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can I get a firecape? (tips and tricks please)


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hi, i was wonding if i cam able to get the firecape here are my stats:






i also have full guthans to use, can somone please tell me what i should bring (pots bow perhaps? i really dont know)




thanks please tell me what pots! and if i absulutly need a bow.





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you dont need a bow, but it sure would help.






your stats are low, thats all. especially ranged and magic. if your not going to use a bow, your best bet is magic, and to beat it with magic costs alot of $

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lol look in my sig for my stats and i got to jad with plenty supplies left twice already....


cb 85 :D


Ok so heres how to do it.


Bring full guthans a black dhide top and a bow.


range all the monsters in the beginning maybe guthans the 180s or just safespot thwm on the eastern rock.


as soon as the 360s come u have to use ur pray /( super restore pots to pray mage during 30 lvl 360s !!! U will be fine ranging them and then comes jad.


Just do some good prayer switches and I cant tell u what to do when healers come because I keep dying when they do :P


Anyways in ur invent:


Wearing full guthans in ur invent should be 1 black dhide top 1 bow that u have enough ammo for to use.


And then around 20 pray / super restore pots.


And the rest may be filled with sara brews if u have shortage on food, range pot if u need em, or super def maybe for jad.


Whatever u wish none of thosse items are absolutely necessary.


Some prayer bonus items may be useful but I got through all the monsters with +3 pray bonus so it isnt needed.

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i thought i had posted there :oops: its to early! thanks umega for pointing it out..even though it was quite rudly






thats the problem with tip.it, at least 1. no one ever goes to the help boards and when people come here to get emediate help they get scoulded

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i thought i had posted there :oops: its to early! thanks umega for pointing it out..even though it was quite rudly


That's ok, everyone makes the odd mistake. :wink:

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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hi, i was wonding if i cam able to get the firecape here are my stats:






i also have full guthans to use, can somone please tell me what i should bring (pots bow perhaps? i really dont know)




thanks please tell me what pots! and if i absulutly need a bow.








well you can't really melee jad as you're just asking to die really... so you have to choose between mage and range i guess

99 Range - 88 Defence - 91 Hitpoints

99 Combat - 1650+ Total

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i used prayers+sharks took 2.5k bolt racks a trip(dont need that many) an xbow drag hide top and bottom(NOT KARILS,its less defence) and full guthan, not that difficult really, took 8 tries and ended up dropping it, got it again the first try.

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You have the stats for it... But at Jad I'd say stats are near-irrelevant.




Only tip I can give you is don't choke!




You'll have a fire-cape yet, fearspudgod!

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My inventory:








My equipment:










You can replace blood burst runes with guthans since you have it, and forget initate helm, wear guthans, also the yellow potions are sara brews, not strength potions...

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Yea, you could get the fire cape. :)




Here's what i brought, and it worked fine for me with only 49 def, 47 prayer, and 76 range. :)




Inventory (similar to manoman's but didn't use any mage, so no runes)








My Equipment





77 Combat || 1620+ Skill Total || Owner of Fire Cape

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On body:




Initiate helm


Blackhide top


Blackhide legs


Crystal bow


Masters Gloves (or vambs, but masters gloves give a higher range bonus)


Legends/Obsidian Cape


Glory Amulet


Rune Boots/Rangers Boots




In Inventory


1. Guthans Helm


2. Guthans Body


3. Guthans Skirt


4. Guthans Spear


5. 2nd Crystal Bow


6,7. 4 dose range pots


8,9. 2 Sara Brews


10,11,12. 3 4 dose super restores


13-27. 15 4 dose prayer pots


28. Holy Wrench

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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could i use karils xbow instead of C bow




Yes, but I would bring 2500-3k racks per trip, and that's expensive too.




I've gotten to jad in other outfits that had almost no barrows gear in them, in fact I think I could do it without any barrows armor or such. I finally got my fire cape like a few days ago, in the outfit I described to you.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Since I am a Fire Cape owner, with 92 range and 60+ pray, ill help you out a bit.




You can do it. Remember to bring range pot because if u dont u will need lots of boltracks because you will be missing a lot. Especially on the 702 and 360s.








Guthan Helm


Obby Cape


Guthan Warspear


Guthan Plate


Guthan Bottom


Ranger Boots


2.8k Bolt Racks ( i came out with roughly 700 left and im 92 range ) (u bring about double the ammount)






Black Dhide Body


Black Dhide Chaps


Karil Bow


2 Range Pot (4 dose)


1 Super Def (4 dose)


4 Shark


Fill the rest with super restores or pray pots








Use your guthans till you get to the 180s. And go to the safe spot and range the 180s








Be ready, before you get to the 360s, there will be 2 180s that are different colors which signals the 360s are next. You should be fine since u used guthan but if ur a little low on hp, heal to full health and get ready.




As soon as u kill both 180s, turn on mage pray and leave it on for the rest of the time. 360s will be okay but drink a dose of the range pot and a little harder when the 180s come up with them.




IT WILL GET EXTREMELY DIFFICULT WHEN THE 90s, 180s, 20s 360s etc come up all together for a couple of waves. Drink a dose of super def because the 90s can hit quite often. ALWAYS KILL 90s first they can do a good ammount of damage. Use guthans on them with mage pray on. Try to keep a few shark for the 702.




When you have killed around 31 lvl 360s, you will see 2 360s, one will be the normal red color, the other would be orange. This signals that the 702 is next.




Before you kill the second 360, when its low hp, drink another dose of super def just incase and range pot. Then kill the 360 and get ready for pray switches with the 702.




When the healers come out, atk all of em while conentrating on the 702 and switching prays. Then u can kill em but i suggest u drink another dose of super def and let them atk u. They dont hit that high, 8 is the highest they hit on me. When hes half health drink another dose of range pot and continue killing him. If u dont mess up on the pray switches the fire cape shall be yours.




You get an awesome feeling after you put on fire cape for the first time.




Good luck

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