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Your 1st runescape death


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sad to say my very first ever runescape experience(off of tutorial island) was getting killed by a cow :roll:

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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My first death was to the Jungle deamon in the Monkey Madness quest. I got the bright idea of trying to melee it when I have only 54 def. But I thought ooh my 80 str would make up for it, and I would poon this 195 easy.... So I go up, got 4 hitted. Lost monkey tally and ammy, rune boots, 200k cash, whole bunch of sharks and pray pots.




Look back and kick myself 4 times, because thats what the Deamon did... kicked me 4 times :(



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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I thought I was pretty tough at lvl 25, so I figured I'd check out that wilderness I'd heard so much about. I went all the way north along the West wall of the wilderness, avoiding any Npcs, then I went East along the north wall. I got to the greater demons, where a couple of mages in monk robes swooped down upon me. I ran south, eating rat meat, but I was slaughtered by massive hits (6 and 7). I was shocked, I thought all my skills would go back to 1 after I died. I sure was relieved.




^ Killed by a cow, that's classic :lol:

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The first time i died was when i just came off tutorial island. I was standing in lumby and someone said follow me for 3k! For me and for a few months afterwards, this was a lot of money. So me and a few other people followed him and of course he took us into the wildy. I was warned about it from the wizard on tutorial island, but i thought i could handle it. Lost all my stuff. Luckily i had a few friends who gave me 500GP! to start over.

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I had full black who my friend gave me, this guy talks to me when I was at varrock, saids he'll give me something very valuable or something.




I follow, into the wilderness, saids I have to attack him for some reason, I attack, I walk away after 3 combat(RSC rule), he attacks me, kills me. I lose str ammy, full black. Oh was I PO'ed.. :lol:



http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery



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I probably had died a little after i first came off tutorial island, but luckily, i had banked in draynor first. That first day was a blur to me, though i remember 3 other times i died. I'll post two since the other time was long after...




Being a noob, i had decided to try to obtain lots of items... My cousin was showing off all 4 of hist elemental staffs to me :roll: And being a noob, i thought it was rare. I eventually saved up enough to get all four and i was so happy. After a little while, i ventured to kill some cows (don't know why...) I had killed one or two and then died. I didn't know baout the 3 item thing so when i died, i was like "wtf?!". I pmed my cousin and he explained it to me, lol.




Another time was when i went ot wildy. I had recently obtained my addy pl8 body and didn't know about the skulls and all that nonsense in pking. Some person offered to pk me. He said "we'll only bring our addy platebodies so that neither of us will lose anything" Well, I was naive and just wanted to have some fun so i went. He told me to attack him first. I didn't know why, so i did. In a few minutes, i died. I pmed him that my pl8 dissappeared and he said he didn't know... He then logged out and i never saw him since.

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My first death never happened until I was about lvl 58... 3 combat lvls ago. It was during a Pking trip, and I got teamed by a clan. I lost full rune, a scimmy, and a 2h I had pk'd. No big loss. :)




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I was following a good friend of mine to Varrok from the Lumbridge Castle. I saw a heap of gleaming gold onthe ground next to a Level 20 wizard. I foolishly ran to pick up the gold, but only succeded at killing myself. I lost everything from Tutorial Island at level three, but my friend picked it all up and gave it back to me :)


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I died 3 times in RS1. First time was getting killed by a pure in the Dark Warrior castle, the other two times I got screwed over by my pk "partner" (which is why I always solo now, and amusing enuogh, do better).




I died once in RS2 Beta to see what death looks like.




The first RS2 death was a couple of weeks ago. I was reading while fishing lobsters and the Troll got me. At first I was like "HAHAHHA SOMEONE DIED HAHAH 15 OH WAIT OH SHIT SHIT" ... yeah. Lost a few lobs and the cage, nothing big.

I am a tree.

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My first was on the way from Lumbridge to Draynor. Being a lvl 12 I should have taken a safe route along the coast and then up. But stupid me saw a red dot near the jail. It turned out to be a load of gp, runes , some armour and weapons. Frantically clicking I started to pick them up. Then a jail guard came by and my mouse had still a buffer full of clicks so i couldnt run away in time. Flash. Bang ..... back in Lumbridge with 3 items left (bronze plate, legs and long sword). :cry:

Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat.


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1st deaths?




Main: Probably the Varrock wizards circle, sneaking in to collect drops. I had Sedridor's box with me, and lost it, had to go back for it. In the same run (maybe this one was first) also died with the same box, to a Draynor jail guard.




Steel test guy: Needed an extra few bones for the silverlight key, and thought I could get away with an unarmoured attack on a blue wizard - caught when it lagged as I ran. Furious at losing my Accuracy ammy.




Pure mage: Not died yet




Pure hybrid (with all the tut. island and other training ticks, my attempt at a "perfect" pure): Died to an Evil chicken, training range at barb village. Due to player stacking, didn't notice it was on me, had some food, but not enough, down to both redbarred and the door was shut.

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Hello everyone first of all. My post after like 6-7 months delay ( i've quit game :$ )...


Well, thought I'll post cuz its interesting topic. =D


Well, first time I died to... Guard=DD simple guard, located in west varock =DDD lol


I was level 5-30 I guess. Can't remember because it was back to rsc yr 2001. =) hihihi


Well, lol. How I died to him, it was like:


ohh.. dam... I wonder what happens when I die...


Guard: 3


Studentas: 0


Guard: 3


Studentas: 0


Guard x hit


Oh dear you are dead..!


I was like urgh nice :D

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i was lvl 5 and wanted to get my magic high so i could do at least fire strike (it was like really good for me) i went to buy runes in the varrock rune store and i was attacked by a mugger. i ran and had 3 hp left and a walked past the stone circle and wondered wat was there. straight away the lvl 20 hit me and i died losing my full bronze i worked so hard to get by wc which was lvl 20 and almost quit when my friend gave me 1k and i was so happy then.


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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My first death was quite late on (level 50 ish). I went for a wander in the wildy to see what was about. I was PKed by some guy but I didn't have anything on me because I figured it would happen anyway :)




I did nearly die in Varrock to the mugger though. For ages I thought Varrock was really big but I guess I was just running in circles around the rune store :oops:




Oh yeah, when I was new I thought you could get attacked anywhere by anyone so I was really worried for about two days.





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I was in the varroc sewers near the skeletons and zombies, I was out of food and low on health and ran to the exit.




Some evil people closed a gate in front of me and a zombie attacked me. I died and they took my stuff.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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I was about a level 8 or 9 when I got attacked by giant rats in a room in Verrok somewhere. Was scared and couldn't click on the door to get out. Somebody gave me my stuff back and then showed me the dangerous spots like the Wizard's circle.

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I was about a level 8 or 9 when I got attacked by giant rats in a room in Verrok somewhere. Was scared and couldn't click on the door to get out. Somebody gave me my stuff back and then showed me the dangerous spots like the Wizard's circle.

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