Augustus(brown).

2480+ total

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Energy potions...I cant get rid of the bloody things. Up to 78 now.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I colled books. All kinds of books and all of them have been free/really cheap. I like the guide books the most because they are free and respan quickly. I will get some numbers later. Also, only 2 of them are tradeable!




Please post the total number in two groups: tradeable and non so I can add to both lists.




1337 burnt lobbies (yes...1337 lol :P )


1337 cabbages


1337 knifes




yes...all of my collection items are 1337...and i'll try to keep them at that number :P




Pick your favorite tradeable and nontradeable items or what you are most proud of.




Add Oddfaery2 for ectotokens, i think he has 70k something




I think its over 80k but we will wait until he posts it himself.






Updated the list. Thank you for keeping Runescape green! :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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*points to avatar* I have 11,6** bronze picks, 11** hammers, and 7** buckets.I have 830 cw tickets too. I put stars where I can't remember the exact numbers.


EDIT: Oh, and 10,8** cabbages too. :lol:


Oh yeah. and 15** burnt lobsters.

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i used to collect buckets and stopped at 2k(all sandless). spoof should be winning at ecto tokens with 80k odd tokens.....


now i collect chef hats and bronze axes. i'm at 2xx hats(no mummi not yet...) and around 1.5k bronze axes that i'm getting a deal of 30 each for!

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Yikes people you are all CRAZY!!! =P




Anywho, keep posting and when I have time tomorrow or perhaps later tonight I will update the list. If you put in multiple things please pick your favorite if they are under 500. All those leet ones will be added of course lol. This is getting pretty big lol.




And feel free to donate to each other if you have spares or no longer want your collection. It would be pretty cool if we could get some massive numbers.




Thanks for all the posts and feel free to put some suggestions for nontradables with your personal collections. Have fun keeping our land free of those abandoned notes! :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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this is an AWESOME IDEA!!!!11111oneone :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




i collect 2 things:




987 burnt lobsters: i love their faces, there sooo cute! and its horrible people abandom them in brimhaven bank (lol, i just got the name "brimhaven", its a fishing city, brim is a fish, and they're in a haven, brimhaven! rofl)




and burnt lobsters need a home too!




i pay 10 gp each for burnt lobsters over 100, and 15gp each for over 1000, so keep your lobbies and sell em to me for a bit of extra spending money! youll be amazed how fast burnt lobsters acumulate in your bank! sadly, i cannot burn them anymore, my cokking is too high.




i also collect tinderboxes! i only have about 200 right now, but i accept donations! and will pay 5gp each for donations over 100! i know its pretty small but its money nonetheless




so, if you see me, help me out on my quest to save the burnt lobbies! i accept donations! (who doesnt?) :P

siggity siggity shwa

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