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I got bored today.


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I was in f2p world 7.


Well, i was mind running, and thougt "Wow, im bored, what should I do for it?" then I got nice idea! To say "hello" to everyone I meet!




It started and i was doing it for 5 mins when running minds, and i said "hello everyone" at bank like 4 times.




At fourth time some one said. "look, here he is again!"




One thing distrupted: No one said helllo or hi or hey to ME!




Im hated :(




trying to see reactions in fally when air running now....

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when i m really bored i go to gds on the world with the least persons and train my ranged there


and solo pk a bit


u would be suprised with how many runes i come back, from mages i kill

rsname: lord rex.
december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p player
march 2012 became member.



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Yeah, people are so caught up in the game with training, quests, etc. That they tend to forget common etiquette :cry: .




My chat is on Friends most times,


and if i see a lower lvl saying "hi", and i say "hi" back, his second question is: "gimme fr33 stuff"




that is why i dont answer




like i ve said in many other topics




the noobs that annoys everybody in the game have ruined the community ingame

rsname: lord rex.
december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p player
march 2012 became member.



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It's nice to say hello to someone and be freindly, but most people will thnik your kind of weird if keep doing it. :?

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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My chat is on Friends most times,


and if i see a lower lvl saying "hi", and i say "hi" back, his second question is: "gimme fr33 stuff"




"gimme fr33 stuff" isn't a question :P




When i'm training, I generally have a chat with others around me. Why? Because its nice. There are some interesting people out there. People I probably won't meet again but hey, Its a game.

Retired from Runescape and the OoC.


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I sometimes say "Hi" to people, and I ALWAYS have Public chat to on. If someone begs (mostly when I go to the free worlds, no offence) I just laugh and call them a peasant. :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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i was at draynor yesterday theiving, and a guy who was theiving too started a convo by saying hi.


being the polite person i am if i see a hi, i will say it back. which i did do so.


so the next words out of his mouth was


"any free arrows?". my responce was the usual i don't range with arrows so i don't tend to keep them in my bank.


next comment of convo was "seeds" followed by a trade request.


i said "please don't beg me" (i hate being begged)


his responce was "i was trying to get you seeds, not beg for em"




i was lost for words, and the guy walked off in a huff lol.


not everyone will beg, some only half beg, some are nice people(yes really)


i suppose the point i'm making is that you'll only find out the nice ones by talking to everyone.


if i see a hi directed at me- or a convo starter i respond- simply cuz that person might be nice.(shame that 95% i just get begged lol)

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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Say hi to me, I'll say hi back. I always do. I have three names on my friends list that I met simply by saying hi back. Of course I also have a LOT of names in my ignore list from getting begged after saying it.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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Just thought I would say "Hi".




I tend to be silent in game but if someone directs a "Hi" at me I reply. Have met a lot of nice people that way, so don't give up being friendly/polite.





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I usually don't talk to many people in game because they either want me to be their 'girlfriend' or want to 'buy my...' when I'm not wanting to sell it, or they are useing slang. I can't understand a word of slang. Also you can't forget the the scammers, people begging, and the flamers. So that is reason enough for me not to talk to people.

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I usually start a conversation with anyone else around while I'm training and I always reply when someone says hi to me. Like others have said already, I've met a lot of good friends that way. However that's not always the case...


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I always say Hi back to people - its the polite thing to do. However, if they follow up with "free stuff please" they immediately get put on ignore list.




Now, when I'm bored I like to select the most crowded world and wander around wildy armed with just an inventory of beer and offering drinks to everyone I see. Needless to say ther's always someone who pks me. I just take their name and PM them afterwards saying I hoped they liked the beer. You should see some of the replies I get, especially if some mage has wasted his precious runes on pking me!




As you may have gathered from this I loathe PKers.

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