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Some people just need to learn to pk... *long reading*


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I have no have any problems with pkers because I don't pk. (I get scared, my hand shakes, and I get nervous.) So when I was trying to get my slayering level up (for me and Leesters barrows race ;)) I get assigned 50 something green dragons. I think to myself, "Oh well that doesn't seem to hard, most people in world 9 are usually friendly." When I get to the wilderness I already sense trouble... (I have like a sixth sense :shock: )




So I PM one of my best friends to come and protect me. We will call him friend.




Friend: Sure, I'll go, just as long as you give me the green d hides.


me: Sure, I never use them. Bones are worth more.




So I wait at edgeville bank, and I spot my friend. So I start running over and we get ready. We make it to the green dragons great, although we saw some pures around the area, we weren't scared. Everything is going smoothly, I trade my friend d hides and in return he gives me food. It was great... when all of a sudden...




me: *Sniff* Do you smell that?


Friend: Lol, it's a game I can't smell anything...


me: Maybe it's my sixth sense...


A few minutes later...


me: Oh god, that smell is getting worse, seems like it's getting closer...


Friend: Blah, your crazy, just hurry up so we can get out of here!


A few seconds later...


me: Oh god, I'm going to be sick.


Friend: what's wrong?


me: That smell...


Friend: What's it smell like?


*A pure pker gets closer*


me: N.O.O.B!!!!!!!!




I try to make a run for it, going through the branches and woods, getting lost in everywhich way. When BAM! *entangles*




me: Omg!!! I can't move!!!!@#!@#!@#


Noob: Rofl... what a noob...


*He specs and I die* :crys:


Losing my friends d hides I had and some food. But this didn't bother me because it was nothing too expensive.




We return minutes later and once again everything goes well. I get that smell again, but I didn't say anything because he already thinks I'm crazy. I trade my friend to give him d hides, when all of a sudden the trade window closes :x. He gets spec'ed a few times and also falls.


Blah, I thought tip.it homeworld was suppose to nice and friendly.




So, I'm in the wildy all alone... (I hate being alone) When that smell comes back to me, but this smell was the biggest smell, I ever smelled :shock: . I PM him to hurry but he says he needs to get food. So I nervously wait there. When bam! I get hit with an entangle, I think to myself no problem, I'll just turn on prayer and run away. But someone was entangling me everytime I tried to run, so I might as well put up a fight. Then I see it 2 1 defense noobs and another noob. The smell of noob overwelms me :shock: . Luckily my friend had given me a super set for making fight the dragon alot easier. I thought to myself I could take them... They have 1 defense how hard could that be?


*I takes some sips of the pots* *also I'm in a non multicombat area so they can't all attack that the same time.*




The ranger is up first. I start owning this guy badly... 15-15 spec'ed. Then he gives this excuse "I'm almost out of arrows someone take over"


Blah :roll:, I say "why would you come to the wilderness with low arrows, doesn't make sense?"




The mage is up second! He starts trying to entangle me and run but for some reason it's not working so I start spec'ing him until he finally entangles, then he charges, then uses zammy flames. I start eating, waiting for the entangle to wear off and it does! So run after him and start spec'ing when he stops attacking me then its back to the ranger!




Blah! Ranger and me up for another round of fighting. I say: "I thought you were out of arrows."


He says nothing...


Then he stops attacking, then it's back to the mage! Of course I can't do this forever, so I have 3 sharks left. Mage entangles of course, *me being dumb forgot teleports* Then the


ranger yells out "Haha, you got 0wn3d"


me: Lol? It's 2 against 1... noobs...


I fall of course back to my lovely fally. My friend never showed up, still never found food :evil: :evil: .




We wait again to go back into the wilderness...


When we get back in, we see the 3th person in the group who happened not to be a pure. So, I'm killing the dragons and he comes up to me and say "fight me!" Of course I am in no condition to fight, I lost the super set my friend gave me, I have no armor, the only weapon I have is a dds. So I say respectfully "Does it look I'm in the wilderness to fight?" But a fight with a green dragon can't go on forever so he attacks me, and I run into the three green dragons where he gets attacked with fire *woo hoo!* And he runs off...




I look on my mini map to see if anyone was around to see if it was safe. When I get the smell, and my mini map proves that they are there. Now all three noobs are swarming around me waiting for the chance to attack me, just to waste my food, there food, and also there runes, arrows, etc...


Me: " Why would you want to attack me, can't you count....? Want me to count with you?"


Me: "1...2... wow I have two items(dds and antidragon)! which means you get nothing!"


They say nothing and I run away successfully this time :P :twisted: .




Moral: Chicken is good...


Just kidding, the true moral is that don't assume things (me assuming world 9 was a nice place-.-)


And also, that if you see someone with NO SKULL! and LESS THEN 3 ITEMS do you really want to attack them? (The answer is no...)




Post away! and maybe this will teach you!






ÃÆïÃâãÃâÿ<----me4391 was here




"I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute."

-Paris Hilton

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lol yea why do those pkers do that anyway, theirs no use. i was killing greenies for prayer and giving hides to friend when some noob pkers tag me




PS-its not really a long read, i read way more then that in a day



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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Im going to go to world 9 green drags now and kill those pesky pkers.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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lol yea why do those pkers do that anyway, theirs no use. i was killing greenies for prayer and giving hides to friend when some noob pkers tag me




PS-its not really a long read, i read way more then that in a day




Well as you see in the first person who posted... some believe it is long... :?




"I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute."

-Paris Hilton

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Im going to go to world 9 green drags now and kill those pesky pkers.




Also I'm currently in world 2... let's just say after that experience, me4391 was no long happy :evil:




"I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute."

-Paris Hilton

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I would happily have given you some "protection" (only lvl 103 O_o)


But I'm not a pk'er. (Strange enough, since I'm a clan leader).




But if you really need someone to "protect", I can, if I got time, to help you :)




Btw, really like your stories :o


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That was pretty enjoyable read, I like story-like threads. :)




I used to like pking, but yea.... don't assume things. I assumed I could pk sololy at MB(well I thought I could ran or escape if teams came up, since I've done it a few times), how dumb of me, I pk 400k, get pjed, die, lose 6m stuff.



http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery



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I thought it was rather stupid. Smelling people coming? Come on...


It is a story, cant you remember? Well I went to kill green dragons awhile ago and a pker comes up to me but he is too high to kill me. He just kept circuling around me. I thought that he was going to get someone to kill me. But he looked harmless, but he just Ice Barraged a Dragon! That is the last time I do Green Dragons.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Im going to go to world 9 green drags now and kill those pesky pkers.




So this is why you asked me to come :roll:


Yes, but we went to the mage bank anyway so it didn't matter :P


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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dont whine about it ;\ the wilderness isnt there to look pretty and nice and to be honest yeh its not cool they teamed you but what can you do? I kill 3 itemers just to piss them off more often than not - the so called "honour" code only works two ways, either you follow it or you dont. You cant just pick bits out of it that you like.

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Was a cool read but smelling things in a game? :? that annoyed me for some reason. And also just because someone has 1 defence doesnt mean they are a 'noob'.




1 last thing its not like world 9 is where all tip.it people go, other people are allowed to use it and so obviously wont be a 'friendly world' :wink:




Was fun to read though

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lol I feel more srry for those pkers then for u actually :P


They get owned by good pkers like a few of us and then all thy can do is kill dragonslayers to get nothing but at least have a kill.


Of course its sad but its the best they can do, if they see other pkers they have to run for their lives or die.


Its sad but true... lol :lol:

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