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H1P Presents: The Huge Cryptic Race! *WHAT, MORE HINTS!?!*


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H1P Presents: The Huge H1P Cryptic Race!




Are you the next Linford Christy? Yes you say!? Well, prove it! Come and join in our massive race around the map of Runescape and prove to the world that you have got what it takes. However, this is a race with a difference. To start, you have to figure out where you are going!




Date: Saturday 20th May, 2006






6.00 PM GMT


7.00 PM BST


8.00 PM CET


3.00 AM ACST (Sunday 21st May)


4.00 AM in AEST (Sunday 21st May)


11.00 AM in PST


12.00 PM in MST (Noon)


1.00 PM in CST


2.00 PM in EST


Note: If you live in the UK, you are BST, not GMT!


Can't find your time?




Where: Runescape, F2P. Various locations, see below




World: Unknown! (*insert eerie music here*)




What: A grand trans-terrain race against fellow players in pursuit of gold.








To win this event, you will need to decipher six clues, go and visit every judge, and race to the Master Judge before anybody else does. This is how it will work. I shall say this only once (although you may read it as many times as you like :lol: ).




Exactly one week before the event begins, six clues will be posted below, in the section entitled 'Clues'. You will then have one week only to crack the mystery, and figure out where you will need to go. There will be 5 clues for normal Judges, and one for the Master Judge.




When the event begins, at the above time, you must go and find the 5 normal Judges. When you have found them, you will need to tag them, to let them know you've found them. This is done by sending them a trade offer. Do not wait for the trade to be accepted, just offer to trade, and then go and find the next judge. The trade offer simply tells the five judges to mark your name down. It does not matter what order you choose to visit the judges in. Choose whichever route you think is the most efficient. After all, that is part of the race!




Once you have traded all 5 normal Judges, go and find the last Judge, the Master Judge. Trade with him/her to win. This will be moderated carefully. The Master Judge will check with all 5 other Judges that they have noted the name. If any of the 5 Judges return a negative (i.e. say that you have not traded with them), then you will be rejected. The first person that the Master Judge gets 5 positive feedbacks from all 5 judges for, wins. Simple!




The locations can be anywhere except for the wilderness and quest-only areas, and will only be on F2P worlds. Be aware that you may be directed to change worlds to find a judge.




Please note that confusing names, such as names made up purely with numbers and spaces will be rejected. This is to prevent people from using multiple accounts with similar names, and trying to cheat.






1st Prize: 500K!


2nd Prize: Full Rune Armour, with a Rune scimmy


3rd Prize: Addy trimmed plate and legs


For completing the race before Blipo has logged off: Magic Ammy




These prizes will be awarded to the first 3 people that trade the Master Judge and receives 5 positive feedbacks from the 5 Judges. Anyone after the first 3 recieves a magic ammy.


A huge thanks to Primadog for providing 2nd and 3rd prizes, and also all magic ammy's


As usual, if there is any corruption of this event, or the event is crashed in any way, the prize will be withdrawn and used in a later event.






Questions may be directed at me, Blipo, Moron8275, Im_Watchen or Honest1.










Judge #1 clue:




Clue: Look! Boat people!


You are looking for: Dutty4u




Judge #2 clue:




Clue: Whoa! He has four whole horses!


You are looking for: imagenius128




Judge #3 clue:




Clue: My current goal: level five runecrafting.


You are looking for: Moron8275




Judge #4 clue:




Clue: Whoa! That's some powerful dwarven coal!


You are looking for: J Dude79




Judge #5 clue:




Clue: Agh! I count 47 level three players mining rune ess! They're taking over!


You are looking for: Dragonair50




Master Judge clue:




Clue: One + Two + Three + Four + Five = Your master judge about as well disguised as a penguin.


You are looking for: A mysterious beast that comes out only after dark, and who's earwax can be used as a glue. (i.e. Blipo!)




Note: In exceptional circumstances, the names of the judges may change. Dragonair24 and myself (RSN Calvernator) are back-up judges for this event. Be aware that if you are certain that you are in the right place and are on the right world, you may be looking for one of our back-up judges instead. We can all be recognised by wearing our usual uniform, Blue wizard robes, with a blue wizards hat, yellow cape and a staff.




No clues lead to the wilderness. One clue requires a simple quest to be completed to access the correct area.








As some people seem to be struggling on these, and because we don't want to be stood around for hours waiting for people to come and find us, we have decided to post hints on the clues that people seem to be struggling. Remember that you need to work out the World number as well. This is included in the clue.




Clue #1: If you want to know what world this is on, maybe you should log in and have a look at these "boat people".




Clue #4: Count! COUNT! COOOAAAL!!!




Clue #6: Come on. The answer is not 15. What else involves 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5, and is related to where Blipo is hiding?




All right, guys, fine. You win, or whatever. I'm going to give you some hints here:




Clue #1: Go count the boat people. The ones with the hats.




Clue #3: Hmm... What needs 5 runecrafting?




Clue #4: Count




Clue #6: You're going to add #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 of something. Somthing on this post. COME ON! Location: Where have you seen pnguins before? Did they look like penguins?





Pfft, ythe problem solving skills of you lot! I'm disappointed!




Hopefully this will give more people a chance. See you all there

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Does it involve killing monsters? If not, I'll just get my air staff and some tele runes out and go for it :D . Sounds fun!


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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ikzelf100, PkMario and wizard_1315: Great, see ya there!




mEb: No, it will not involve killing any monsters. Teleports are allowed, as is any other method you can think of of geting from A :arrow: B as quick as possible. Just make sure you get the clue right and go to the right place!




Kewl_Sabre: Thanks for the compliment! We work hard to bring out events which everyone will enjoy. We do happen to have a couple of P2P events in the pipeline, to make maximum use of the benefits that the Members worls offer, but as the majority of our planners are F2P, we do host a lot of F2P events. Hope to see you there.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Aww, unlucky simran.




I'm going to be really nooby now and go 'Ooh, a Mod!' :lol: Cheers Ian, hope to catch ya there.




P.S. Bring Omegawrayth!!

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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This sounds like one of H1P's better events. :) I will definitely try to make this one. I get to use my 1337 puzzle-solving brain to win the lovely money!! Muahahahaha!!!




Ok I'll shut up now.

OoC Overseer


137jq9.gif Eet mor kabbig! 137jq9.gif

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Roffle. I've been planning the exact same event for TET.




I think Honest1 is spying on us in his retirement :P.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Sounds good to me. Not for another 10 days, I'll be there, hopefully i'll remember still when the time comes. Only 1 prize. :? ah well, probably won't be that good at it anyway. Count me in.


89/99 farming

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Roffle. I've been planning the exact same event for TET.




I think Honest1 is spying on us in his retirement :P.




I was about to say, this is almost the exact same TET event weve been planning. Somethings up here, it sounds EERILY fishy.

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Lol, really!? Sorry guys! This has been in our planning forums since April 11th, and was actually started by moron8275, I don't think Honest1 posted in that event thread at all!




Anyways, beat ya :P




Sorry guys, hope you still come though

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Yes, I thought this up, and I haven't gone to the TET boards.




My explanation? Great minds think alike :D






I re-read my post and I makes it sound like I did everything :D


No, I started the post/idea and it went from there.

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