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well i posted this in the off-topic board before shadowfax so kidly opened my eyes to the fact that there is a music and movies board.




So, who here plans on going to watch X3 tomorow night? I know i am pumped about this movie, especialy after reading the novelization of it. So post your thoughts of the movie here, i want to see what othe rpeople think of it.

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Sounds fun! I plan to see it this weekend. Do not have time tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it - I enjoyed the first two movies, probably the second one more. I'm glad Storm finally gets a bit more "action" sequences. :)

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Only reason I'm going to see it is because of Beast :P




Dude, you're going to love it then.


This movie was AWESOME. I have a couple complaints but I don't want to share them because people try to pretend like they ruin the movie when they don't at all. It was seriously, an amazing movie, and a good ending. The Beast was... awesome. Storm was hotttttttt, and had some awesome action scenes. Bobby [Freeze Man] and Pyro had a sweet duel, and there were loads of new mutants with new powers, it was sweet as can be. Go see it, please.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I can't wait to see it. I loved the first two movies.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I really enjoyed the first two movies. Its been getting really good responses at Cannes too so it cant be that bad :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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I was quite disappointed with this one. Yes, the graphics and fight scenes were superb as always, I just thought it went terribly slow. I love the development of characters and plot, but I thought it was too much at this point (it's the third movie, those who see it will most likely have seen the other two). I thought this plot/character development inhibited room for more action scenes which could have had a much better effect on the audience.




However, it was not as predictable as I had thought it to be at first. There were a lot of twists and turns you did not see coming, so I did enjoy that aspect of it. All-in-all, it was an enjoyable movie but fell short when compared to the other two.


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Def not seeing it in theatres, even if someone paid for it. The first two are some of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'd seriously rather watch Daredevil or any other terrible super hero movie than X-men.




We'll you must be a pretty lonesome guy in your opinion, because enough people liked th eother two movies so much as to make them both some of the top grossing movies ever. I believe X2 actually has like it's first 4 days in the top 25 in box office money, with x-men not far behind.




Between X3, superman, and pirates of the caribean 2, thos will be your highest grossing movies of the year by far.

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Between X3, superman, and pirates of the caribean 2, thos will be your highest grossing movies of the year by far.




Don't forget The Da Vinci Code. But to the rest of your reply: how much money a movie makes has got NOTHING to do with it's quality.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Guest GhostRanger

I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed the other two I think. The movies themselves are nothing spectacular but they are very entertaining. This is probably my least favorite of the three, but I still found it entertaining.

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I saw it earlier today - it was alright. It was quite entertaining, the effects were quite cool and some parts of the plot surprised me alot (I've never read the comics so I had no clue).


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I just got home from seeing this and i must say, i enjoyed this tons. Well worth the $9AUD i paid.




Also, for those who havent seen it yet, stay after the credit have finished, there is an extra little tidbit at the end that you may or may not find interesting.

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I saw it last night. And I can say what looked like it was going to be a good movie was a terrible, terrible movie.




Everyone's performance was good, well except for the Juggernaut's. :x




If you enjoyed the comic books, the ending will piss you off eternally. If you've never read the comics, go. You might like it. If you're a fan, you'll be very very disappointed.

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Between X3, superman, and pirates of the caribean 2, thos will be your highest grossing movies of the year by far.




Don't forget The Da Vinci Code. But to the rest of your reply: how much money a movie makes has got NOTHING to do with it's quality.




Yea... Titanic... highst grossing film ever made.. $$$




great movie... and all, but if you just took out the imagry, and read or heard the script, you would think otherwise.

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I saw it last night. And I can say what looked like it was going to be a good movie was a terrible, terrible movie.




Everyone's performance was good, well except for the Juggernaut's. :x






I'm the juggernaut [bleep]! :P


(pretty sure that line was stolen from the internet)




I saw the first 2 but can't remember them at all..


Good movie though, I enjoyed it, too bad my friend had a dumb [wagon] kid sitting next to him who had already seen the movie and was just reciting all the lines and being a general douche bad.

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If you're a fan, you'll be very very disappointed.
Now that's what I've been worried about :-?


Might still go see it though.




Depends on which one is your favorite. :wink: As far as acting goes, it's good. The storyline though... sheesh... :(

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