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E3: [Update]Super Smash Bros. Brawl Trailer Available


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Just watched the trailer for it on Bungie's website.




Excuse to buy a 360 a stop playing runescape for 6 months!




Also will need to save some cash to buy a HD tv.

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Don't be so suprised to see Snake on the Wii. Remember, for the gamecube, there was a whole total remake of MGS1 for it, which smegging rocked.




I get the feeling Kojima doesn't like the way Sony are going, and to be honest, can you blame him?

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Guest GhostRanger
Don't be so suprised to see Snake on the Wii. Remember, for the gamecube, there was a whole total remake of MGS1 for it, which smegging rocked.




I get the feeling Kojima doesn't like the way Sony are going, and to be honest, can you blame him?




Yeah. I also heard a rumor when the Wii-mote was announced that "top players on the MGS project" were moving to Nintendo because they liked the innovative direction.

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Ah yea, I don't know if this has been posted in this topic yet, but:








So so sweet. The use of the Wii remote for Twilight Princess :bowdown:




Thats so awsome :D. I'd deffinitly get a Wii just for that game, but of course so many other great ones are coming out too.

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...PS3, with that press conference, has just completely destroyed any competition.




Ah, looks like you spoke too soon! I found the GameFAQ's polls informative as to what the public thinks, that site is as diverse as you can get.




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Who do you think will dominate E3?


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Woah, that's a huge swing to Nintendo on both polls :shock:






Although you have to feel sorry for the Sony fans.


They got let down hardcore :-?

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OOh, holy freaking camoli!! I'm wettinf my pants over this new Smash Brothers.. Ooh, ooh, oooh baby! I want a wiiiii! soon!




HAHAHAHAH, the snake part is so freaking funny! hahaha, "knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory" and he's in that box, talking to his boss (or w/e it is), and he pops up "it's show time". HAHAHAH GREAT STUFF! That trailer is absolutely amazing!




And I don't even like computer games much!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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OOh, holy freaking camoli!! I'm wettinf my pants over this new Smash Brothers.. Ooh, ooh, oooh baby! I want a wiiiii! soon!




HAHAHAHAH, the snake part is so freaking funny! hahaha, "knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory" and he's in that box, talking to his boss (or w/e it is), and he pops up "it's show time". HAHAHAH GREAT STUFF! That trailer is absolutely amazing!




And I don't even like computer games much!




I can't tell. Are you being sarcastic or serious?

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OOh, holy freaking camoli!! I'm wettinf my pants over this new Smash Brothers.. Ooh, ooh, oooh baby! I want a wiiiii! soon!




HAHAHAHAH, the snake part is so freaking funny! hahaha, "knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory" and he's in that box, talking to his boss (or w/e it is), and he pops up "it's show time". HAHAHAH GREAT STUFF! That trailer is absolutely amazing!




And I don't even like computer games much!




I can't tell. Are you being sarcastic or serious?




I'm absolutely serious! I'm like sop enthousiastic, I haven't been so enthousiastic about a game in years!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Alright, after seeing the video for the new Smash Bros., I'm making it my mission to get a Wii. God bless Nintendo :mrgreen:




Holy crap, speechless. The Wario part was kinda lame but the graphics on the rest were totally unexpected!


And Snake in a Nintendo game? Wow, I was wishing for Sephiroth and Cloud to be in Melee and actually emailed the game developers who replied "We love the idea and have definatly attemped it, but its impossibly messy having a different company involved, even the basic question on who gets what royalties and such makes it to hard to implement"




Anyway, wow way to go Nintendo! *applause*




Metal Gear was on Nintendo.




Cloud would not be in, Cecil or Terra would be.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Woah. Lol, check out the Wii "Classic Controller"...Looks kinda uncomfortable :|.








yeah, doesnt look all that comfortable. but it is kind of like the classic controllers for snes and nes, so it will work good enough. can always just use the gamecube controller too.



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Woah. Lol, check out the Wii "Classic Controller"...Looks kinda uncomfortable :|.








yeah, doesnt look all that comfortable. but it is kind of like the classic controllers for snes and nes, so it will work good enough. can always just use the gamecube controller too.

Yea, but with Nes and Snes you didn't have to reach down for duel analogs. But yea, it will work fine, I suppose.
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Oh man! I'm SO excited about Wii! The footy shown at E3, of the controller, gameplay, and all the games completely blew me away and I'm totally psyched about this console. *calls in my wii reservation* =P!

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