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your best and worst slay task


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Do Burthorped ones count? That has to be like 12 birds or something.




My best tasks are Bronze dragons. I allways get them in amounts under 20 so I like doing them, especially since I got a d skirt of one :D




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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Best slayer task: like 100-something Dagganoths. I got five clue scrolls each yielding a pretty good reward except for the first one which gave me blue firelighters




Worst: Rock slugs. Any amount.

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My first ever task was my most level-productive, 147 Lesser Demons that got me from 1 to 28 slayer pretty fast :twisted:




My worst was that 130-something harpie bugs that I had to range... I can't use melee :wink:

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My favorite tasks are definitely Nechryaels, in fact I'm doing one now :D




Worst ones are offcourse all the Iron and Steel Dragon tasks, which I get about 5 of every day :?

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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My best: Kalphites :D




Worst: Vampires, I lagged out there :cry:


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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lol only did 4 task, last one only half, got me to 33 slayer :oops:




best task and first task (ad combat 69 2de day of members) 78 moss gaints and 48 werewolfs (got 60 att on this one)




worst: 28 skeletons and 75 green drags (still got 40 to go, but i am f2p now so maybee in the summer hollyday) worst because i died once :cry: and got pked several times :?

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