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The Varrock Yew Trees Autoers...[Video]


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reporting them under "macroer" doesn't generate a report for jagex, it flags that char for the game's macro detector. Go ahead and report them, it won't hurt, and it gets more of the scumbags out of the way.




you know this... how?

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Ive found multiple worlds full of them in past 10 mins but anyway




i think




F2p is going down just like rsc did




1. Mass Banning


2. Another Mass ban


3. No more F2p

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=D Cool, Trojan, very cool! Here's a hint: You can report more than one person a minute, if you log out between reports! :wink:




I'm camped out right now, reporting away. Normally I wouldn't, but... I'm on world 7, and that's MY WORLD, you know?

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Oh my god ROFL.




Look at them all... I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the train of level threes walk from one tree to the next. That's the most horrible thing I have ever seen in this game.




I still think this is better than the ess miners... at least a large portion of the autoers get next to no logs because there are so many of them. It's better than every single autoer getting a guaranteed load of essence every time.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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i had to see it with my own eyes to believe it :cry:


ill be reporting them too, so if i can join anyone id apreciate it




god they are sickening

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* Someone upload it somewhere else :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:














Trojann2, i uploaded it into my webspace. Hope it helps.




Damn macroing scambags, i hope they burn in hell.






Trojan, wanna at that to your OP?

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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Oooh, a vid from Trojan...good stuff.




Autoers will be around forever. Although a few hackers use autoing it is getting too difficult to keep up with Jagex. The major autoers are companies in third world nations. I mean, some of these companies set up sweat shops where all their employees do is search for a way to by pass another obstacle that jagex has set up. It's sickening bt it's these peoples only way to survive.

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